
Sunday, April 28, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Everyone knows that Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, but I also feel the beauty and joys of Spring and Summer.  I've always been the type of person who lives according to the seasons because it provides a solid rhythm to my life along with marking time in a gentler way than just ticking days off the calendar.  It's a comfort to me to know I can look in my backyard to know exactly what month it is.  Or to plan seasonal meals by what's growing or not or what the temperature is.  Comfort food for Fall and Winter and lighter meals for Spring and Summer.  I think it does our mind and body a lot of good to live in harmony with the season.

Where I've been:  I made one trip to Kroger to pick up a bit of dairy and fresh veggies and fruit. I also stopped by Rural King to stock up on food for Binx and a few things for the garden.  I went to lunch with TBG one afternoon.  Other than that, I have blissfully been at home piddling around the house or yard.  One of my favorite things to do.

Where I'm going:  I have no appointments or commitments so far this week which always thrills me.  Wednesday I'm off work and I'm not sure yet how I'll spend that day but a midweek break from work is always something to look forward to.

What I'm watching:  Today is a marathon of Housewives of New Jersey and I have it on in the background.  Modern Family is my weeknight go to for background noise.  I can't really remember watching anything else.

What I'm reading:  One day last week I thought about the fact that I have never read or even watched the movie Gone With The Wind.  It was one of my mother's favorite books so much so that my brother is named after the character Ashley.  That was long before it became a popular name for girls.  I knew I had a copy so I decided to finally read it.  I also have The Covenant of Water on my Summer reading list.  I watched an interview with the author last week and decided to buy it. 

What I'm listening to:  Every day as I'm walking from my car to the hospital, I am serenaded by all of the birds waking up and starting their day.  It's one of the small joys of it being Spring.

What I'm eating:

Left over roasted chicken with pinto beans and rice and a cheese roll up.
Stuffed shells and salad
Fried chicken sandwich with oven fries and slaw

Stir fry veggies and beef sausage bowls. When I make any stir fry the veg portion to the meat portion is double.  I think I had 7 different veggies in this one and it was delicious.

BIG salad
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and carrots

Who needs a good slap:  No one comes to mind.

What is making me smile:  The new Medical Director has made a HUGE difference in my responsibilities at work this month and I couldn't be happier about that.  I'm glad I toughed it out while we were without one.  
Also as always Binx.  He still has a very HIGH level of energy and needs to have physical and mental stimulation frequently.  One of the latest toys I found to help with this are these fish.  You just drop them in water, and they very realistically are swimming around.  Before I have anyone saying "You let your cat on the counter?"  Typically, no he has no desire to get up there, but he quickly learned he can get up there to see his fish in the sink.  I'm so anal about cleaning my kitchen counters dozens of times a day I'm not worried about it.  Plus, if we ever get a mouse in the house, I want him to know he can go anywhere he needs to, to kill it.  😍

Enjoy this last Sunda of April!!


  1. Good points on living seasonally. I like summer be sure of water, swimming, boats, and fall for color. I dread the long winter and early cold spring. But yes, the seasons serve a purpose.

    1. I enjoy them all but Fall and Winter will always be my favorite.

  2. My cats used to love it I would put a q-tip in the sink full of water! They are so funny!

    1. That's a fun idea I may have to try. Binx would probably love it.

  3. Perfect little mouse-catcher, that's for sure. Food looks good and knowing what season it is by looking outside sounds wonderful. I love being outdoors. Wishing you a fun Wednesday off from work. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. In 12 years we've only had one mouse get in but I'm want him ready if it happens again. lol I do appreciate all that each season has to offer. Thank you, I love having a midweek day off occasionally.

    2. So happy the mid-day off went well.

  4. Those are some big big books. I have read neither. Enjoy your mid week break.

    1. Between the two it is almost 2000 pages. It will probably take me all summer.

  5. That chicken burger looks very delicious! I love having time without appointments or commitments - sadly this week is not that week :) It is full on with a wedding on Friday also. EEK! Wish me luck! and have a great week yourself.

    1. I love a good chicken sandwich. I'm sorry you have a full week but hopefully you'll enjoy the wedding. I'm wishing you luck!!

