Sunday, February 16, 2025

My Weekly W's

What's on top of my mind:  I'm focusing on enjoying the last few days of February.  In March I will crawl out of hibernation and begin my spring cleaning.  It should be pretty easy since we've done a good job of keeping up with things around the house.  Then I will start to get my gardens ready. We do still have one more raised bed to put together that didn't get done in the Fall.

Where I've been:  No appointments or commitments outside of work so it was a good week.  I had to drive over to our sister hospital to drop off something and decided to pick up TBG on the way and have him go with me so we could stop at Yellin Helen for a chicken salad sandwich and milkshake.  Coldest day of the week but the milkshake hit the spot. I did venture into Walmart for the first time in a very long time. (Not a fan and probably won't go back anytime soon.) I just needed to stock up on a few household items. It's probably been a few years since I've had to buy batteries and got a bit of sticker shock.  This morning, I ran to Kroger for a few veggies and fruit and gassed up the Jeep.  We got a few inches of snow overnight, but the big snow is predicted for Tuesday into Wednesday with single digit temps so I'm glad it's done.  

Where I'm going:  I probably won't be going anywhere but work if the predicted weather hits like it is supposed to.  Next weekend is the yearly Home and Garden show that we enjoy going to.  I hope the weather is better by then.

What I'm watching:  I watched Our Little Secret on Netfix.  It was a cute movie. Then I watched 2 or 3 episodes of Apple Cider Vinegar.  It's a brutal reminder not to believe everything you see on the Internet.  I hope to finish the series today.  It's like watching a train wreck and you can't turn away.

What I'm reading:  Again, not much.  But that's what sunny days on the patio are for.   

What I'm eating:  For lunch yesterday I was craving a good grilled cheese.  I had bought a block of Murray's Quesadilla cheese for Super Bowl dishes and decided to try it on a grilled cheese along with a slice of Colby pepper jack.  OMG it was perfect!

Dinners this week:
Chicken sausage and veggie pasta sauce over penne pasta with a salad
Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans
LO pasta reheated in the Ninja with a topping of parm and motz. salad and garlic bread
LO roasted chicken turned into honey mustard hot sandwiches on brioche buns with a salad
Steak for me, shrimp for TBG with salad and baked potatoes
Not very well plated but delicious.

LO chili with jalapeno poppers  (Quesadilla cheese for the win again.) 
Tonight, we're having pacific cod over rice and side dish to be determined.

Who needs a good slap: I spent 10 minutes thinking about this and couldn't come up with anyone so either I blocked it out or didn't come across anyone this week.

What is making me smile: Every single day that I wake up I smile.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.  For a majority of those in the US, stay warm, it's going to be a cold week.


  1. that grilled cheese sounds and looks yummy! About as creative as I ever get with grilled cheese is using a slice of American and a slice of swiss. DH likes me to add a slice of ham to his. I do have several cheeses left over from a dinner I made awhile back - I should try to use some of it on grilled cheese, I guess!

    1. I have a tried a lot of cheese combos. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. This was a winner.

  2. That sandwich reminds me of Tuesday! We just had our cold, windy, rainy weather and we'll get to dry out this week. It still might be too cold to drop Miku's top without a jacket, though.

  3. A good grilled cheese is so yummy. I like to make a milkshake from time to time - cold weather is OK for that treat.
    Your meals all sound good. I am so ready for Feb. to be done and over. Ready for spring.

    1. Grilled cheese sandwiches are a classic. The milkshake hit the spot.

  4. We are in the midst of a winter wallop here. I’m so over this winter. We were spoiled by having mild winters the past few years. I’m making a chicken zucchini casserole and egg roll in a bowl this week.

    1. In 19 winters living here we've never had so much winter before. They are predicting between 5 and 13 inches. ?? Leaving a lot of room for error on their part. YUM on your dinners this week, they both sound awesome.

  5. Your grilled cheese sounds yummy. As does a milkshake for that matter. LOL I am ready for winter to be over. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Wishing you a wonderful week also! They did both hit the spot.

  6. I just finished Apple Cider Vinegar and am recommending it to many of my friends especially those with daughters. Can't believe everything we see on the internet.

