Friday, July 5, 2024

In My Kitchen

I am joining Sherry at sherrys pickings for her monthly series In My Kitchen where people from all across the globe share what is going on in their kitchens.  

June is always the start to a busy time in my kitchen putting fruits and veggies up for the winter. I didn't grow much in the garden this year so I'm thankful for a nice local Farmer's Market to find all of our seasonal favorites.  The canning, freezing and dehydrating begins.

The best thing about Summer is all of the fresh produce.  I'm fortunate to live in an area where we have a pretty long growing season.

This company was at a fundraiser we attended and I chose this bag of double dipped chocolate covered peanuts.  They were so fresh and delicious I wish I had bought more than one.  Isn't that always the case?

While shopping I found this 'localish' white corn meal.  I used it in my recipe for cornbread and am very happy to have found it.  I will be buying this brand from now on.  

I typically make all of our sauces, including BBQ sauce, but I do like to have a jar on hand this time of year when I need to save time.  This is from the processing plant/store front where we buy a lot of our meat.  It has a smooth flavor that isn't too sweet and is delicious on grilled chicken.

I am a huge cheese fan so I was excited to try this when I saw it.  It's a cheddar and gruyere blend and it's very tasty.  

June was a bit warmer here than normal so I didn't want to do much baking but needed a sweet treat.  Banana pudding to the rescue.  You can find my recipe here.  It's such an easy and refreshing desert that is perfect for any season.  Culinary Adventures with Lori: 2019 Christmas thoughts

I have a rather large collection of cookbooks and I keep promising myself that I won't buy anymore but I am weak.  I love Recipe Tin Eats website and kept hearing about her cookbook Dinner so it kind of jumped in my arms when I saw it at the bookstore.  I've already cooked a few things out of it and have dozens of page markers with others to try.  It really is a great book.

Well, that is my look back at what went on in my kitchen in June.  Sherry, thank you for hosting.  It's always so much fun to see what is going on in everyone's kitchens.


  1. thanks for the cookbook brief testimonial ... I've ordered it from my library :)

    1. I think you'll enjoy it. There are SO many tasty looking desserts.

  2. You have a lot going on! Props for buying so much local. I try to buy local products when I can find them. I buy Lake Erie lettuce year round, which is so good! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to pick one berry this year, due to bad timing. At least my grandkids have. They’ve gone 5 times already!

    1. We are so lucky to have so many local farms and producers here. One thing my freezer is lacking this year is strawberries. They are available here in May and that is when TBG had his surgery, so I only had time to pick up a few pints and make jam. I'm glad to hear your grands have been. So much fun for kids.

  3. Your kitchen really does sound busy!
    best, mae at

    1. I love have things stocked for the winter. Grocery store veggies leave a lot to be desired.

  4. Those chocolate covered peanuts sure do sound good. I would probably eat the whole bag in one sitting though. Going to check out your dessert recipe now.

    1. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but these were so fresh and tasty.

  5. You like huge cheeses? What's the matter with the little ones?

  6. The chocolate looks and sounds yummy! I love white corn meal, especially for cooking fresh bass. However, it doesn't seem to be available anywhere recently in the PNW. I miss it greatly. Enjoy!

    1. This is the first time I've tried it and I love it.

  7. thanks so much for joining in Lori. Yes i think everyone loves Nagi's book. She has another coming out in october. I have many recipes i want to make from Dinner. Choc covered peanuts? I'm in :) I try to buy local too but it ain't always easy. But at least i don't buy cherries from the US etc. or any fruit and veg from overseas! cheers Sherry

    1. Thank you for hosting. I keep telling myself not to buy anymore cookbooks, but I've already seen three or four coming out this fall that I think I would love. I'm lucky to live in an area with a lot of farmers and producers.

  8. Ooohh a new website to devour AND a new recipe to check out. Thanks for that!

    1. There are SO many wonderful recipes to try on her website. Enjoy.

  9. All of those pics made me wish I had more counter space to try the things I want to do. Lots of fun stuff going on there!

    1. I don't have a huge kitchen but I've figured out how to make it work. The stainless steel prep table I found a couple of years ago makes a huge difference.

  10. Great post - included two of my most favorite things. Cheese and banana pudding. Not necessarily together (ha) but you know what I mean:) So yummy......

    1. Cheese and banana pudding are both high on my list too.

  11. That is a fabulous and very popular cookbook. I also have it but have yet to try much from it, although many pages are earmarked. Cookbooks are my Achilles heel. I love them.

    1. It IS a great cookbook. I want to try all of the recipes. I do love my collection of cookbooks.

  12. We are still learning about the Farmer's Markets in our area, as our garden is not up and running enough to feed all of us! I hope to can more as time goes by!

    1. I usually have a large garden, but this year there was a lot going on. Our farmers market is awesome. It's local farmers that I've gotten to know over the years.

  13. I am so happy the farmer's markets are full of produce again. Haven't seen local peaches here yet! Those chocolate covered peanuts sound good. I could never make banana pudding. I LOVE IT and would eat it all in one sitting.

    1. I am so thankful for our market since I didn't get to do a full garden this year. We're quite a bit south of you so peach season has started here. The peanuts were so fresh and the chocolate was perfect. We love banana pudding too which is why I only make it every now and then. lol

  14. I don't do any preserving or dehydrating but there is always something going on in my kitchen! Seems like there's always an event or other special thing to plan for. And I'm late to this post but now -- August 22nd -- it's almost Labor Day! We have a houseful for that holiday and also celebrate a birthday, so I need to come up with something plentiful and delicious! xoxo