  6. I’m glad your work life has improved. I read Gone With the Wind as a teen and absolutely loved it.I also remember reading The Thornbirds around the same time.

    1. Thank you. I'm glad I toughed it out because with a Medical Director I do really enjoy my job. I can't believe I didn't read it back then. I remember the mini series The Thornbirds but didn't read that one either.

  7. I have never seen nor read Gone With the Wind either. I have the book - it is on my bucket list!
    Enjoy a Wednesday off.
    Oh Binx - how cute is that. What a neat toy. The birds singing is one of my favorite things in spring.

    1. Well I feel better now that I know I'm not alone. lol I want to read it and then watch the movie. They really are cool and move like real fish.

  8. I never knew such a toy existed. Torrie always hung out in the bathtub after I showered, so I know she would have loved those.

    1. They are cool. Binx loves them. I was scrolling on Amazon looking for interactive toys to keep him busy. Not bad for 8 bucks for the pair.

  9. After murderously hot summers fall is a step into paradise.
    I have never heard of the fish toys for cats but I wish I had invented them!

    1. Yes I do remember that. Sometimes in SW Florida it seemed our Fall didn't start until December. The fish are pretty cool.

  10. I like your attitude towards the seasons. You can't keep them from coming so why not embrace each one in turn.
    I had a cat years ago that would get up on the counter when no one was watching. Wade used to always say that no cat of his would ever be allowed on the counter. My response was that if a cat wants to do it, a cats going to do it. Maybe not when you're watching but it will happen when you aren't.

    1. Exactly my friend. I have no control over the seasons so choose to see the goodness that each one brings. Cats will do what they want won't they? It doesn't bother me.

  11. So glad that work is going better.
    I like to enjoy each season too, although it seems like we have gone from winter directly into summer now. Too early to have temps in the 80's in VA.
    Aww Binx is too cute! I haven't seen those swimming fish before. I'll have to see if I can find some for my cats. I was tempted to try those flopping fish cat toys, but they seem a bit annoying.

    1. Thank you. I am glad I toughed it out because all and all I do enjoy my job. It's been in the 80's here already too and it's too early for that. Binx has the flopping fish toy and it can be annoying especially to him. He loves to pick it up and body slam it. lol I found the swimming fish on Amazon.

  12. I enjoy the seasons, too. I've always thought it'd be fun to live someplace where it was more-or-less summer all the time, but I do think I'd miss the change of seasons. Maybe I should get an RV, and drive myself into every climate, so I can stay as long as I want.

    1. We lived in SW Florida for 20 years and I really missed traditional Fall and Winter so much. I enjoy what each season has to offer.

  13. Hello! Well, as you may have guessed, I love Gone With the Wind! My Rhett is named after Rhett Butler! I would have used Scarlett, but I have a sister named Scarlett! Have a lovely weekend, my friend!

    1. Hi Billie Jo. I didn't know your Rhett was named after the character in GWTW. That's very cool. I hope you have a wonderful weekend also!!

  14. I love the different seasons too. I think they all have something to offer, and don't even mind hunkering down on cold wet days! Just lovely!

    1. I feel the same way. A cold wet day calls for hunkering down and I love it.

  15. Binx is soooo cute! I would love to see him and Sweetness hanging out together. I read GWTW when I was an older teenager and I will never forget that experience. I had already seen the movie and it was fun to read the book picturing Vivien Leigh as Scarlett, Clark Gable as Rhett Butler, Leslie Howard as Ashley, and Olivia de Havilland as Melanie. They were so perfectly cast in that movie! And the movie is a treasure but in a different way than the book, because some events in Scarlett's life are left out of the movie. Enjoy it! Last summer I listened to the whole thing on Audible and the female narrator was SO good. I enjoyed it so much. It's about to be full-on summer here! We had a thunderstorm last night too. xoxo

    1. I can't wait to watch the movie after I finish the book. My mother was such a fan I can't believe she didn't insist that I read it when I was younger. Better late than never I guess. Honestly, I love the south but I do not miss the heat and humidity of summer. It's bad enough here. Stay cool!!
