Sunday, March 9, 2025

My Weekly W's


What's top of my mind:  I started practicing Gumdo again and I am enjoying it so much.  Gumdo is a sword based Korean martial art.  I used to practice three or four times a week but let life get in the way.  My sword has been sitting in a corner of our bedroom looking sad and I realized I need to get back into it.  Not only is it a wonderful total upper body workout but when you are practicing, it is almost like meditation which makes it a double benefit.  I've only just started back this week so I'm rusty, but I am definitely going to keep at it.  I asked TBG if he thought I could be ready for a tournament when I turn 60 and he said of course and seemed pretty excited about it. Not sure I want to but it is something to really think about.

Where I've been:  We made it to the Herb and Garden show Friday and had a good time.  The lecture from Mike at Mari-Manns was really informative.  I picked up a few of their spice mixes (they are still 1.29 like they've been for probably 35 years) that I love and of course some cheese from the Mennonite booth.  They make amazing cheese.

Where I'm going:  I'm off tomorrow and I really need to get the Jeep washed.  I just washed it Wednesday, but we had 'dirty rain' on Friday, and it is a horrible mess.  I've actually never seen it this bad before.  Here is the local news.  Apparently, it happened in a lot of states. 'Dirty rain' fell across St. Louis, here's why  

What I'm watching:  With Love Meghan on Netflix.  I'm not really a fan of hers but I did enjoy the 3 or 4 episodes I watched.  Her one pot pasta did look really good.  I also watched the latest series of Southern Charm.

What I'm reading:  A lot of articles on alternative medicine and a few of my herb books to start planning my new herb garden. I think this hard winter killed my rosemary bush but luckily, I rooted some and have had it growing since November to replace it.

What I'm listening to:  Spring is obviously on its way because the birds and the frogs that I hear every morning are back.  Walking into work is like a nature symphony every morning.

What I'm eating: 
BIG salad
Taco bowl over rice with a cheese roll up
LO soul southing chicken soup and garlic biscuits
Chicken and Fettuccini Alfredo with a salad
Pizza (beef, mushrooms, green peppers, onion) and salad

Northwest Petrole Sole with a baked potato and asparagus This was my first time making or eating this type of fish and it was delicious.  I'll post how I cooked it one day this week.
I have beef stew cooking in the crockpot for dinner tonight.

Who needs a good slap: Our health care system.  It really frustrates me that Internal Medicine physicians are taught little to nothing about nutrition and zero about alternative medicine.  I can't help but think since the US government became so involved with the health care system and big pharma that there isn't a connection. 

What is making me smile:  Planning a few road trips for the Summer.  I don't like to travel anymore like I used to but I'm still a big fan of weekend road trips.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead! 


  1. Again, you made a fish I’ve never even heard of! I could go on and on about our medical system. Doctors have never received more than three days training in nutrition. I managed to get into a ‘discussion’ with an MD on TikTok who claimed that RFK Jr. was wrong about the medical community ignoring diet and exercise. I’m how old and I’ve never once been asked anything more than if I eat fruits and vegetables, despite having been diagnosed with multiple conditions affected by diet. Same with exercise. Being asked a generic ‘Do you exercise?’ at a physical is a joke.

    1. I could go on and on too Bijoux. It's so frustrating. I've had many conversations with doctors I've worked with and they have all told me they receive little to no education on nutrition. Nutrition and natural remedies are such a big part of health yet they were never told that. When TBG started his heart issues he was asked if he smoked or drank but never about his diet or exercise. I'm sorry you've dealt with it too. It just makes my head hurt.

  2. I have a chronic disease that few drs. known anything about, let alone know how to treat it. And diet can have a driving force in it's treatment(plus meds)for many people afflicted with this. They system is set up to make us sick and enrich the medical community and big Pharma. Almost every doc I've dealt with has a pill for you as an answer to whatever ails you.
    Just look at the "food pyramid" scam and that will tell you everything you need to know about what a farce some areas of medical training are.

  3. You week sounds lovely. Glad you made the herb & garden show. How wonderful on the packets still being so cheap.
    Your meals sound delish, I haven't heard of that particular fish.
    I think we should all be taught more about nutrition and natural healing - starting in school!
    Have a great week.

  4. Hello, my friend. I love your image and the quote with it! And I agree. Your meals sound delicious, and I am going to steal the taco roll up idea, k? And the Health Care System??? Oh Heavens! Don't get me started. When I took the kids to their well child checkups, I would have to refrain from eye rolling when they asked them the questions...Do you feel safe in your home? Do you ever see anyone doing drugs in your home??? What the heck?!?!?! Ugh! Well, that's all I got! Have a cozy evening!

  5. I have never heard of Gumdo before. Sounds interesting.
    My car is filthy and needs to go through a carwash badly. Not to mention the inside needs to be vacuumed too.
