
Sunday, April 7, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Yesterday was TBG and I's 34th wedding anniversary and we celebrated with family at our favorite restaurant.  After 3 pretty cold and windy days the weather couldn't have been more perfect.  The sun was out, it was perfectly warm (60's) and not a cloud in the sky.  Everything was delicious and the conversations and time together were exactly what I needed.  The creme Brule was the perfect ending to a perfect time.  

Where I've been:  It was a pretty productive week at work which is always nice.  I ran to Kroger for a little fresh veg and fruit.  I hit a good sale on a few staples and stocked up.  The best one was Bob's Red Mill flour which is usually 4.39 each on sale for 2.69 each when you buy three.  That's the first time I've seen that kind of savings on it.  

Where I'm going:  I have no appointments, commitments or plans yet.  It always makes me feel good to go into a week wide open.  

What I'm watching:  In 2017 we were in the 80% totality area for the eclipse, and it was a really neat experience, so we'll be watching the one tomorrow and this time, we're in the 100% totality.  I'm excited to feel that shift that I felt last time when the air changed, the birds became quiet, squirrels were looking confused.  It makes you remember that you are one very small part of a fascinating, complex universe.

What I'm reading:  I went through Jaimie Olivers Food Revolution because I noticed how many recipes I had flagged to try.  I had forgotten what a great cookbook that is. 

What I'm eating:
Lamb empanadas and salad
Penne pasta with chicken sausage, salad and garlic knots
BIG salad x2
Bison chili and cornbread 
Dinner out

I found gorgeous and delicious Florida strawberries, so I made a batch of jam this morning.  TBG took a piece of bread and cleaned out the pot so I'm hearing it's really good.  😍

Things that make me smile:

Every single time I see this sweet little face I smile.

I haven't given up on my recipe challenge.  I have 4 more that I need to get posted and hope to do that this week if time allows.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!


  1. Congrats, Lori on 34 years. Sounds like just the perfect way for what you guys wanted to do. That is wonderful. And excellent food to boot. Winner, winner.

    Love the flour savings. Win, win for sure.

    Ohhh, strawberries! Love me some berries. There's not a berry that I don't love. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Sounds like good energy your way. I love that! Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

    1. Thank you Ivy. It really was a perfect celebration. The flour savings do not come around that often. I love berries too, well almost all fruit actually. Local strawberries will be ready in three or four weeks but I'm fond of Florida grown also. They usually have a ton of flavor. Enjoy your week!!

    2. Same. All berries really and all fruit for me. I can't think of one I don't enjoy.

  2. Congratulations. We had just celebrated 35 in October 2022. Binx is a cutie.

  3. Binx is so sweet! Congrats to you and your hubby! I am glad you had a lovely anniversary. Yesterday was a picture of perfection here too.
    Enjoy the eclipse.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. Binx is a cutie. The weather is supposed to sunny and clear today so I'm a bit excited.

  4. Congrats and happy anniversary! Love the photo of your cat.

  5. Happy Anniversary!
    I also hope you enjoy your eclipse experience. It is just partial here and it i most likely going to be cloudy. That's life.

    1. Thank you Anne. It is supposed to be clear and sunny here so we should be able to have a nice view from our backyard.

  6. Happy Anniversary.
    We're also in the path of totality. Hopefully I remember to go outside and watch. That is if it's not cloudy. I hear it's supposed to be.

    1. Thank you Ann!! I hope it's not cloudy there and that you get a chance to see it.

  7. I took a leaf out of your book and went through one of my Nigella recipe books and have been trying out the flagged recipes. She has a very good chocolate mousse recipe made with marshmallows - but I'll be the size of a house if I keep this up!!!! And happy anniversary to you both!

    1. It's fun trying new recipes isn't it? Chocolate mousse sounds divine. I try to bring extra desserts to work so that I don't end up big as a house. lol

  8. I’ve never had bison, though my husband tried it on one of our trips out west. We are in the 100% totality zone as well. Last time, whatever percentage it was, it was not even noticeable, so I’m looking forward to it today. We are going to my older daughter’s for the eclipse and a cookout,followed by the Guardians home opener on TV.

    1. We enjoy bison. To me, it tastes like a really good, lean beef. I love a bison burger and it was good in the chili too. In 2017 we were 80% so I'm excited to see 100% this time. A cookout sounds fun. I hope you all enjoy!!

  9. Happy Anniversary! I'd be smiling if I had Binx to look at every day, too.

    1. Thank you. He's just so stinking cute, isn't he?

  10. Happy Anniversary!!!! Your Binx is beautiful!

  11. Nothing better than celebrating with family. Happy anniversary. I get a lot of pleasure from my grand-cat... Binx is adorable. Enjoy

    1. Thank you, Judee. It's the best way to celebrate. Cat's are fun.

  12. Hi Lori~ I always look forward to your posts! We didn't see the eclipse this time, too many clouds :0( In 2017 we were in the 100% range, but this year it was only 40%. I also loved that change in atmosphere, very weird! Happy 34th wedding anniversary! It's always fun to celebrate with family. We will be celebrating 50 years this month! I love your recipes, and I'm looking forward to more of them! Have a great rest of your week! Hugs, Barb

    1. Hi Barb!! Sorry you didn't get to see it but glad you were 100% in 2017 to see. This was my first one in totality and it was awesome. Yes, celebrating with family is the best. Congratulations on 50 years!! That is really something to celebrate. I hope to find time really soon to post all of the recipes I've tried. The day just seems to get away from me. Enjoy the rest of your week as well.

  13. P.S. What a darling little Binx!!

  14. You are doing some very nice cooking. Good to hear that you also were present at the eclipse. I really enjoyed it.
    best, mae at

    1. Thank you Mae. We really did enjoy the eclips.

  15. Lucky you to have been in the full eclipse. Where I live, it was close - something like 94%. I had thought about travelling to a better place, but the place I would've chosen turned out to have nothing but cloud cover - so I'm glad I stayed home, where there was not a cloud in the sky.

    1. This was my first 100% and I'm so glad there was not a cloud in the sky so we could see it. It really was awesome. You could have visited us in Southern Illinois, we had a perfect view from our backyard.

  16. We were at 98% totality and considering the crowds going to a park about 50 miles SE of us to see 100% I was happy with what I saw! Love Binx's cute little face!

  17. We wouldn't have traveled to see it either. Luckily our backyard was perfect.

  18. Awwww precious Binx! What a sweetheart. And sopping up homemade jam with bread??? Heavenly! Yes please! Love you, friend xoxo

    1. Binx is a sweetheart. Yes, TBG didn't let one bit of the jam go to waste. He got a piece of bread and cleaned the pot with it. Hugs!!
