Sunday, August 25, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Our house.  It's that time of year when I go through every cabinet, closet, drawer and room to get rid of anything we no longer use.  I'm noticing that a few items that I wasn't ready to part with last time are easier to get rid of now that almost a year has passed, and it still hasn't been used.  Any 'stuff' that isn't used or that one of us just truly loves, has no place here.  I'm a firm believer in the theory that just because you have room doesn't mean you need it.

Where I've been:  I was off Friday and went to Kroger, Farmers Market, Aldi and Kohls.  The joy of living in a small town is that all of this took less than two hours.  I remember one trip to Publix taking over an hour in SW Florida because of traffic and crowds.  I don't miss that at all!  I did pick up my September treat to welcome Fall.  As soon as Labor Day is over the pumpkin candy dish will be filled.

Where I'm going:  No plans which always makes me happy.

What I'm watching:  The days are getting shorter, and the bright green of the trees and grass have changed to a deeper dark green. Fall is coming.

What I'm reading:  A Fine Romance by Susan Branch.  I've had this book for a while and decided it would make a nice summer read.  I'm half-way through and it's been fun hearing about their trip and the places they visited.  

What I'm eating:

I made two jars of my favorite green sauce, and we've enjoyed it on so many different things this week. 

LO beef chili with green sauce and cheese roll up
LO meat sauce on elbow pasta (with green sauce) and salad
Chicken sausage with garlic roasted potatoes and salad
Lamb meatballs, rice and salad (the green sauce is amazing on lamb)
BBQ chicken, zucchini 'fries' and sliced tomatoes
BIG salad

For breakfast I made waffles and fruit today.  TBG now has six in the freezer to reheat for breakfast over the next couple of weeks.

Who needs a good slap:  I spent about 10 minutes trying to think of someone and came up with nothing.  Not that I couldn't have turned on the news and come up with hundreds in less than two minutes, but I try to keep it local and personal.  😊

What is making me smile:  Binx gets the smile again this week.  He's almost 2 1/2 years old now and has started to slow down a little.  He still plays and runs but he also takes a two or three hour nap every day which is new.  I was wondering if he may be bored and need a friend but then realized cats sleep 13-16 hours a day and he is still nowhere near that.  I think he is so close to the two of us and actually rarely is home alone, he is good.

I hope this last weekend of August is a good one for everyone!!  Happy Sunday.


  1. Binx is now an adult cat! They're still very capable of tearing down the hallway at breakneck speed, but they tend to do things at a more leisurely pace throughout the day.

    I'll forever miss the peanuts and candy corns mix. I'm glad I got to try them before I got my diagnosis last year.

    1. He had SO much more energy than any cat I've ever had that I forgot when he slowed down a little that it's perfectly normal. I really don't want another cat but would get one if he was lonely or bored. I think he's happy. Candy corn and peanuts is one 'cheat' I allow once a year. I know it's not good for us but I cut out something else while I enjoy it.

  2. Waffles!!!! Yes please! I agree about the space. When we talked to a friend about moving they said, " Then you'll have to go furniture shopping to fill the space up." We answered, "Nooooo!"

    Hubby and I are more than okay to have empty spaces. Pure bliss.

    1. The waffles hit the spot. I'm a bit of a minimalist and TBG is the same. I don't like a lot of 'stuff'.

    2. In 2016 I decluttered. It was a mass decluttering. Every single item I owned. For me, the term, a lot of stuff is relative. I have several tins of Annie Sloan Original Chalk Paint. I'm okay with that b/c the paint gets used. I have many, many comfy socks. All get used. It's do the items get used enough to earn a space in the house. If that makes sense. That's really all I care about. Are these items useful?

    3. You pretty much summed up my philosophy. It needs to be used and or loved for me to want it in the house. Useless or unused items need to go.

    4. Yes! Or loved. For example I have the fun cookie cutters that make me smile. They hang on the kitchen pegboard. I love seeing them there, even though they don't get used daily.

    5. Any thing that makes you smile should be a keeper.

  3. We filled a 3 ton dumpster when we moved and 2 years later there is nothing we got rid of that I miss(except the box of cookware lids that got left behind somehow).

    1. Sad that your cookware lids got left behind. I can see where they would be missed. This time through I'm seeing things that I thought about ditching last year but kept. Still haven't used, so time to say goodbye.

  4. I wish I could get myself to go through my house and start getting rid of things. I've tried so many times, get so far and then quit.
    Waffles sound good.

    1. The waffles were really good this morning. Try starting very small like a drawer or cabinet and then just do a little bit every day or two. I usually go through an entire room before moving on to the next. 15 minutes a day really adds up.

