Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Week

It was a much-appreciated calm week here. Monday TBG had his follow up with his cardiologist and it couldn't have gone better.  He is 90% healed and all restrictions have been lifted with the exception of nothing strenuous with the left arm for 4 more weeks to insure the three leads heal well.  When we had our first consultation TBG asked the doctor if he would have a bad scar and the doctor replied no, I do beautiful scars.  We removed the outer bandages after four days like we were supposed to but left the square covering of sterile strips on.  When the doctor removed them, he laughed and said "See, a beautiful scar." It is a very small, clean lined scar so TBG was happy.

The work week was good, and I've continued to run errands and do housework in the afternoons, so my weekends are free.  I think that makes a HUGE difference.  It is nice to have the freedom to do whatever I want on my two days off.

We watched Mother of the Bride on Netflix with Brook Sheilds.  We both thought it was a pretty cute movie. Ciao House started a new season, and it looks like they have some really creative chefs on this year so we'll continue to watch it.  

Yesterday was my Birthday and I spent it with family. I love my brother and TBG but they really should just say Happy Birthday instead of singing the entire song.  😂😂We went to Yellin Helens for lunch and enjoyed their delicious chicken salad sandwiches and ice cream.  Last night I made steak, shrimp, baked potatoes and salad. Of course, we finished the night with wine and cake. Thankfully, my brother didn't light it up like he did on my 50th.  It probably would have set off the smoke detector.  It was a lovely birthday and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Someone sent me this on Facebook and it hit home.

Grocery prices are CraZy high but nothing here like they are in Alaska.  I follow someone on FB and this was the receipt she posted.  Our nephew lives in Hawaii and he has told us it's about the same there. 

What we ate this week...

BIG salad x2
Roasted chicken, pesto pasta and salad
Chicken and veggie pizza from left over Naan in the freezer.  It was delicious.

Pinto beans and rice with spicy chicken sausage.
Last night I made macaroni salad for today and tomorrow.  If you didn't know, I was probably 54 years old before I ever tried macaroni salad and I love it.  Dear Spo sent me a recipe a few years ago and it is my go-to because it is SO delicious.  

Tonight, we're having beef cheeseburgers with all the trimmings, macaroni salad and coleslaw.  Tomorrow for the holiday we are having a BBQ. 

Happy Memorial Day to all in the US.  Remember some gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  If you're in the line of bad storms today like we are, I hope you stay safe.  


  1. So glad TBG is not only doing well, but has a pretty scar!
    Belated Happy Birthday to you.
    Thank you for posting the receipt from Alaska. It makes me realize even though I am paying much more than I ever have for groceries, it could be much worse.

    1. Thank you Anne. Things are looking up here. I've heard how bad things were in Alaska and Hawaii, but I was shocked when I saw the actual prices of things on the receipt. When I saw it I felt the same as you. It could be much worse.

  2. So very happy TBG got such good news. That is wonderful. Happy, happy birthday to you!!!! Sounds like a great week to celebrate life!
    Glad you were 'treated' for your birthday - that is nice.
    Your meals sound so yummy.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. Prayers were answered. It was a good week to celebrate. We have so much to be thankful for. Yes, the two of them singing was a real 'treat' for sure. lol Wishing you a wonderful week as well.

  3. Great new on TBG. That's too funny about his doctor saying he does beautiful scars.
    Happy belated birthday to you. So glad you had a good day.
    That pizza looks absolutely delicious. Holy smokes on that receipt. Those prices are insane.

    1. Thank you Ann. The doctor was serious about his suturing for sure. It was funny. He's such a serious guy, he caught me off guard especially when he was so proud to show off the scar. Pizza on naan is one of my favorites. Can you imagine those prices? I don't know how people are making it. Enjoy your Sunday.

  4. I'm pleased to read the progress of TBG. Those prices are eye watering. I won't complain about things here.

    1. Thank you! Can you imagine trying to feed a family with those prices? My heart goes out to people who can't afford to leave a state but also can't afford to live there.

