Monday, May 13, 2024

Things That Make Me Smile

Thursday TBG has his surgery and so far everything seems to have gone well and I am SO thankful. Each day he is feeling a little better.  The shortness of breath is gone which is a relief. He still has 6 weeks of recovery, but I've been told it gets much better after the first two weeks.  Tomorrow we have to remove the dressing.  NOT looking forward to that.  Our friend said she would come and do it since I'm a big wuss I don't do well with that kind of thing.  I may take her up on it.

Friday night we were able to get this shot of the Northern Lights.  You could see some colors with the naked eye but using the phone to get a picture came out even better.

Sunday morning I opened the curtains around 5:30 am like I usually do for Binx to look outside.  I was a bit surprised to see three deer in our front yard.  They stayed there for about 35 minutes giving Binx an exciting morning.  The panther in him really wanted to get ahold of them.  There was one moment when they all saw him in the window, and I got a little nervous, but they didn't charge.  That would not have made me smile.


  1. Great that TBG is recovering well. He must be a good patient and following all guidance. I've never had deer in my yard - just the park and that was exciting.

    1. Thank you. He is a pretty good patient. Our backyard is fenced so luckily we don't get them in there. But they roam all around it. One year one had a baby right on the other side of our fence. That was so awesome to see.

  2. Six weeks is a long haul. Glad improvement should show in two weeks. We have too many deer here. They get into gardens. Sending well wishes.

    1. Thank you. He is doing better each day so I'm happy about that. Our little town has an abundance of deer too. Thankfully our backyard is fenced.

  3. Great news on TBG. I wouldn't be able to remove/change dressing. I'm a bit squeamish with things like that.
    What a cool surprise to see the deer in your front yard.

    1. Thank you Ann. My friend is going to do it and I am SO thankful. I'm too squeamish about things like that. Binx loved watching them so close. He's used to seeing them further away. Have a great day.

  4. So happy to hear hubs is doing well. Time will pass quickly. Too many lights here to see the pretty sky. That is neat.
    Wow, how cool on the deer. Kitty TV at it's best!

    1. Thank you Cheryl. Yes time does pass quickly. Binx loved seeing them so close.

  5. That is great news! Thanks for letting us know. I’m squeamish about any sort of blood/fluids, so I understand. I’ll never get over that my oldest always wanted to be a nurse (and is).

    1. Thank you!! I am the same regarding blood/fluids. I am SO thankful my friend is going to do it. I was really stressing myself out about it. Have a great week.

  6. Good to hear TBG's surgery went well. That northern lights photo is beautiful.

  7. So glad everything went well for TBG. How cool to see three deer in your yard!

  8. Happy to hear TBG is doing well. Wishing BOTH of you an easy recovery period.
    I stood outside for a while (like an idiot) looking toward the northern sky and could see nothing, even after taking pictures. My son lives in a suburb north of us and he got some nice pictures

    1. Thank you. The first three or four days were exhausting but it's getting easier for us both. Sorry you didn't get to see the lights.

  9. All the best to your hubby. How lovely to see wildlife out your window! We have possums and pythons here :)

    1. Thank you Sherry! I'll take the deer over possums and pythons. :)

  10. Hi Lori, I'm finally catching up on blogs. I'm glad hubby is doing better! I'm squeamish with those things too. I was not able to see the northern lights from here. Your photo is lovely : )

    1. Thank you. Sorry you didn't get to see the lights.

  11. I'm glad to hear TBG is doing well, and I'm sure Binx was highly entertained by his new friends.

    1. Thank you. Binx was SO excited to watch them.

  12. I'm happy to hear that TBG's surgery went well & he is improving. Praying for a speedy recovery for him. That Northern lights pic is gorgeous. I'm so upset I missed it (I knew about it, but then forgot to check). I love deer. I call them all They visit here regularly. I can just picture Binx being all worked up over Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Hugs

    1. Thank you. We have deer all over but they rarely come in the front yard. Binx finds everything outside the windows fascinating. He's like a little old nosey neighbor watching everything. Hope you're doing well!!

  13. I am mad-jealous of both the lights and the cat.

    1. The lights were spectacular and the cat is pretty cool too.

  14. Your picture of the lights is spectacular.

  15. Hello, my friend. Glad to her your guy is on the mend! That id a blessing. And the lights. I cannot believe how truly beautiful they are. I hope you have a cozy evening.

  16. Hi Billie Jo!! Thank you, it is an answered prayer. The lights were very pretty. Enjoy the weekend my friend.

  17. Awwwww, Binx and the deer! How precious! xoxo
