Sunday, February 9, 2025

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  February was always my favorite month when we lived in Florida. It was always the best weather of the year with low humidity and tons of sunshine. The Thomas Edison Celebration was a month of fun events like the block party downtown, the amazing art/craft show and then the night parade was always such a great time. I think we need to take a two-week vacation next February to visit our old stomping grounds and see if it's still as great as it used to be.Edison Festival of Light

Where I've been:  I had my haircut this week and that always feels so relaxing to have done.  I've been going to my hairdresser for a number of years and just love him to death.  It's always good to catch up.  We went for a number of walks this week now that all of the snow and ice is gone, and it was nice to be able to walk outside without getting wet or slipping around.  

Where I'm going:  I have a three-day weekend coming up next week, so I've been narrowing down plans for a day or overnight get away for us.  A lot depends on the unpredictable weather.

What I'm watching:  We watched The Color Purple yesterday.  I actually had forgotten what a good movie it is that touches on every single human emotion. I also caught up on Southern Charm.  Craig is the only one of the guys on that show that has really grown up.

What I'm reading:  I had a lot of things going on and really didn't read much.  My to be read pile is growing and I need to get busy even if just 30 minutes a day.

What I'm eating:
Beef tips, mashed potatoes and spicy coleslaw
BIG salad with garlic, cheese biscuits
Chicken sausage with peppers and onions, coleslaw and cheesy potato cakes
LO Beef tips with peppers and onions, rice and cheese rollup
Lamb burgers and 'fries'
BIG salad
Lamb and potato pies with a salad.  -These are a favorite for us both. Just half a pound of ground meat with potatoes and spices and you get four pies.  Very economical and delicious.

Who needs a good slap: People lacking in common sense and critical thinking skills. Our local Sheriff is an amazing leader and works tirelessly on improving our community.  He spent months of his personal time forming a Citizen Action Plan in the event of a weather disaster or other events that might impact our community, specifically those in very rural, remote areas.  There were two or three people at the meeting that just could not grasp this concept.  There have been so many devastating events in the last few years how can anyone be against being prepared and ready in the event that it happens here?  I just can't wrap my head around the lack of common sense. I myself feel relief to be living in an area where our local elected officials are planning and preparing to help our community. 

What's making me smile:  I had a few apples that needed to be used so made a pie.  Apple pie and ice cream is a favorite of TBG's so seeing him enjoying it brought a smile.  That is a small saucer so not as big of a piece as it looks. 😀

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.  I'm looking forward to the super bowl food later today.  I don't really watch the game much, but TBG would be thrilled if the Eagles won so...  Go Eagles!!


  1. All of your eats sounds good. I love that you also made pie! I did banana chocolate chip yesterday using two kinds of chocolate and oh my yum. So fun to be in the kitchen.

    I'm with you, I'd rather be prepped for stuff too. Crazy to think someone wouldn't want to be prepared. I dunno. Weird.

    Happy rest of your Sunday.

    1. Thank you Ivy. It is fun to spend extra time in the kitchen. I was in there a lot this weekend. It's especially important to have a plan for those that are so remote and easily cut off from services. I just don't get it sometimes.

  2. There seems to be a lack of common sense in our country all around. ;-)

  3. I agree that people without common sense needs a good slap. There seems to be more and more lately. Your pie looks good.

    1. Thank you Rachel. Yes, common sense no longer seems common.

  4. A nice pie, a haircut, a long weekend and a good movie. Sounds like a good time!
    Meanwhile slap away!

    1. It's the little things that keep me happy. The haircut was long over do.

  5. I’ve loved Craig since Day 1! I’m so happy you’ve been able to get outside. I walked with my neighbor on Monday, but then we had an ice storm on Thursday and another one last night, so I won’t be out any time soon 😡

    I’ve been making a lot of chicken sausage dishes thanks to the great chicken sausages sold at Aldi.

    1. Craig was always my favorite of the guys too. It's so good to see he has matured so much while Austin continues to be childish.
      We're supposed to get a few rounds of winter weather this week too so probably won't get out for many walks.
      We love chicken sausage too. It gives so many options for dinner. Have a great week my friend.

  6. Common sense - not a flower that grows in everyone's garden it seems!
    Your meals sound very tasty.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. Yes, common sense is not so common now.

  7. Replies
    1. Not TBG's favorite team but he picked them over KC.

  8. There is one in every crowd that has to be against something.
    Beef tips sound so good. I haven't had those in a long time.
    I'm overdue for a haircut.

    1. It does seem that is true. We hadn't had them in a long time either and they were really good. I was overdue too, so it was nice to get it done.

  9. I think we were all happy the Eagles won. And we are no fans of the Eagles. I didn't watch.. but everyone at the party complained about it being such a boring one sided game. I'm just glad football season is over and I don't have to hear about it for a few months.

    1. TBG isn't a big Eagles fan but he didn't want KC to win. I didn't watch either but enjoyed the food.

  10. That pie looks delicious! I did better with reading last week.

    1. Thank you. I was so busy last week it didn't happen. I need to just take the time.

  11. I think I gained a couple of pounds just looking at those photos! I agree there's a lack of common sense and decency going around lately and it's no fun.

  12. I am jealous of the Florida weather right now! Sometimes people just want to be argumentized without realizing what they are really arguing about! That apple pie and ice cream look so good! I go to a super bowl party every year for the food only! I never watch the game but I'm happy for TBG that the Eagles won!

    1. I don't miss May thru October in SW Florida but I did always love February. lol It's been a long time since I made a pie and it was so good. The super bowl food is the only thing I'm interested in too. TBG was happy!!

  13. Yum, that apple pie is very tempting.

  14. I can assure the weather is still glorious in February here in Florida (smile). I live in North Florida and we had quite a treat a couple of weeks ago, with a real snowfall. We Floridians can handle hurricanes but, snow, everything shut down. We had absolutely no infrastructure to deal with ice and snow. We had snow soils on the ground for days. Crazy!

    1. Crazy is right. Snow in Florida is not the norm is it? February is a beautiful month there and in SW Florida filled with fun activities. I don't miss the heat or the crowds or the traffic but I do miss that wonderful month.
