
Sunday, November 13, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  My mind is a bit all over the place today.  Work is brutal. The US is a mess. The big guy's truck has been in the shop for 5 weeks waiting on a part and while I know I have it better than a number of people it's still draining and taking up a lot more of my patience to get through the day than it should.

Where I've been: Tuesday I took Binx to the vet for neuter day. Wednesday, I had lunch with a friend and Friday, we picked up things we needed from a couple stores. 

Where I'm going: I'm thankful I have no appointments and nowhere I really have to go this week other than work.  

What I'm watching: We watched this week's British Bake-Off episode.  For some reason, this season hasn't seemed as interesting as usual.  I also broke my own rule and watched The Holiday.  I figure there is only so many days between now and Christmas so I should get a few movies I love in when I can.  I also had fun yesterday watching Binx see snow for the first time.  He was mesmerized by it.

What I'm reading: Miss Cecily's Recipes for Exceptional Ladies.  I'm a little over halfway through it and it has been a really nice story so far.  I love the character, Cecily.

What I'm listening to: Peace and quiet as much as I can.

What I'm eating:

Leftovers from the freezer: Pinto beans, spicy chicken sausage and rice with naan
Leftover beef strips from Sunday turned into BBQ beef on buns with chips and dip
Honey maple chicken, baked potato and asparagus
BIG salad, Texas toast
Stuffed shells, salad and garlic knots
Steak for me, wings for the big guy with sweet potato and green beans
Yesterday I made banana pudding.  Homemade pudding is just SO good.

Who needs a good slap:  Tuesday I dropped Binx off at 7:45am and was told I could pick him up between 3:30 and 4.  When I showed up at 4 they told me everything went well and gave me the instructions.  They told me they would meet me at the back door with Binx. He couldn't hold his head up and was flopping around in his cage.  I took him back in and asked what was going on.  The vet checked him out and told me they got behind and he was the last one neutered around 2 and he was still coming out of the anesthesia.  It was 7pm before he could even walk a straight line.  I give one slap because even though she seems to be a very caring vet I never expected this.  We've had numerous cats over the years, and I've never picked one up in this condition.  Thankfully he has completely recovered and is back to his old self, but it was a stressful 4 hours for us both that I wasn't prepared for.

What I'm planning: Working on Thanksgiving and Christmas lists today.

What's making me smile: Friday we went to Kroger and I realized as I was checking out that I had forgotten to get milk.  I asked the big guy to take the groceries to the Jeep while I went back to get it.  I left him with my purse and took my wallet.  When he drove up to pick me up, I didn't see my purse and asked him where it was.  The look on his face told me he had no idea.  I went and looked at the cart drop off and no purse.  I went into the customer service line and patiently waited 10 minutes.  When it was my turn, I asked if someone had turned in a brown purse and she lifted it up from the counter below her.  I was SO thankful.  Whoever found it and took it back in to the store gave me a huge smile and the hope that maybe there is a bit of hope for humanity.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and that you're all doing well.


  1. That is kind of horrible about Binx.

    1. It was! I was able to keep him safe and just sat with him for hours. It was not something I've encountered before.

  2. I suppose it's how we look at things, but I'm a tiny bit reassured sanity might return to the US, but only tiny bit optimistic. I can relate to work being so bad. I'm sorry. We work to have a life- not the other way. Your meals always sound tasty.

    1. Sorry you've been dealing with work situations as well. From what I'm hearing so many people are dealing with stress at work and no, it shouldn't have to be that way. I usually don't stress about any of it but sometimes it's a bit much.

  3. Hello, my friend. I am sorry about your little Binx. I know he was comforted by you. The country? I can't even think about it. It's honestly like a bad dream, one I thought we would be free of but according to last Tuesday, the majority of us think everything is great. Time for me to hibernate and pretend I live over where the Great British Bake Off is! We are also watching, and think they are a bit too lenient on the remaining woman. So glad your purse was found!!!! Take care and have a cozy week.

    1. Thankfully Binx has done well since and I'm sure he doesn't remember a thing. But I do. Between Covid, the economy, shortages, etc. the last three years have been a challenge. Yes, we also thought they were being lenient on her. They said one bakers weren't tidy enough and then said hers were great which to me were not tidy at all. I am so glad someone turned in my purse. I had my wallet but my phone and keys were in it so that would have been a mess to replace. PSA... ladies don't leave your purses with your husbands. You have a great week also Billie Jo.

