Monday, May 30, 2022

It's a beautiful morning

It is a beautiful early morning here today so I snapped a few pictures from the patio area of our back yard. I'm still in my PJ's so the flowers in the front will be another post.  Neighbors don't need to see me right now.  

This is my 4 year old rosemary that we planted in the ground last spring.  She survived her first winter and seems to be doing pretty well.  

These beauties were about 6 inches tall last summer.  They came back with a vengeance.

This is my new lavender plant.  I can't wait for it to spread its wings and grow.

Betty, these are the chairs that I bought from Target.  They are very sturdy and very comfortable because of the thick padding.  They lay almost all the way back.

I have a few things to do around the house today and  I need a mani, pedi before the work week starts tomorrow.   I'm making Spo's macaroni salad, coleslaw, deviled eggs and grilled chicken wings and kabobs for dinner today.

I hope you all have a great week and are enjoying good weather wherever you are.


  1. Beautiful flowers and nice chairs to sit in to admire them.

  2. Those chairs are as *beautiful* as the flowers!!!!!

    💟Celebrate ~ Honor ~ Remember💟

  3. Oh, Lori, those chairs look so comfy! I am going to have to see if our local Target carries them! I can imagine sitting/lying in them reading on the back patio! Thanks for the picture of them! I love your plants that you shared here! I bet the rosemary and lavender smell really good! Sounds like you have a nice relaxful day ahead with delicious food to end it with! Can you share the recipe for the macaroni salad? Enjoy the day!


    1. They are comfy with good support. I ordered them online from Target. They were free shipping. I noticed that alot of their lawn furniture was 'online only' so you may want to check online first.
      The day has been good but I went to turn on my washing machine and no bueno. So tomorrow we'll be calling a repair man. grrr. It could be much worse though. Enjoy your day!!

  4. I love the flowers and the chairs. I slept in, so I'm quite happy right now. The only thing I need to do today is buy food for the next few days.

    1. Thank you. Sleeping in is always good. I hope you have a wonderful day! I've been thinking about your carne asada steak. Yum.

  5. Your chairs are perfect for sitting and looking at all those beautiful plants.Is it the kind of rosemary you can cook with?

    1. Thank you. Yes the rosemary is cooked with. I use it fresh and later in the summer I will cut quiet a bit to dry for the winter.

  6. All your plants look great and those chairs do look comfy!

  7. Actually, deviled eggs sound so good, and we have a plethora of eggs, so no excuse here.

    1. I love deviled eggs. No shortage of eggs here either.

  8. I love lavender! Beautiful! Have a good week, my friend!

  9. Ugh I am so jealous of people like you who are good at growing things! I just do not have that gift. I'd love to learn. Your new chairs are great. xoxo

    1. As long as you give a plant good soil, good sunlight and a bit of fertilizer from time to time they should do well on their own. My biggest battle is squirrels and groundhogs.