    1. Yes, especially young women and teen girls need to watch this movie. You cannot believe everything you see.

  7. I took a peek back at Netflix the other day (I cancelled when they doubled their prices) and saw Apple Cider Vinegar advertised. Nothing appeals right now but I may take a look at the trailer just in case!

    1. It was a very interesting if disturbing series. Really makes you remember not to believe everything you see or read on the internet.

  8. I haven't had a grilled cheese in a long time. Maybe that will be lunch today.
    Our temps here have been very low and it snowed all day yesterday. I'm craving sunshine and spring weather.

    1. We hadn't either that's why I was craving one. It was cold and rainy and just seemed like the perfect lunch. Hang in there, spring is coming.

  9. We are in the thick of winter. We had 5 inches of snow over two days and now the temperature is plummeting to below 0 at night! Hurry up Spring! I love a good grilled cheese sandwich!

    1. Same here and it is not usual for us. We have an artic blast and a lot of snow coming this week. Stay warm and fix yourself a good grilled cheese to warm you up.

  10. I miss getting my garden ready. I only grow herbs now since we come back to Pennsylvania mid June. I used to LOVE a grilled cheese sandwich before I stopped eating dairy. Yum. Thanks for sharing what you are watching. I'll give them a look! It's hard to believe that we are approaching the tail end of February already !

    1. I do enjoy gardening and the rewards from it. I can't believe it's almost March either! Where have the last two months gone? I feel like it was just Christmas and NY. The movie was funny and the series is a bit disturbing to realize it actually happened.

  11. I'm looking forward to being done with February!

  12. Your grilled cheese looks delish! I agree with you on enjoying the last of the cozy winter before starting on the spring cleaning. I am going to have my carpets cleaned in March but for now I am enjoying the last of winter. I love to curl up on the couch in the evening to watch a good show so I will have to give Apple Cider Vinegar a try. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. It really was good. Sometimes I mix different cheeses and they come out OK but this combo was a real winner. I always try to enjoy each season as it comes. Curling up on the couch and watching a good show is the best this time of year.

  13. Today was the first day I didn't delete my Burpee News Update. That means, to me, spring is coming. I am actually looking at my veggie garden, despite being buried deep in snow and planning out how I am going to arrange it this spring. YAY! Hubby finally realizes the importance of having a vegetable (and fruit) garden and he will be helping me this upcoming season. Here's to spring. And my Burpee seed catalog.

    1. Spring is getting closer so it's almost time to start thinking about gardening again. I love being able to go outside and get veggies and herbs that I've grown. There is nothing that tastes better than home grown.

  14. We finished ACV and some of it was true and some made up. Either way, you're right not to believe everything on the Internet. The thing is, she could have done could work without the lies. Or maybe she couldn't. I dunno really. Just seems like sometimes folks tell these lies to build a business and I just scratch my head.

    We finished Wednesday over the weekend as well. That show, I enjoyed. Interested in the next series.

    1. I was scratching my head too. I kept thinking through the entire series that she really could help people but she seemed focused on building a brand instead. She obviously had some serious issues. I need to finish Wednesday too. Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Did you see the other one, Inventing Anna? Just finished it today (been sick), so I finished that one today, crocheting from bed and watching on the laptop.

    3. I haven't seen that one but I'll check it out. I watched The Search for Instagrams Worst Con Artist yesterday that was more of a documentary on ACV and all she did and how she got caught. It was interesting.

  15. Hi Lori! Long time no see! I always love your, Weekly W 's posts! I don't go to, Walmart either, only if I absolutely have to. I need to watch, Apple Cider Vinegar. I always have such a hard time finding something good to watch. I can think of about 100 people that need a good slep! Hehehehe! Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

    1. Hi Barb!! I hope you're doing well. ACV was interesting to say the least. Slap away my friend!!

  16. I would give anything to have snow. Ain't happening here though. I'll get some come next Winter though after we leave this bleeping place. 8-)

    1. We lived in SW Florida for 20 years and I really missed the snow that's why I don't complain now. We don't usually get much but this year we've had a solid winter.

  17. I honestly don’t mind winter. I know that generally speaking January and February tend to be bleak months, but I tend to make the best of them by sowing seeds indoors, and thrill as I watch them break through the soil.

    1. I don't mind winter at all. I enjoy the slow months and hibernating a bit until March. Every season has its joys.