  4. Poor Binx and you! That would be hard to see him like that after his neutering experience! When Winslow got neutered, there was a time that my husband was told to pick him up. They called earlier and asked him to come and get Winslow because he was definitely ready to come home (lol). Great too about your purse being turned in. A similar thing happened with my DIL's purse a few years ago at Wal-Mart. She left it in the cart. It had been turned in with all the money still in it. Such a blessing indeed! I was disappointed with aspects of the election, but because of my faith I came to the conclusion (eventually) that I did my part. I prayed about it, studied the candidates and went to vote biblically. I'll do the next part of praying and just trusting God in whatever his purpose and plan for this country. And try to be restful and not stressful about it :) Delicious food as always you cook and eat!


    1. My best friend is a vet so I called her and she told me it would be ok and calmed me down. I am SO happy that some wonderful person turned it in. I didn't want to have to replace my keys, phone and badge. I do pray and I'm happy to say that most of my prayers are thanking Him for our blessings. It's not really even the politics, it's just the last three years have just been hard in so many ways. Have a great week Betty!

    2. Betty...did you make your blog private?

  5. That sounds like a stressful week, between your poor cat and then the missing purse. I’m glad all is resolved with good endings.

    1. When things happen, I always try to remind myself that this is minor in the grand scheme of things but yes, when it was one thing after another after another, this week tried me.

  6. "The US is a mess."

    And Liberal Democrats, were still voted in to power.



    Are people somehow oblivious to the condition of our Country?

    And to themselves?


    1. When I said the US is a mess it was not a political statement. It was more about the stress of daily life with shortages, price increases on everything, people being divided and hateful.

    2. But someone has to be to blame for a rotten economy. That is just the way a Republic works.


  7. I hate those types of weeks where it's just one thing after another. Hope things get better.
    Sorry to hear about Binx. Glad he's doing good now though.
    That is the second good news story I've heard recently. One of the guys I work with said his wife was at an event and forgot her wedding rings in the restroom when she was washing her hands. Luckily someone had turned them in and she got them back.

    1. Thanks Ann. I usually can roll with the punches pretty well but when it's one thing after another after another I get drained.
      That is awesome news that someone turned in her wedding rings. It's things like this that give me hope that all is not lost in this world.

  8. I'm sorry to hear you had a stressful week, and also what happened to Binx. I'm trying to remember what happened to Ricky, my male Tonkinese mix, and he was definitely a little groggy for a bit after he got neutered.

    I hope this week goes better.

  9. Wow great save on the purse. God bless the honest. Our pets are operated on in our homes most of the time out west. So having a cat or a dog loopy is nothing here but normal. I am sure your Vet knew that as Binx came out from under ether he was better off with you that with them. I am sorry you were scared. I guess we were always warned what they would be like and to not let them out of the house for at least 24 hours. We are required to set up a sterile field in a bathroom and sometimes assist. But it is so much less expensive and less trauma for the animal.

    1. I was so thankful someone turned in my purse. Replacing my phone and keys would have been a headache. Not to mention, I really like this purse. lol

  10. I hope you and The Binx have a quieter week this week.

  11. That was not cool for the vet to do that. I'm glad Binx is ok though. Always thankful for honest people.

    1. Not cool at all. I've had a number of cats neutered and never had one sent home like this before. He is doing well so I'm thankful for that and to whoever turned in my purse.

  12. Aww, poor Binx. I'm glad he's doing better. You can invite me for dinner & dessert anytime Lori :) Your food always looks so delicious!

  13. Oh dear ... the purse thing made you smile? Haaahahaha sorry but I would have been most annoyed with the Big Guy ... but I'm glad that you weren't, haha! How wonderful that somebody had turned it in! That same thing happened to Erica and it was at our Kroger ... except she had left her iPad in the front of the cart! Someone turned it in. She is such a scatterbrain! And I once dropped my expensive sunglasses in TJ Maxx and did not realize it until I went to leave the store and put them on. Someone had turned them in. I'm glad that most people are more than decent. Sorry for Binx's ordeal. I would have been livid. xoxo

    1. It made me smile that someone turned it in. Honestly the Big Guy was SO stressed about loosing my purse I just couldn't pounce on him. It does make you feel good that most people are caring. Yes, I was very unhappy with the situation with Binx. He was sent home way to early and I wasn't prepared for it. I'm just glad it's done and he's OK.
