Sunday, March 16, 2025

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: How quickly things change in nature.  Thursday afternoon we walked out to the back of our yard to check on the gardens.  While we were out there, I noticed that the Forsythia had maybe a dozen yellow leaves already.  Just 24 hours later and that huge bush was in full bloom.  How does that happen so quicky?  The tulip tree has a lot of buds as well, so I expect to see them blooming in a day or too.  Nature is amazing.

Where I've been: I went to Macy's in search of a new pair of shoes and found a pair that I love and are comfortable which isn't always easy to find.  Filling up the Jeep and picking up a few things from Kroger were the extent of my outings this week other than work.

Where I'm going: Other than work I have no idea where we may end up. Luckily, I have no appointments or commitments which usually makes for a great week.

What I'm watching: We watched I Thought My Husbands Wife was Dead on Lifetime.  It was a comedy/drama that we really enjoyed.  It had twists and turns that neither of us saw coming.  

What I'm reading: I just started Care and Feeding, A memoir by Laurie Woolever. She spent four years working for Mario Batal and nine years with Anthony Bourdain which should be interesting.
What I'm eating:
Thai inspired chicken, veg, rice bowl

Beef tips, portabella mushroom over egg noodles

Fried chicken sandwich with ranch, lettuce and red onions, 'fries'
LO Beef chili with garlic, gouda biscuits

BIG salad x2
Coho salmon, rice, asparagus

Who needs a good slap:  Our local'ish' news channel.  They have let go of all of their local meteorologists and are now using recorded reporting from The Weather Channel in Atlanta which leaves our area in a dangerous spot.  I know back in 2004 when hurricane Charlie was approaching, they had all said for days that it was going to Tampa. Two hours before landfall our local weather man was reporting that our local weather doppler was beginning to pick up the bands and it was turning towards us which gave us a little time to me prepared for a direct hit instead of one going well north of us.
What is making me smile: TBG makes me smile and laugh every single day.  For that I am thankful.

I hope everyone is well and safe from the crazy weather lately.  Enjoy your Sunday!!


  1. I’m not sure what major city you are close to, but it seems really strange to not have local meteorologists reporting the weather.

    1. Our news comes out of Carterville which is 45 minutes south of us. The closest large cities are St. Louis and Louisville and neither report much on our area at all. It's one of the downfalls of living in a rural area I guess.

  2. What good is a weather report from the weather channel. That would not make me happy at all. I want to know what is happening right here. What a crazy thing to do.

    1. It is crazy. Everyone around here is pretty ticked off.

  3. We had a horrible hail storm on Sat. at about 5 am. Too dark to see the size of the hail but it had to be big. It was heading straight for Anne in the Kitchen but they got just a little rain. Tylertown in MS got hit with 2 twister so it could have been much worse. ;-)

    1. A few areas around here had two inch size hail. I'm glad neither of you had any damage. This time of year is always scary.

  4. That bush sounds like the block wall I have lining the front sidewalk, except it was full of weeds! I had fun pulling those with needle nose pliers this afternoon.

    1. Weeds are such a pain. I swear the more you pull them the more they grow.

  5. That's so sad about those meteorologists. Nobody knows the local area better than those that live locally! It's madness!

    1. It really is ridiculous. Friday night we had a bad storm and they didn't even pronounce most of the towns names correctly. Then the two got testy with each other because one kept talking about SE Missouri while we had a tornado here locally. The other told him, let's focus on Illinois right now.

  6. Everything looks so yummy. Spring sure does bring a lot of quick changes. The world coming back to life.

    1. Thank you Cheryl.
      I couldn't believe how that bush bloomed basically overnight.

  7. Aww that last one about TBG making you smile..

  8. All of your food pictures look so good! It does seem like things bloom overnight! That's nice what you said about TBG.

  9. Finding comfortable shoes is a blessing. I live in Danskos.
