
Sunday, May 5, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: May is such a pretty month here.  Everything is blooming and growing.  It does seem like it's hotter than normal, so we didn't get much of an air out the house season.  Last night we had a nice thunderstorm.  Nothing serious, just lots of wind and rain bringing in a bit of cooler air which I always welcome.  I garden by the Farmer's Almanac moon calendar so next weekend are the best days for May and I am ready to get all of my summer veggies and herbs in.  I bought enough seeds to fill the front porch planters with Marigolds.  I love how the red, yellow and orange flowers add so much color.  

Where I've been:  TBG and I went out to breakfast yesterday and ran a few errands.  Other than that, I was either at work or at home all week.  I love it when there are no commitments.

Where I'm going:  I'm working M-W and Thursday TBG is having his surgery.  I don't think we'll be going anywhere.

What I'm watching:  We've been watching Master Chef Junior and as always, I am just amazed at some of these children.  Some are as young as 8 years old.  It's fascinating to see such knowledge and creativity from such young kids.

What I'm reading:  I think I'll be reading Gone With the Wind for a while.  It's a LONG book. 😏

What I'm eating:  

BIG salad x 2 
Lamb meatballs, rice and naan
Chicken sausage, peppers and onions, pinto beans and rice with cornbread
Chicken, roasted garlic and parmesan alfredo with a small salad.  I added a cube of pesto from the freezer and it turned out to be the best dish of the week.
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans.

This is something I want to make this week. Doesn't it sound delicious?

Who needs a good slap:  The maintenance department at work.  I heard on Monday that certain areas of the hospital would be without power for 6 hours on Tuesday and that if you were in one of those areas the manager would be notified.  I wasn't notified so I didn't think about it until the housekeeper came in and confirmed that this office would be one of the areas.  I immediately emailed the man in charge of the project to confirm who never responded before the lights went off at 8am.  I give 3 slaps.  The department that is responsible for seeing 90 percent of the patients in the hospital should have been notified.

What's making me smile:  The power outage was to install solar panels.  That is something that will save the hospital a lot of money so that is a good thing.

If you don't hear from me for a while, don't worry.  I don't know how much computer time I will get over the next few weeks with TBG's surgery. The recovery time is up to 6 weeks. I just pray that everything goes smoothly and that he recovers quickly.  It's been a stressful 5 months for him.  He's had so many appointments and tests and then dental work on top of it all.  It's been a lot for someone that has never been sick.  We'll be glad to have this done so that hopefully things can start to get back to normal for us.

Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!! 


  1. Sending lots and lots of good healing wishes to you guys during and after surgery. Also, you made me laught on the who needs to be slapped. I give three slaps. Omg. You are funny. I also love marigolds.

    1. Thank you SO much!! 3 slaps indeed. You realize quickly how much you need your computer at work. I couldn't really do much of anything. Marigolds are a cheerful flower to me. I love the colors. I hope you're feeling better!

    2. They are cheerful for sure. Yes, I agree. We have computers at work that they aren't fixing and it makes work tough. Thanks. Still sick though able to work and move around so I'll take it!

  2. sorry about the double comment. My screen jumped on me and I hit enter twice by accident.

    1. No problem. Blogger acts up quite a bit.

    2. Thanks. Yes, it really does. That blogger drives me batty some days.

  3. I hope everything goes well for TBG and yourself. Hang in there.

    1. Thank you so much. It's been a stressful journey the last few months.

  4. Many prayers for TBG and for a good surgery and recovery. Prayers for you both, as I know you will be worried and taking on more.
    "Do not be afraid". Wise words.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. It's been difficult and I know we're not over the hurdle yet so I appreciate your prayers.

  5. Ding dongs! Now there's a blast from the past.

  6. Sending good healing thoughts to TBG, and make sure you get rest too.

  7. I saw that cake recipe on Pinterest. Coffee is very good in chocolate cake, so I bet it’s delicious. I will say a prayer for you both. I know it’s stressful for both of you. Sending a big hug❣️

    1. The other chocolate cake I make has coffee too so I knew we would like this one. Thank you for the prayers and the big hug. We need them.

  8. Fingers crossed that the Big Guy's surgery goes quickly and smoothly. You will both be so relieved when it's over!

  9. I can only imagine how stressful all the appointments have been. I'm sending good thoughts that the surgery and recovery go quickly.
    I'm picturing the flower boxes filled with marigolds. I did that one year on my deck. I've always loved the look of them.

    1. It's really been hard because he's never been sick and had to deal with all of this kind of stuff. Thanks for the good thoughts. We could use them. I do love marigolds too.

  10. Forgot to say, that ding dong cake looks so good.

    1. Doesn't it? I can't wait to have time to make it.

  11. Good luck to TBG. I hope all goes well with his surgery and recovery! Gosh, that cake looks so good!

    1. Thank you Jeanette. It does, doesn't it?

  12. Wishing a smooth surgery for TBG and a quick recovery.
    The kids and I binged on Master Chef Junior during Covid. I was/am in awe of those brilliant kids.

    1. Thank you! This season of MCJ had four 8 year olds. They just blow my mind.

  13. I hope all goes well with TBG's surgery (and for you afterwards)
    I am so glad my oven is not working right now. Hopefully I can forget about that cake once it is repaired.

    1. Thank you Anne. I'm a bit worried about the afterwards myself. He, like most men, do not make a very pleasant patient. No oven? I'll let you know how the cake turns out.

  14. Hi Lori~ I will be thinking and sending good vibes and prayers for TBG and you on Thursday, and also for a quick and good recovery. It was funny that you said that cooler air was always welcome, as I am always wishing for a heat wave... It's soooo cold here! Send some of that heat my way please ;0) I love a slow week with no commitments, and the whole month of May is nothing but. I'm really looking forward to the slower months to come. I haven't watched, Master Chef, but it sounds like something I would love, I'll have to watch it. Your menu, as always, looks delicious, and that cake sounds delicious! Let us know how it was! Have a good week, and again, good luck to TBG. Gentle hugs, Barb

    1. Thank you Barb. I'm praying for a quick recovery too. I wish I could send the hot, humid weather to you. It's a bit cooler today but storms are predicted today and tomorrow so who knows what it will feel like. Master Chef Junior is a really good one to watch. The kids are just amazing!! I will let you know how the cake is when I get it made. I hope you have a good week.

  15. Wow I can't wait to find out how making that cake goes and how it tastes! Looks really really good. Yes the surgery and recovery time will be arduous but you and TBG have one another and you will sail right through it! I can't imagine your frustration with the nitwits at work! AAARRGGHHH! xoxo

    1. I'm excited to try the cake. We do have each other and that is a blessing by itself. At 8am on the dot the power went out. Who does that at a hospital on a Tuesday morning?? And, without warning for some of us. I'm all for the solar panels but why couldn't they have done that on a weekend when more than half of us aren't here??? Hugs my friend!!

  16. A few years back, the place I work scheduled manadatory "workshops" for everyone, in groups of about 20 or so. They didn't say what it was about. But the whole thing turned out to be "please answer your emails, phone messages, and be helpful to people." Weird that stuff like that needs to be said, but ... clearly it does!

  17. Exactly. No one had to ever tell me to do my job and be helpful. I noticed a downward trend when the majority of people there have bosses in other states. I don't think accountability is a thing anymore at all.

  18. oh yes that ding dong cake looks the business. Hope your hubby is feeling better.

    1. I'm going to try it this weekend. It does look delicious. Every day seems to be a bit better for him.
