I looked across the room and saw this sweet little creature staring at me. How can you not smile?
What's top of my mind: We're heading into the last week of February, and it was a pretty decent month. It was a lot colder, icier and snowy than our February's usually are but not unheard of and it looks like we're going into March with highs in the 40's and 50's so all of this snow should melt before we start the new month.
Where I've been: I did brave the super low temps and stopped by Kroger and Aldi to pick up a few items. We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings one afternoon with some friends. We hadn't been there in quite a few years, and it was a pretty good lunch. The place still looks good and was really clean. Food was pretty good too. Eating out is a big gamble these days which is why we don't do it often. After lunch the two of us went to Lowes to pick up a couple of things.
Where I'm going: No appointments or commitments which I love. It leaves the week wide open.
What I'm watching: Nothing noteworthy.
What I'm reading: I spent some time looking through 3 of my cookbooks, Jaimie Olivers Food Revolution, Dinner and Indian Flavor Every Day. We're going back to eating fish once or twice a week so I'm looking for new ideas. We went back to a subscription to Sea To Table and we're loving it. We ate a lot of seafood in Florida but moving here, our options were little to none. I love knowing exactly where our fish is coming from. It is so fresh and delicious. (No connection to the company, they just do have excellent seafood all from the US.)
What I'm listening to: My body. I don't know if I was coming down with something or just tired, but I slept a LOT. I feel great today, so it was obviously needed.
What's on top of my mind: I'm focusing on enjoying the last few days of February. In March I will crawl out of hibernation and begin my spring cleaning. It should be pretty easy since we've done a good job of keeping up with things around the house. Then I will start to get my gardens ready. We do still have one more raised bed to put together that didn't get done in the Fall.
Where I've been: No appointments or commitments outside of work so it was a good week. I had to drive over to our sister hospital to drop off something and decided to pick up TBG on the way and have him go with me so we could stop at Yellin Helen for a chicken salad sandwich and milkshake. Coldest day of the week but the milkshake hit the spot. I did venture into Walmart for the first time in a very long time. (Not a fan and probably won't go back anytime soon.) I just needed to stock up on a few household items. It's probably been a few years since I've had to buy batteries and got a bit of sticker shock. This morning, I ran to Kroger for a few veggies and fruit and gassed up the Jeep. We got a few inches of snow overnight, but the big snow is predicted for Tuesday into Wednesday with single digit temps so I'm glad it's done.
Where I'm going: I probably won't be going anywhere but work if the predicted weather hits like it is supposed to. Next weekend is the yearly Home and Garden show that we enjoy going to. I hope the weather is better by then.
What I'm watching: I watched Our Little Secret on Netfix. It was a cute movie. Then I watched 2 or 3 episodes of Apple Cider Vinegar. It's a brutal reminder not to believe everything you see on the Internet. I hope to finish the series today. It's like watching a train wreck and you can't turn away.
What I'm reading: Again, not much. But that's what sunny days on the patio are for.
What I'm eating: For lunch yesterday I was craving a good grilled cheese. I had bought a block of Murray's Quesadilla cheese for Super Bowl dishes and decided to try it on a grilled cheese along with a slice of Colby pepper jack. OMG it was perfect!
A few weeks ago I shared this recipe for homemade soy sauce on one of my posts. A number of you wanted to know how it turned out when I made it.
Last week I made a batch and followed the recipe. Obviously it is a very simple and straightforward recipe. I did a blind taste test on TBG who has a pretty good pallet and he had a hard time picking which one was the 'real' soy sauce. Then he did a blind taste test on me. I could tell the difference but it was very faint and not bad at all. In the future for me, I prefer a little bit less molasses.
I used the soy sauce on our salmon that night and after cooking I couldn't tell the difference at all.
The ingredients of regular soy sauce are...Soy sauce (sometimes called soya sauce in British English[1]) is a liquid condiment of Chinese origin, traditionally made from a fermented paste of soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds
For us, the taste difference was so minimal I think once my supply of soy sauce is gone I'll make this as a replacement.
Where I've been: I had my haircut this week and that always feels so relaxing to have done. I've been going to my hairdresser for a number of years and just love him to death. It's always good to catch up. We went for a number of walks this week now that all of the snow and ice is gone, and it was nice to be able to walk outside without getting wet or slipping around.
Where I'm going: I have a three-day weekend coming up next week, so I've been narrowing down plans for a day or overnight get away for us. A lot depends on the unpredictable weather.
What I'm watching: We watched The Color Purple yesterday. I actually had forgotten what a good movie it is that touches on every single human emotion. I also caught up on Southern Charm. Craig is the only one of the guys on that show that has really grown up.
What I'm reading: I had a lot of things going on and really didn't read much. My to be read pile is growing and I need to get busy even if just 30 minutes a day.
Where I've been: TBG had his cardiology appointment on Monday. They had the results of his ultrasound and improvement in his heart function has gone up but not as much as the doctor expected. The doctor wants him to have an MRI to rule out amyloidosis even though he doesn't have the top three indicators like carpal tunnel, tingling sensation in his limbs or a large tongue. (Yes, that is a symptom) He's been feeling great for a few months with plenty of energy, normal blood pressure, etc. but we'll go ahead with the tests to see what's going on. The rest of the week I didn't go anywhere but work and Kroger once.
Where I'm going: I have a much-needed hair cut scheduled for Friday and I can't wait. My hair grows so quickly, and I haven't had it trimmed since October I think. If the weather stays decent, I need to run the Jeep through the car wash again and I'll need to pick up a bit of fresh produce. We'll see where else the week takes me.
What I'm watching: I did catch up on the latest Southern Charm episodes but other than that I really didn't watch TV.
What I'm reading: Sadly, I didn't make time to read much this week.