Sunday, November 6, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: Fall cleaning.  The last couple of weeks I've gone through every closet, drawer, cabinet, pantry, etc.  Two large boxes of 'stuff' have been taken to Good Will and I'll be starting another box today.  I give it another week or two and this year's Fall cleaning will be done just in time for snuggling up for the winter.

Where I've been: I went to have my hair cut on Thursday. I had him take a good four inches off, so I'm set for a while.   I picked up a few groceries on Friday and met with a friend for lunch on Saturday.  

Where I'm going:  Tuesday I'm taking Binx to the vet to be neutered. He is finally starting to slow down a little bit and even take a nap during the day.  This little guy just has SO much energy.  The last two weeks have seen a huge improvement on the biting so that is wonderful.  He wasn't biting out of aggression or over stimulation but wanting constant attention. I learned to just walk away and not give him any attention or eye contact for about 10 minutes and it seems to have worked.   We're planning on a Saturday Road trip also which I'm looking forward to.

What I'm watching:  I noticed a lot of Christmas movies are already on but I refuse to indulge until the day after Thanksgiving.  I did watch Home for the Holidays which is an old favorite of mine that shows how Thanksgiving is for one family.  Hilarious.

What I'm listening to: Friday night into midday Saturday was cool, rainy and WINDY.  The wind seemed to be roaring yesterday. Today it's nice and calm outside and I can hear the birds chirping away.

What I'm reading: I finished From Scratch and really enjoyed the book.  It gave me all the feels.  I started the Netflix series last night and the book is SO much better which is almost always the case.  I'm starting a new to me online book club and the book this month is Miss Cecily's Recipes for Exceptional Ladies so I will be starting that after it arrives Monday.  I'm looking forward to it.

What I'm eating: 

Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and asparagus with Texas Toast.
Hatch chili and cheddar cheese chicken sausage with pinto beans and rice. This was SO good.
Bucatini pasta with portabella, veggie sauce with a salad.
Pizza and salad

Chicken Tikka Masala, rice and naan
BIG salad and Texas Toast
For Texas Toast, I use a slice of my regular white bread and just add butter, granulated garlic and a pinch of salt since I use unsalted butter.  Toast it in the Ninja and it is just delicious.  This bread freezes well so it's easy to just pull out a slice when needed.  This week we ate the whole loaf, so none made it to the freezer.

Who needs a good slap: The local sheriff's race has been pretty ugly.  I give a slap to the current good old boy in office.  He needs to go.  He came to our house last weekend, and I didn't open the door.  I figured it was nicer than opening it and telling him I would never vote for him.  

What I'm planning: Lists and lists for the holidays and planning out a couple of road trips.  Our favorite restaurant has a new menu after spending time in Italy and we have to get there soon.  It looks delicious.

What's making me smile: The big guy has a student that makes all kinds of T-shirts, cups, etc.  She has now added painting on shoes.  He told me about them and asked what I would put on mine.  I said a big bright cupcake.  Well, he ordered them and surprised me with them, and they are SO cute.  It makes me smile to see the younger generation being creative and a smile to the big guy for surprising me.

That's all I have this week.  I have a couple of recipes to try out and share here next week.  How are things with you?  Stay safe everyone!!


  1. Those are very cute and happy shoes. What’s an online book club? The book title sounds cute, too. I made a new recipe that turned out well. It was a quinoa salad with roasted sweet potatoes, apples, red onion, and toasted pecans. Have fun on your road trip!

    1. The shoes are perfect for Saturday morning errands.
      I found this I think it will be fun.
      That new recipe sounds so good. I love the ingredients so I'm sure it's delicious. Have a great Sunday Bijoux!

  2. I love the shoes! So cute! I usually do my fall cleaning when my husband goes deer hunting because it gives me a few uninterrupted days to do it!

    1. I really like them too. The big guy will be out of town the weekend before Thanksgiving so I'm wanting most done before then so I can do a final deep clean with him gone. Love him, but it is easier when you have the house to yourself.

  3. Oh those painted shoes are precious!!!!!! what a delightful occupation for a young person. :-)

    Election Day! Oh mercy! I want to vote and then forget all about it. -sigh- Our lovely city has become a mecca for the Rich and Woke, and it is scary!!!!! So, vote and forget.

    It's also our 64th Wedding Ann. and the Full Moon!!!!!!!!

    All in one day.




