
Sunday, March 31, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  My Mom.  She is going through a very rough spot right now with her dementia and conversations with her husband are going to have to be had even though he doesn't want to hear it.  He can no longer safely care for her.  Prayers for peace for her and acceptance from him are much appreciated.  

Where I've been: Friday TBG and I went to the grocery store for a few items then headed to the garden center for a few things.  Since when is a bag of grass seed 45.00 on sale?  Sticker shock is real.  I noticed so many things that I haven't bought in a while are at least 50% more expensive and less of the product. 

Where I'm going:  Next Saturday is our anniversary and we're going to Firefly with my brother and his girlfriend to celebrate and I'm excited for that.  Other than that, I'm trying to keep the week appointment and commitment free so I can work on a few things in the afternoons after work.

What I'm watching:  I had Gilmore Girls on a few times this week while I did a few things in the kitchen.  Also watched this week's Master Chef Junior.  Other than that, I've been enjoying the quiet.

What I'm reading:  I picked up various cookbooks this week but that is the extent of really reading this week.

What I'm eating:  

LO beef chili and jalapeno poppers
BIG salad
Chicken fajita and rice with a cilantro and cheddar roll up

Spicey Chicago chicken sausage with a new recipe for rice and pinto beans that I'll share this week.  I'm looking for the perfect for us recipe and I think I finally found it.

Chicken for me, shrimp for TBG with baked potato and salad

Today we're having lamb chops, whipped potatoes, deviled eggs and asparagus with peach hand pies for dessert.

Dessert this week was pineapple cake.  I took half to work for the doctors and they devoured it.  

Who needs a good slap:  Manufacturers.  Tide is still the same price but they went from 2.72 liters to 2.46.  It seems all health and beauty and cleaning products are twice as expensive and less product. I give 3 slaps.

What is making me smile:  I reorganized the freezer and did an updated inventory of meat and butter.  

We have a few months before we will need to do another meat bundle.  There is a lot of meat in those bins.  Veggies, fruits, nuts and pesto are kept in the shelves in the door.  The containers were only 2.00 each from JoAnnes and they work perfect.  

I hope everyone has a beautiful Easter Sunday!!


  1. Your freezer system is so neat. I have the drawer style and think small bins to help the lower drawer would be smart. I'll send good wishes that your successful talking with your mom's spouse. Not an easy conversation but they both need to be safe.

    1. Thanks SAM. I used to have two larger bins for all of the meat, and it was a pain to take things out and put things in. These are separated with varieties of meat and have made life SO much easier. I can easily pull one out and see how much of something I have. It is a very difficult situation with my mom's husband.

  2. Happy anniversary ahead of time in case I forget. Enjoy your time out.
    I sure hope you can get your mom's spouse to understand he needs help and she needs more help. That is a tough situation.
    Your meals all look and sound yummy.
    OK, freezer envy! So neat.
    Have a good week.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I can't believe 34 years have gone by so quickly. It's a difficult situation with her husband. I'm glad I have my brother to help with this. The bins pull out very easily so should be easy to keep organized. Wishing you a good week as well!!

  3. Dealing with aging parents is not easy. Our prayers are with you and your mom and her husband. Change is always difficult. Your meals look great and that pineapple cake sounds very interesting. Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary coming up!

    1. Thank you so much Judee. It is not easy at all. The pineapple cake is on my blog if you put it in search. It's a very easy but delicious cake. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. I don't even know where to start., Once Mom started her decline with Alzheimers, things moved much faster than I had ever imagined it would. I wish you luck with the necessary conversation/s. It is not fun. Dad was gone when we had to have those with Mom and she resented us for making her have full time in home assistance, even though it was either that of live in a facility.
    I will happily join in slapping manufacturers. Do you think it will do any good?

    1. Sorry you too are familiar with this situation Anne. It is hard and no, not fun at all. No, I'm sure slapping the manufacturers will do absolutely no good. Prices just keep going up.

  5. Sending prayers for your mom. Those conversations are extremely difficult to have but absolutely need to be done!

    1. Thank you. Yes, it's past time for him to see she needs 24*7 care.

  6. So sorry to hear about your mother. One of the guys at work is going through this with his wife who was diagnosed with dementia.
    Prices are getting outrageous on everything. It really needs to stop.
    Your freezer is very impressive. I wish mine was that organized. Things go in and get lost in the mine.

    1. Thank you Ann. It is a difficult situation especially with her husband giving my brother and I so much push back. Prices are crazy. A small can of Lysol was almost $8.00. When did that happen? Things were getting lost in mine too that's why I decided to try this. I think it may actually work.

  7. Nice freezer organization! Do the baskets ever get stuck (frozen in place)? I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I know exactly what you are going through. I hope you’re able to get her into a facility where she’s safe before something happens. She doesn’t drive, does she?

    Pineapple cake is perfect for Easter and I’ve never made a hand pie, but I know they are good! I made a coconut cream pie and a margarita (lime) pie for Easter yesterday. We had pork tenderloin.

    1. I had 2 large baskets in before and they never got stuck so I don't think these will either. I know you know exactly what I'm going through. It's hard. He did take away her keys so she hasn't driven in a year or two. She's a lot faster than him though and she has taken off multiple times and he's had to have the police find her. It happened again Monday night and enough is enough. Your Easter dinner sounds delicious. I have been craving coconut cream pie so I need to make one soon.

  8. Thoughts and prayers for your Mom and her husband. It will definitely be a conversation not to look forward to, but hopefully she can remain at home while someone comes over to help with the caregiving.

    Prices are crazy. Did I mention Chevron supreme gas is now $5.79 here?

    1. Thank you. He is a very difficult person to deal with. I just want to keep her safe and he can't provide that for her. The regular gas here is 3.89. Yes, it is all crazy!!

  9. That food looks delicious!

    I feel for you with your Mom and her husband. We went through a similar thing with my grandparents, but in the end covid and lockdown forced our hand. It was the right decision but boy did it hurt.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's difficult no matter what. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I wish you good luck dealing with all the problems you have with your mother's decline. It's very sad to lose someone to this illness.
    best, mae at

    1. Thank you Mae. Yes, it is very hard to watch.

  11. Congratulations in advance on your upcoming anniversary! I know how much you like going to Firefly. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for our 45th in June. A wee trip, perhaps? We shall see. Must consider how hot it is outside that time of year, ugh! Yes the shrinkflation is real but the slap doesn't necessarily go to the manufacturers ... look straight to the current "administration" for the one who started most of it and keeps it all going. xoxo

    1. Thank you Jenny!! Yes, Firefly is my favorite place to go. I'm already trying to decide what I will have. Yes, the fault isn't all on the manufacturers however I do believe some take advantage of situations. Most corporations moto is always...don't let a good crisis go to waste.

  12. Very sorry to read about your mom. Sending good wishes. Sounds like her hubsand is having a hard go of it too. Sending more good wishes to him too.

    Freezer and fridges, all cleaned make me happy. I have that to do this week. I love when it's done. Also, when we move, this fridge will be the backup and I'll get a better spaced one. This one we have now is wonky.

    Cheers, Ivy.

    1. Thank you. It's a difficult situation. I too love a clean fridge and freezer and do it often.
