
Sunday, May 22, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: Who doesn't have the weight of the world on their mind right now?  There is so much going on everywhere it is hard to not think about it all and wonder how this is all going to work out. Talking to a coworker from Ethiopia and hearing the horror going on there right now is heartbreaking.  I've been having a lot of bad dreams this week and I must have tossed and turned a lot last night because I woke up feeling like I have been hit by a truck.  

Where I've been: Work, home and one dinner out are the only places I've been this week.

Where I'm going: We are supposed to meet a large group tonight at Agave for a going away dinner but I'm rethinking this due to the Covid numbers rising in our area again.  Next Saturday we do have a reservation at Firefly but that will just be the two of us. 

What I'm watching: I watched the movie Dumplin this week.  I watched it when it first came out in 2018 and it is such a cute movie I decided to watch it again.  I was not disappointed.  It's the kind of feel good movie that I needed this week.

What I'm reading: I'm still reading The Lake of Dead Languages along with the Summer issue of Mary Janes Farm.

What I'm listening to: I listened to the classics of Elton John this week while doing housework. 

What I'm eating:

The non gmo corn on the cob from Florida is in season so we enjoyed that a few times this week. I froze the rest for future dinners.
Lamb burgers, oven fries and spicey coleslaw

BIG salad and cheese roll up
Italian chicken sausage, mac and cheese and corn on the cob
Coho salmon and salad
Dinner out at one of the local Mexican places.  Their chicken fajita taco salad is SO good.
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

Who needs a good slap: There are so many people out there that need a good throat punch I can't narrow it down this week to any one particular person or group.

What I'm planning: I'm only working Monday and Tuesday this week giving me 6 glorious days off.  I have a lot to get done in those two days but it will be worth it.

What's making me smile: One of the doctors that has been here for the last seven years is leaving and moving his family to Florida so Saturday I made chicken shawarma, rice, hummus, naan and a Hawaiin pineapple cake for the group. We have become like family over the years and I'm very sad to see his family leave but I realized how much I have learned from him over the years that will carry on with me for the rest of my life and that makes me smile.

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.  Have a wonderful Sunday!!


  1. I hear you about feeling the weight of the world. I feel it locally too as the Minnesota legislature is supposed to end at 12:00 tonight and who know what will get hatched. Your schwarma sounds delicious.

    1. Hoping things turn out well with your area. There is just so much going on everywhere it makes my head spin. I try to avoid the news but it's still very difficult to not see/hear what's going on.
      I love this Shawarma recipe. It's on the blog if you type in search. I found it a couple of years ago from the blog Havoc in the kitchen and it is delicious.

  2. Oh wow, 6 days off; sounds heavenly! I hope you enjoy the rest and whatever activities you choose to do or not do! That was nice of you to make that "going away meal" for the doctor. Always hard to say goodbye! Wishing him and his family well! Not only are things going crazy in the world, but the last several weeks some things have happened here with family and the like that have set my heart/head spinning. So much to try to process! It does seem at times like our world is spiraling downward and the end could be near! However, there are so many wonderful things still to enjoy like good food, good family or friend time, etc so those are great to have around! Son and family are coming over to swim today, first swim of the season, water is 82 degrees, cold for me but they like it that way, lol, and then dinner so that will be nice! And then next week a 3 day weekend for me with Memorial Day, also nice! So I'll focus on that and pray for the rest :) I hope your time off is so wonderful Lori!


    1. I am looking forward to my mini vacation.
      I'm sorry to hear you've had things happening with family. That is always so stressful. Prayers for you.
      Yes even with everything going on, I try to remember how much goodness and joy is still to be found.
      That will be nice to have family over today for swimming and dinner. I hope you have a wonderful time and a good week ahead Betty!!

  3. Six days off? I'll try not to get jealous. The last time I had that, I was unemployed.

    That was nice of you to make that going away meal. It's rough to see long time coworkers leave, or to be the one to leave yourself.

    I know the world is going to hell, but the only reason I can get by is to worry about the things I can control. It's the only way I can remain sane through all of this.

    I hope next week is a good one!

    1. I'm really looking forward to the vacation.
      I do not care much for the organization that I work for but I do love all the people in our group. You couldn't ask for better people.
      I always try to not worry about anything out of my control but sometimes it creeps in. I try to remind myself there is still so much good and so many joys.
      I hope you're feeling better and that you also have a wonderful week!

  4. There has been so much going on, right in our home, that I have not even looked at "The So-Called News." And a good thing that is. Since you are having bad dreams. -sigh-

    My husband has an infected tooth, which has to come out. He is taking pennicillin and it is not being 'kind' to his stomach. Plus just Tylenol for pain. Will be this coming week, before he gets it out. Soooooo....... he has filled my time, taking care of him. At 89, anything is more difficult.

    Oral Surgeons are in such demand, that getting in, is..... Wow!!!!

    "Young man/woman, be an Oral Surgeon!!!!!!! " -smile-

    Your co-worker is moving to FL...? Interesting. For the excessive heat? Or for the Aura of Political Freedom?????????????

    😊 πŸ’› 😊 πŸ’› 😊

    1. They are moving to be closer to family. I left Florida because of the heat. lol

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. I borrowed the idea from you.

  6. I also have so many things on my mind pertaining to this world of ours. How is it even possible all this is happening? The covid numbers are rising around here too. I hope you enjoy your time off! Glorious!

    1. I don't remember a time in my life that there was this much going on all around the world. Stay safe!!

  7. It is hard to see the horror of the world and remain uplifted. All we can do is hold onto the good in each other. You are good my friend.

  8. Thought I commented here........ ????????????

    πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ

    1. For some reason a number of comments are falling into my spam folder. I just went through and added them all.

  9. Hmmmm... Guess not.

    Have been having a high old time of it here though. Husband with infected tooth and all that entails... Penn., which does awful things to stomach and having to wait for other doc ok, to have it out and.... EEEK! LOL

    πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ

    1. On no, dental pain is tough. I always eat yogurt when on an antibiotic as it helps the stomach issues. I hope he's feeling better soon. No fun for you either.

  10. I'm sorry about your doctor friend leaving; I know that's hard. I think who needs a good slap is the current administration in our White House. Every last one of them. There; I said it. Not sorry. xoxo

    1. It is sad when they leave after being here so many years. We had a wonderful lunch and we will keep in touch. There will just be some readjustments made.