    1. The girl that did the shoes is in high school and does this as a way to make extra money. Happy Anniversary!! 64 years is wonderful and look at the full moon as a good sign. She's coming out to SHINE for your Anniversary. :-)

  4. Those are adorable shoes! I can bet they would a hit with the "young" crowd too! I'm reading your menu when I am hungry and trying to hold out for lunch (2 hours away lol). It all sounds so good!! When I get my hair cut (usually twice yearly) I like to get a good part cut off so I don't have to go again for a bit, lol :) Poor Binx with being neutered, though I know it is a good thing! Will he have to wear "the cone of shame?" or are cats good about not playing with their stitches? (I know nothing about cats lol). I was over at my son's/DIL's the past 2 evenings since my DIL was out of town for a bridal get away weekend (she is in a wedding next month) and son works Friday and Saturday nights at the restaurant he works at. My 17 year old step granddaughter can watch our grandson, but to give her a break I try to go over and spend time with grandson, staying until son comes home from work. Last night as I was driving home around midnight, the street I turned down, there was a house already decorated for Christmas with lights, inflatables, etc. A little too early for me!

    Have a good week ahead, Lori!!


    1. The girl that did the shoes is in high school so I'm sure she has a lot of customers.
      I only get my hair done two or three times a year for the same reason.
      It's been 17 years since I've had a kitten neutered but I don't remember a cone or anything and I don't remember any of our cats having problems.
      That's so sweet of you to spend the time with your grandson giving granddaughter a break. I'm sure she appreciated it.
      It is TOO early for me to enjoy anything Christmas. Time goes so fast it will be here in a blink so no reason to rush it. Day after Thanksgiving it is full Christmas mode for me.
      Wishing you a great week also Betty!

  5. I too won't touch anything "C" until after Thanksgiving.
    Good for the Big Guy for doing that

  6. Your "What I'm eating" always makes me hungry. It all sounds so good.
    Love the shoes. How cute and fun.

    1. Thanks Ann. They are a bit of fun to wear. We could all use more fun.

  7. A good fun pair of shoes is smile worthy.

  8. Fun shoes! The student has talent and I think a mind for business as well. The cleaning out never seems to get done and stay that way. Typically when I pack for a trip I clean out and organize the drawers and closet as I'm deciding what to pack, but it just doesn't stay organized. Your pizza and that loaf of bread look wonderful. Sadly we have too many people running for office that I want to slap. I sure hope they don't get elected. Some aren't in my area. Herschel Walker comes to mind, J.D. Vance is another, then Doctor Oz...and the list is too long.

    1. I try to go through everything every six months because as you said it doesn't stay tidy.
      Yes, the list of politicians to slap is very LONG!!

  9. I love the shoes, too. I'm glad Binx has calmed down a little bit.

    I agree, politics has become a bloodsport where in some races no one wins. I can't wait for Wednesday morning to arrive, no matter the outcome.

    1. Yes I am glad he's calmer too. Every kitten I've ever had slept a lot after playing and I've never had a biter so it's been a learning curve.
      It is a bloodsport and I just don't get it. Hope you're doing well!

  10. Cute shoes, I can't wait to vote and hope to get some of these jerks out of office.

    1. I don't have much faith in any of the candidates to make much change.

  11. The book is always better. Those shoes are too cute!

    1. I finished the series and it was good but yes, the book is always better.

  12. Love those shoes!!! And your pizza looks delicious! Have a cozy evening, my friend!!!

    1. I love making Friday night pizza this time of year! Comfort food after a long work week.

  13. Haahaha not making eye contact with Binx ... that made me laugh. My daughter Stephanie had to do that with Shiloh when he was alive, or he would never leave her alone! It was so funny to see him trying to get her to look at him! Your cupcake shoes are so cute! xoxo

    1. Seriously when Binx sees me looking at him he wants all of my attention. I'm glad to hear someone knows exactly what I'm talking about because it sounds crazy but it's true. lol

  14. Those shoes are adorable! Your bread looks amazing too. I'll bet it smells as good as it looks! ♥

    1. There is no better smell than bread baking in the oven to me. lol

  15. love the shoes with the cupcakes- so fun. Nothing like the great feeling of a clean closet and getting rid of stuff. I need a haircut but I've been putting it off cause I'm always afraid he will chop off too much or I won't like it. Give me Christmas movies before Thanksgiving- I'm good with them. Is Home for the holidays on Netflix? Have a great week.

    1. Yes, getting rid of stuff is such a good feeling. I'm pretty minimalistic but it's amazing what still accumulates. Home for the Holidays should be on Netflix. It's a cute movie. Enjoy your Saturday in sunny Florida.
