Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Things That Make Me Smile-Popovers

I love making popovers for Sunday breakfast, especially during the winter. It amazes me how four simple ingredients can make such a delicious treat.  I love them with cream cheese and jalapeno pepper jelly and bacon is always a good side as well.

Here is a link to the recipe that I always use.  I shared it a number of years ago but they are so good I thought I'd share again.

These bake for 35 minutes so in the winter you will get the bonus of a warm kitchen that smells so good.



  1. I remember learning to make them in 4H. They do smell really good!

    1. That is so cool they taught you to make them in 4H. I don't know why but I was so scared the first time I made them and must have watched a dozen video's before. They're actually very easy.

  2. I know. I have two different sized pans both bought for me by Sissie. She also tried to set the house on fire during Christmas with popovers that really popped over.

    1. I always put a cooking sheet under my pan just in case. I'm glad she didn't set the house on fire. :-)

  3. I did try really hard, but they were the best popovers I have ever made. Don't want to try the recipe again though!

    1. I always use a cooking sheet under mine incase of any spills.

  4. My mom used to always talk about popovers, but never made any that I can remember. I have no idea why because she had a popover pan.

    1. That's funny that she spoke of them and had a pan but you don't remember her ever making them.

  5. My kids love Yorkshire puddings and I am crap at making them. Thanks for the tip about pricking them to let out the steam. I'll definitely be trying these again, especially filled with cheese and chives!!!

    1. YES, cheese and chives are delicious in them.

  6. I don't believe I have ever made a popover. They look good.

  7. Looks and sounds yummy. That is something I have never made - nor have I ever eaten!!

    1. You should try them Cheryl. A regular muffin tin does work well also.

  8. Yum. Just made a 12 count batch this morning. They are crazy fun to make and often I'll do 6 plain and 6 something else. Like Cinnamon and Sugar or Everything Bagel. Or Strawberry Lemon. Or for hubby, Pepperoni & Cheese. Endless fun and soooooo easy.

    1. I do like them with cheese and chives or everything Bagel season too.

  9. Outside of my first year in home economics when I was in high school, I have never made a popover. My husband used to make them a good bit before we married, so much so that he had a popover pan. How many men do you know have their own popover pans? I do think he tended to use it more for Yorkshire pudding, than popovers, nonetheless I have no idea what happened to that pan. Now I’m wishing I would have paid more attention, because I really need to try to make these on my own. They look so good here.

    1. I love that he had his own popover pan! The first time I made them I actually used a muffin tin and they turned out beautifully but was gifted the popover pan for Christmas that year. They are so simple yet so delicious, I love making them.

  10. These pop overs look wonderful. I've never made my own, but I would love to try your recipe. They look like fun!!

    1. They are so much easier to make than I had imagined. We love them.

  11. These look wonderful. I have never made these before.

    1. They are easy to make and so delicious. You don't have to have a popover pan. I originally made them in a muffin tin and it worked perfectly.

  12. i have no idea what a popover is but they certainly look fabulous!
