Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Things That Make Me Smile-Popovers

I love making popovers for Sunday breakfast, especially during the winter. It amazes me how four simple ingredients can make such a delicious treat.  I love them with cream cheese and jalapeno pepper jelly and bacon is always a good side as well.

Here is a link to the recipe that I always use.  I shared it a number of years ago but they are so good I thought I'd share again.

These bake for 35 minutes so in the winter you will get the bonus of a warm kitchen that smells so good.



  1. I remember learning to make them in 4H. They do smell really good!

    1. That is so cool they taught you to make them in 4H. I don't know why but I was so scared the first time I made them and must have watched a dozen video's before. They're actually very easy.

  2. I know. I have two different sized pans both bought for me by Sissie. She also tried to set the house on fire during Christmas with popovers that really popped over.

    1. I always put a cooking sheet under my pan just in case. I'm glad she didn't set the house on fire. :-)

  3. I did try really hard, but they were the best popovers I have ever made. Don't want to try the recipe again though!

  4. My mom used to always talk about popovers, but never made any that I can remember. I have no idea why because she had a popover pan.

  5. My kids love Yorkshire puddings and I am crap at making them. Thanks for the tip about pricking them to let out the steam. I'll definitely be trying these again, especially filled with cheese and chives!!!

  6. I don't believe I have ever made a popover. They look good.
