Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Throughout my life I was always involved in sports and was very dedicated to all around physical fitness.  Somewhere in my late 40's I slowly started to slack off.  I still walked and did a lot of physical work in the yard in the summer but that just wasn't enough. I'm just not as physically fit as I want to be.  I realized this in May when TBG had his surgery.  The first week while his arm was still in a sling, I had to help him get up and down and quickly realized I was using muscles I hadn't used in a number of years. Then while doing the shopping alone, I realized it wasn't as easy for me to load that 40pk of water into the cart either.  I've since added upper and lower body strength weights and exercises and have started stretching again while continuing the walking I've always done.  I can tell already that I'm a bit stronger and can lift more than I could back in May.  I'm not quite sure why I ever stopped but I'm happy I decided to get back into it.

Where I've been: Friday we went to breakfast and then stopped by the farmer's market. Peach season has started, and they are sweet and delicious.  

Where I'm going:  I have to work M-F which seems to be getting harder and harder.  Other than that, no plans yet.  

What I'm watching:  I really didn't watch much this week.

What I'm reading:  The Love Goddess' Cooking School by Melissa Senate. "Tender, charming, and seasoned with pinch of old-world magic."  This is the first book of hers that I have read, and I really enjoyed her writing style and the way her characters in the story come alive.  I give it a solid 9.

What I'm eating:
TBG saw this somewhere on TV or FB and wanted me to make it. 

I had my doubts that it would work well but I indulged him. It is a beef cheeseburger on two end slices of tomato instead of a bun.  He said it tasted pretty good but was a bit hard to keep it from falling apart.  (Go figure)  I had mine on a bun and zucchini chips for us both.
Beef chili with amazing cornbread
Chicken sandwich and 'fries'
Nathans hot dog with the works, potato salad and deviled eggs.  
TBG-chicken, me a steak with potato salad, eggs and tomato slices
Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic, butter bread sticks.
BIG salad

Who needs a good slap:  I got a text message yesterday saying they were with the state of Illinois, and they have photos of my vehicle going through a toll booth and to click to pay the 75.00 now.  There are so many scams going on now it's crazy, and I firmly believe anyone that takes advantage of people like this deserve 5 hard slaps.  No mater what situation you're in, ripping off people is wrong.  Figure out an honest way to make some money.

What's making me smile:  It was a nice, relaxing 4-day weekend.  I am glad that I checked the interstate report before we left Saturday because 3 exits from ours there was a bad accident with a semi hauling hazardous chemicals. Both North and South bound lanes were closed, and they were asking people to avoid travel because the back roads were filling up.   The fact that neither of us was really disappointed to stay home always makes me smile.  Home is where the heart is, right?

Stay safe and stay cool.  


  1. Since my osteoporosis diagnosis almost two years ago, I began using weights and doing things like lunges and squats. I do YouTube videos by two different PT’s so that I’m sure of the proper form. Honestly, I see muscles on my arms that I never had, but I do not feel any stronger. I would struggle lifting a 40 pack of water into my cart.

    1. That's odd that you don't really feel any stronger. I'm just doing 10 pound weights and I do feel stronger than a few months ago. Those cases of water are brutal though.

  2. Glad you are getting back to exercise. I wish I had the inclination to do so. Yard work is tough at times - but that is it. Good for you!

    1. My stamina is good but I found myself unable to lift things I used to so it was time to get my strength back. It's a slow process but I am feeling a bit stronger.

  3. Weights are wonderful, and the best part is they don't have to be heavy. I used to bench over 300 pounds when I was younger, but now I'm content to use dumbbells no heavier than a bowling ball. I do lots of reps and sets and my joints and muscles feel so much better.

    I hear a Brita pitcher is a lot lighter than a 40 pack of water. :-)

    1. I started with 5 pound now I'm up to 10 and probably won't go much higher. I just want my strength back. You're right on the water. We need to get a Brita. I hate seeing all of the bottles in the recycle bin.

  4. You know if these scammers put in even half the effort it takes to scam folks into an honest endeavor instead, they'd be wealthy and have a clear conscience to boot. 8-)

  5. I need to get back to weights too - to get rid of the bingo wings mainly. Maybe I'll rejoin the gym in September when it's cooler! Oh and I got a text message yesterday too from a Belgian number warning me that I'd better pay my speeding ticket soon or else. Firstly I doubt I ever actually HIT the speed limit, and secondly I haven't been to Belgium in years, well except for that time coming back from Amsterdam when I was on a bus!!!

    1. So the scammers are just a US thing. I feel bad for anyone that doesn't realize they are scams. Hopefully most people are aware now.

  6. Good for you adding exercise and getting back in shape. I need to do the same but just can't seem to get myself to do it. I can get that 40 pack of water in and out of the cart but carrying it into the house is a struggle.

    1. I really just want to improve my balance and strength so I can do things as long as possible. That water is heavy and I was able to get it in and out of the cart but I was struggling too.

  7. I am right there with you and the scammers. What a pain in the rear.

    1. I saw a FB post from a local group and I was among many in town that received that text.

  8. Hello! I realized today that I am not as strong as I was when I was lifting babies and toddlers all the time! After swimming and tubing yesterday, I am feeling it!! I should dust off the weights i just found in my closet. And yes. Home is always best.

    1. It's an odd feeling when you feel the burn from doing things that used to not hurt you isn't it?

  9. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend.

  10. Yeah, I'm learning the hard way now that I'm not in as good of shape as I thought I was. I'm working on changing that and as soon as I get this arm thing behind me I'm going to work even harder. The burger in tomato slices looks good but I can see how it's hard to keep together! Seems like more and more scammers lately! Stay cool!

    1. I'm going to keep working on it too. I want to grow older with strength and flexibility. It did look good and he said it tasted good but yes, after 3 bites it was hard to hold it together. You stay cool too and I hope everything goes well wit PT.

  11. Have you seen the pickle used to make a sandwich instead of a bun? They were falling apart, too.

    1. No I haven't. I'll have to check that out. I kind of knew this wouldn't work well but he wanted to try it. Knife and fork to the rescue.

  12. The only peaches we had were in tinned peaches in syrup. It remains hard for me to eat a proper one as they don't taster 'right'

    1. Oh no. Fresh only for me and not from a grocery store.

  13. I used to lift weights and do yoga until I developed TMJ and it is aggravated by lifting or pulling. Now I only walk. I'm not nearly as fit as I was. The sandwich is really a great idea! The scammers are really something. You don't know when it's legit and when it's not. If I get an email I always ignore it.

    1. I can see were weights would aggravate your TMJ but I'm surprised about yoga. Interesting. I really didn't realize how much strength I had lost until I had to use those muscles. It has been making me feel a lot better. The sandwich was good but a bit messy. Yes, we have to watch out for scammers, they aren't going to go away.

  14. Oh those scammers make me so mad! Yes we often prefer to stay home these days. We have invited people over for carport pizza next weekend and i'm already thinking to myself - why did i do it? :=)

    1. That sounds SO much like me. I want to be around others and do things, plan them and then start to wonder why did I do this??

  15. Ugh the scammers are getting harder and harder to spot.
    Good to hear you are feeling stronger..

  16. Home is certainly where the heart is for me, but we have several more trips before Audrey's wedding on 11/8, and then it's the holidays! It's been a busy year and like you said, we're almost to my beloved "ber" months! Good for you, getting a little extra in the way of exercise. xoxo

    1. Thank you Jenny. I can't believe the wedding is next month. Where does the time go? I can't wait to see all of the photos.
