What's on top of my mind: We're already into the second month of the year and looking over January, it was a pretty good month. The first three weeks I managed to have a good balance between getting a lot accomplished and doing things for fun and relaxation. This last week not so much. Work was exhausting and left me with little to no energy at the end of the day. I hardly ever take naps but yesterday I ended up taking a 2-hour nap and slept the same 8-9 hours I usually do at night. Hopefully I can get back to a more balanced day this week.
Where I've been: TBG had his cardiology appointment on Monday. They had the results of his ultrasound and improvement in his heart function has gone up but not as much as the doctor expected. The doctor wants him to have an MRI to rule out amyloidosis even though he doesn't have the top three indicators like carpal tunnel, tingling sensation in his limbs or a large tongue. (Yes, that is a symptom) He's been feeling great for a few months with plenty of energy, normal blood pressure, etc. but we'll go ahead with the tests to see what's going on. The rest of the week I didn't go anywhere but work and Kroger once.
Where I'm going: I have a much-needed hair cut scheduled for Friday and I can't wait. My hair grows so quickly, and I haven't had it trimmed since October I think. If the weather stays decent, I need to run the Jeep through the car wash again and I'll need to pick up a bit of fresh produce. We'll see where else the week takes me.
What I'm watching: I did catch up on the latest Southern Charm episodes but other than that I really didn't watch TV.
What I'm reading: Sadly, I didn't make time to read much this week.
What I'm eating:
Since I cleaned out all of the leftovers in the freezer except for two servings of stuffed shells and two servings of Brunswick stew I made a pot of beef and bean chili. We had that two times this week and now there are two servings of it in the freezer. It all will get eaten in the next week or two so that is good.
Individual lamb and potato pie with a salad-favorite meal of the week
BIG salad x 2
Fried chicken sandwich and coleslaw
Tonight, I'm roasting a chicken. I want coleslaw with it and possibly mashed potatoes. I'm not sure what I will turn the left-over chicken and broth into yet. Put there are a lot of possibilities, and I like that
Who needs a good slap: Even though it wasn't a great week, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head.
What is making me smile: I love a good candle and always have one burning this time of year. I picked up this one that smells so amazing. It doesn't have a wooden wick which is what I usually buy but so far, it's burning well.
I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Sunday doing whatever makes you happy!
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