
Sunday, June 2, 2024

My Week

Happy June!!  I had a three-day work week, so I was able to get caught up on everything here at home and take time to just relax.  I could easily get used to working Tuesday thru Thursday.  😉 Things are on their way to getting back to our normal here and I couldn't be more thankful. I love my slow, quiet life.  I took TBG out to breakfast yesterday since it is his favorite meal to eat out.  It was good and it felt good to go after three weeks.

We are in the zone of the two different broods of cicadas immerging.  One is a 13-year variety, and one is a 17 year. There are thousands and they are EVERYWHERE and so loud.  Our typical variety that comes in July stays in the top of trees, are very rarely seen unless dead and sing loudly from dusk until dawn.  These creatures are flying everywhere during sunny days, run into you constantly and sing from only 10am until about 3pm.  

These are the holes they leave while immerging from the ground.  Great for aerating our yards. 

Did I mention, they are everywhere?

Did I mention, they are loud? This was 2pm on Friday.

Meals this week were...
Loaded beef cheeseburgers, potato wedges and macaroni salad.  Not the healthiest of meals but delicious.

BBQ chicken, macaroni salad and baked beans
The last bowl of beef chili from the freezer with all the toppings and cornbread.  We don't typically eat stews or soups during the Summer so glad to finish this up before it gets too hot.

Chicken fajita, veggie rice bowls with a cheese roll up.  
I had a dinner out with friends and TBG requested grits and eggs.  

We snack on a lot of popcorn, and I like to make it as healthy as it can be.  Here is my easy recipe for a tasty snack.

Heat up 1 heaping teaspoon of coconut oil in a pot and add in about 6 kernels and cover with the lid.  Once they pop, add 1/4 cup popcorn kernels.  Once it begins to pop, shack occasionally and turn off the heat.
Finish with a pinch of salt or favorite seasonings.  Think rosemary, cumin, paprika, cayenne.
It's delicious.  The coconut oil gives it a buttery taste with no butter added.  We love it.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beginning of Summer.  I will leave you with this picture of the neighborhood watch cat.  He is in one window or another probably 70% of the day.  He watches everything with great interest.


  1. I'm a popcorn snack plan too. Love it and so much healthier and cheaper than other snacks. Binx is such a great watch cat.

    1. Binx is like little old nosy man watching everything and everyone.

  2. Oh my you do have cicadas! YUCK! I haven't seen or heard a one this year (me knocking wood). The holes in the yard are amazing. Gee whiz.
    Glad you had a lovely week. Slow and quiet is my favorite as well.
    Your meals sound wonderful.
    Good watch kitty. My 2 spend an awful lot of time in the windows too.

    1. Cheryl they are everywhere! You have to dodge them when you're outside or they'll run right into you. I know they don't bite or sting but they are disgusting. Binx spends a LOT of time looking out windows too. They're so cute.

  3. Oh yuck. Those cicadas would freak me out. I don't recall ever seeing them here like that.
    A 3 day work week would be awesome. As it is now working 5 days and my days off are broken up instead of back to back, I never feel like I get anything done.
    All your meals sound delicious.

    1. They freak me out Anne. They have huge eyes but still run right into you. This is my first time seeing them like this. I prefer the normal ones that go to the trees and sing at night. It would be awesome to only work three days, well all except for that smaller pay check that would come with it.

  4. I tell myself I'd never get used to cicadas, but then again most earthquakes barely grab my attention. I love how Binx has grown into a big boy!

    I miss eating popcorn and burgers.

    1. The typical summer cicadas you never really ever see until they die but these two varieties are flying all around and seem to dive bomb you. I can't stand it. Binx bounces from 10.2 to 10.4 pounds but he is long. Tomorrow is his two year gotcha day. Can you believe it?

  5. We only get the 17 year cicadas, thank goodness. Our last round was 2016 and I dread the next time! The carcasses everywhere really gross me out. I’m sorry you’re dealing with a double whammy!

    Your menus always sound good. Tonight I’m making a ground turkey casserole with sweet potatoes and zucchini.

    1. Yes there are carcasses everywhere! This is my first experience with them and I'm not a fan. Your dinner sounds delicious. I love sweet potatoes and zucchini.

  6. Oh my! Those are scary!!!! I thought the frogs were loud here! And thank you for the popcorn recipe! Perfect for summer!

    1. I'm not a fan of them at all. The popcorn is very good and no need for butter which is great.

  7. I had to very quickly skip that horrifying photo. I would just not leave my house. I have a massive bug phobia.. I don't even like butterflies.

    1. I walk very quickly and vigilantly when I have to go outside. Yesterday with the high temperatures they were even worse. I can't wait until July.

  8. Binx watching like it's his job, hahaha! I too love to go out to breakfast but I'm too lazy so I end up having breakfast out for lunch or dinner, haha! I also love cicadas; their song just says "summer summer summer" to me! But we are not getting the bumper crop this year. I have seen it once, around 1987 up in Chicago. I will never forget how loud they were! xoxo

    1. Neighborhood watch is serious business to Binx. We only go out once a month or so because I don't like going out that early but it's something he enjoys. I love listening to them at night but the ones now dive bombing you during the day is a bit much.

  9. Interesting about the cicadas. So many people have mentioned them. I remember collecting them as a child and putting them into a big wooden trunk under our house. We tried to find the black ones as the local museum was after some. Yes we love going out for breakfast too, not that we do it often. Just that wee bit too early for me these days with my terrible sleep patterns. have a great month. cheers Sherry

    1. Cicadas are odd little creatures with so many different species. I don't really enjoy breakfast much but TBG does so we try to go once a month. I hope June is a wonderful month for you.

  10. Hi Lori~ I have never heard a Cicada! My gosh they are loud! They would creep me out, but I've heard that so many people are saving a ton on chicken feed my feeding Cicadas to their chickens! I'm a popcorn lover too, in fact I'm munching on it right now. Coconut oil is so good to pop corn in, it does make it taste buttery. So glad you had a good break, have a wonderful rest of the week. Hugs, Barb

    1. You never get them? Interesting. The typical variety doesn't bother me because they are more heard than seen but these two groups like to be seen. Yes chickens and birds love them. I've been watching the birds snatch them right out of the air. Isn't it funny how the coconut oil makes it taste buttery? Enjoy the rest of your week also!!
