Sunday, May 1, 2022

My Weekly W's

Happy May!!  I can't believe we are entering the fifth month of 2022.  It seems like I was just enjoying my winter hibernation. The weather has been gorgeous this past week.  I even sat outside reading a couple of days.  This week is filled with rain chances but it is what is as my Mom always says.

What's top of my mind: Living in the moment and paying attention to all of the joys big and small.  I'm pretty good at this but I need to be better.  Sometimes my mind looks to the future instead of the moment.  I'm as prepared for the future as I can be and no one knows what the future will bring anyway so I want to enjoy right now because honestly that is all we have.

Where I've been: Other than work and home the only place I went this week was the library.  I was happy to see the stairway was opened back up because that 100 plus year old elevator is scary.

Where I'm going: I've taken quite a few 3 and 4 day weekends lately and this week I'm working M-F.  So we'll see how I feel by Friday.  Next weekend we'll need to run errands but other than that I'll be home.

What I'm watching: We have been watching Master Chef Kids and it is just amazing what some of these kids can do in the kitchen.

What I'm reading: Finding Betty Crocker by Susan Marks.  It's amazing to me that all the way back to the early 1900's corporations were a large part of directing the course of American culture.

What I'm listening to: Nothing much.  I'm still enjoying the quiet as much as I can.

What I'm eating: 
Left over egg rolls from the freezer and rice

Steak, baked potato and salad

Big Salad x 2
Chicken sandwich, oven fries and cabbage slaw

Pizza with spicy chicken sausage, red onion, pepper and mushroom.  SO good.

Who needs a good slap: The neighbor that lives behind us.  They have two dogs and he was out picking up the poo before he mowed.  I was standing at my kitchen sink doing dishes and saw him pick up quite a bit and chuck it over the fence into his next door neighbors yard.  NOT cool at all.  I'm just thankful there is 6 feet between his back fence and ours because it would get ugly if I caught him throwing it in our yard.  I always knew he was shady and this confirmed it.

What I'm planning: I've decided on Louisville Kentucky for my Birthday get away.  I love it there and we always have a good time each time we go.  

What's making me smile: Wednesday was Administrative Assistant Day and I was given a lovely card and two beautiful flower arrangements from the group.  They really do show their appreciation often and I'm very lucky to work with such an amazing group of people.  They shield me from most of the BS with administration and corporate and for that I am thankful.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a productive week. 


  1. Your neighbor is a major asshat! I like the taking more ,3 and 4 day weekends. I think, and sounds really uncaring, I'll do that next year with more intention rather than donate vacation hours because if the problems I had.

    1. I had suspected he was and now it has been confirmed. I don't think taking time off is uncaring but necessary. We have to have more of a work life balance. US employees are some of the most over worked compared to the time off most other countries provide.

  2. Beautiful flower arrangements! So nice when they appreciate the work you do and show it not only on administrative professional day but other times during the year! What a terrible neighbor. Really, if he is going through the process of picking it up, why can't he just put it in a bag on his side of the yard and properly dispose of it? That would not sit well with me either. That is nice taking the 3 or 4 day weekends and getting some needed rest and relaxation. Your birthday adventure to Louisville sounds like fun. Hope you blog about it (hint hint). It is nice being outside reading, lol. We do the same here on the weekends. Of course in a few months it will be a little bit warm to do it in the afternoons, but now the weather is just perfect for doing so. Glad your weather is improving day by day! Hope the week ahead is a good one!


    1. Yes the group I work for tells me often that they appreciate what I do. It is nice. I was shocked when I saw him dump it over the fence. Why would anyone do that? That neighbor doesn't have a dog he's going to figure it out. Louisville is a nice place and I'm sure it will find it's way to the blog. This time of year is perfect. I hope it stays Spring a bit longer for you. Have a great week Betty!!

  3. Lovely that you know where you are going, for your Birthday. Now, don't tell anything, before you go. Please. Save it all, till you are back.<---"Worried Ol' Nana" here. >,-)

    That book sounds interesting. When looking it up, I found "How The Other Half Ate" which also sounds interesting.

    Appreciation shown!!!! So happy for you.


    1. I will fill you in when we return. The book is interesting and infuriating at the same time. I'll have to check out How The Other Half sounds good too.
      Appreciation is always nice isn't it.
      Have a great week!!

  4. For some time now Blogger hasn't allowed me to comment or sign in. Today I fixed the problem, I hope. I enjoy your Ws. I know where Betty Crocker is - she emails regularly and I recently had to tell her to lay off.

    1. I've been having trouble posting on your blog also. Hope it's fixed for us both. Reading some of Betty Crocker's responses to housewives puts her on the who needs a good slap list.

  5. That neighbor deserves to have everyone's dog in the neighborhood do their business in his yard. What a jerk!

    I miss taking long weekends. I hope to take one myself around my birthday.

    1. They bought the house in 2020 and we have large back yards so we haven't really talked just a hello but I had a feeling he was shady. When I saw him do that, I knew I was right.
      Yes long weekends are a necessity for me. You need to take one.

  6. Neighbors! We are actually putting up a fence! Your food looks delicious! And pretty, pretty flowers too!

    1. You'll love having a fence. Fences make good neighbors.

  7. Awww your flowers are so beautiful! I am always amazed at the discipline with which you plan and eat your meals. They are so balanced and in control. See, those oven fries? I would eat lots more, haahaaha! I too always enjoy being quiet at home. xoxo

    1. Thank you Jenny. It's really just a rough idea of what we have instead of a true plan but it works for me.

  8. May 4th
    I posted a question, today...
    🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸 💗 🌸

  9. Thought I left a comment, but don't see it here! So, I will try again! We are putting a fence up this summer. I cannot wait!

    1. Some people have been having trouble with blogger comments. We have a 6 foot fence around our back yard and I LOVE it.

  10. Your neighbor is a jerk! I would be furious if he did that in my yard! Good looking food and beautiful flowers! I used to get flowers every year too! Nice to feel appreciated!

    1. It is nice to feel appreciated isn't it? Yes he is a jerk. I'm glad he can't get it over our fence.