    2. I can't imagine buying canned soup, broth, beans in the first place so this person has opportunity to save a small fortune. The eggs price is really shocking!

  5. Your birthday !!! If I knew I would have added to the good morning meme some proper salutations. May these next twelve months be splendid ones.

  6. I agree with Elle, those Alaska prices are horrendous, but homemade soup etc costs pennies. I'm sure they have their reasons though. Oh and a belated happy birthday (loved that meme)!

  7. First of all Happy Birthday. Sounds like you enjoyed your celebration with your family. Yes, we notice prices are sky high for groceries. A pound of grapes runs about $6 in Florida...CRAZY...

    1. Thank you! Yes, everything has gone up.

    2. The above comment was from Judee at Gluten Free A-Z - I forgot to sign in.

    3. Judee. I have been having a hard time posting on your blog. I've commented a few times and it doesn't appear. I

  8. Happy Birthday!!! I'm also thrilled that TBG is already doing well after his procedure. Groceries are too high for my taste, but I still refuse to shop at Food 4 Less.

    1. Thank you!! Things are expensive but I'll save other ways than scrimping on food. I hope you have a good week.

  9. Happy Birthday!!!! Your birthday sounds wonderful! And your cake? Delicious!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. It is a delicious cake.

  10. Happy Birthday! Our birthdays are only a week apart. I’m gladTBG is doing better. That’s the best present!

    1. Thank you Bijoux!! Happy Birthday to you also. How cool that we are a week apart. Yes, him being on the mend is the best gift ever. Enjoy your week and your Birthday!!

  11. Happy Birthday! I'm glad TBG is doing so well Grocery shopping is ridiculous anymore! I'm glad it's not as bad as Hawaii though!

    1. Thank you Jeanette. It is crazy isn't it?

  12. Hi Lori~ Happy late birthday, and great report on TBG! I'm glad he didn't have a horrible scar, I worry about those things too ;0) That grocery bill is flabbergasting!! I can't even imagine paying 9.00 for a can of soup, let alone 5.00 for a can of beans. I love macaroni salad, I would love the recipe. I don't really have a recipe, except in my head. Your menu always sounds so good, I always get some great ideas from you. Stay safe! It will be good when the weather settles down. Today it was 84 degrees, tomorrow we are having 50 MPH winds and it will only be about 69 degrees. Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

    1. Thank you Barb. He was worried about a scar and it is very minimal. The doctor did a great job. The prices are crazy but thankfully not that crazy here. I will post the recipe for the macaroni salad. It is a good one. I've enjoyed it the last three days. lol The weather has been odd here too. One day very hot then storms then cooler. Back and forth. Stay safe and have a great week.

  13. Birthday is something nice... and I love birthday cake and candles are a must.
    I wish you all the best... a little late but from the bottom of my heart.
    And I love good food.
    A cheerful greeting comes to you from Viola
    Ohh, unfortunately grocery shopping has also become expensive here.

    1. Thank you SO much!! Birthday cake must have at least one candle. Everything has become so very expensive. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  14. A belated but no less sincere happy birthday, Lori! I'm glad it was a nice day for you and that no one set your cake on fire, hahaha! Grocery prices are bad enough without having to deal with what's on that receipt! Mercy! And I am so thankful that TBG is all better, and so grateful that he had a doctor who takes pride in leaving beautiful scars! That is a blessing. xoxo

    1. Hi Jenny. Thank you so much. Prices are crazy all over but even more so in certain areas. I know some may say why don't they move? That isn't always an option due to family, finances, jobs. It's not easy now for so many people. TBG is doing really well and yes, the doctor is a keeper. If you knew his gruff personality the fact that he made a pretty scar is even funnier. Take care my friend.

  15. I love that poster! So true. I feel about a hundred some days :)

    1. I don't feel too bad but I don't feel 21.