  5. It always feels good to get rid of 'crap' (as I like to call it). However, I'm always sad to see Fall coming our way. I like summer and everything it means, past and present.

    Yes, the news would give you plenty of people to slap!

    1. It does feel good to give the house a total refresh. I enjoy Summer but Fall and Winter are my favorites. I will miss the fresh veggies though. I avoid the news for my health. There is a lot of craziness going on in the world.

  6. One of my favorite fall candy/nut mixes - being a Pay Day lover, those always hit the spot.
    Bits sleeps a lot - but boy does he play while he is up! It is so much fun watching him. He can be a ball of energy.
    Your meals sound delish!

    1. One of my favorites too. It does taste just like a Pay Day doesn't it? My paternal Grandmother is the one that introduced me. She always had a large candy dish on the table filled with it this time of year. Ball's of energy is right. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Hi Lori! I'm with you on the cleaning out everything and getting rid of things we don't use. I don't like my space occupied with things I don't need. Fall is the perfect time to do that job! I love candy corn, but, this year, I will try it with nuts, yum! Your green sauce sounds so good, and I love that you can use it so many ways. I would love the recipe! Binx is adorable, I just love cats. Our little, Indy, sleeps most of the day, and wants to play at night. I'm trying to figure out how to change that ;0) It is beginning to look like fall here as well... I'm very ready for it, I love fall. See you next time! Hugs, Barb

    1. Hi Barb! I like cleaning out everything this time of year so the house is tidy and refreshed for hibernating during the winter. The recipe for the green sauce is in the post, just click the link. It is really good on a lot of things. TBG tells me that Binx is pretty crazy at night. I sleep through it. lol Have a great week!!

  8. I love that cat! And no candy corn until after Labor Day.

    1. He is something special! I do not open it until after Labor Day.

  9. I now want candy corn and waffles.

  10. I was just looking at some of my old posts and clicked on one of my old blog friends and saw a comment of yours…..Betty, who has the corgi. Have you heard from her? We followed each other for years. I tried to email her, but she never replied.i hope she’s okay and just decided to quit blogging.

    1. I haven't heard from Betty in a long time and have wondered how she is. We followed each other for years also and I've missed her posts and comments. If you do hear from her, let me know how she is.

  11. I like your system for decluttering! I'm very sporadic about decluttering but I really need to get on with it. In all honesty this house is too big for me but I absolutely love it here and my neighbours are great so I doubt I'll be moving anytime soon. Just need a kick up the backside to get moving!

    1. I try to go through everything twice a year. Even without bringing much new in the house, every year I seem to find something I'm finally ready to part with. I always declutter and clean room by room otherwise I find myself all over the place not getting much done. Just remember the saying "how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time".

  12. What a cute cat! It's going to be 36C here on the weekend. Oh my word! and it's still officially winter till sunday. Eek!

    1. He is a handful. That is a pretty high winter temperature. Stay cool.

  13. Such a good idea to designate time to de-clutter and get rid of!! I can relate to Florida traffic. I literally have to grocery shop on Sunday mornings or in the later evening or I sit in major traffic for 45 minutes to travel what should take 10 minutes. So frustrating. I am in Pennsylvania for the summer and no traffic and grocery shopping is frequent and a breeze! As usual, Bynx steals the show- so cute.

    1. HI Judee. I do not miss the Florida traffic at all. We lived maybe 10 minutes from a Publix but it always took 40-45 minutes to get there. I don't miss the heat either. Enjoy your time in Pennsylvania where you can at least get around quicker.

  14. Peanuts and candy corn looks like a great fall treat! I need to do some decluttering too as soon as I am fully healed.

  15. I love a lot of Halloween candy but I’ve never really taken to candy corn. I guess it’s really candy season, though — I love chocolate!

    Decluttering is impressive. I can’t even imagine how I would tackle the eaves closets in my attic, though I’m pretty good when it comes to clothes and kitchen stuff.

    Have a good September, and enjoy the candy.

    best, mae at

    1. I love the sweet, salty taste of the candy corn and peanuts. We downsized when we moved her 12 years ago and I'm thankful we did. I'm not getting any younger. Wishing you a wonderful September also.

  16. I'm so envious of your ambitious cabinet purge!

  17. I have the same motto. I don't have a particular time to do it but I am constantly getting rid of things. I have my kids do there rooms every summer. I have them empty it and only the things they need or love go back in.

    1. Teaching your children now to do this is a great thing to do. My Mom did the same. She taught me our society is too wrapped up in 'stuff' that isn't important.

  18. The fall candy! The waffles and fruit! You are talking my language, my friend! Hope you and TBG and Binx are doing well. xoxo
