Sunday, November 19, 2023

My Week

I'm not doing my usual Weekly W's as this was a very stressful week so I really didn't think about what I ate or read or another recipe.

TBG had an appointment with an NP on Monday since his PCP was out of the office for the week.  He's still pretty short of breath and fatigued.  They did another round of x-rays and blood work.  Thursday after calling them twice, a nurse finally called back with the results.  She told us he had an enlarged heart and heart failure.  Yep, a phone call from a nurse who couldn't have answered any questions we would have had if we weren't in shock.  The only plan was to start diuretics and get an ECHO on December 12th.

This did not set well with me.  Things just weren't adding up and if indeed he was in heart failure, I wanted tests much sooner.  So Friday I spoke with one of the doctors that I work with whose husband is a cardiologist.  Long story short, TBG was in an ECHO by 7:30 am and at 1 pm had an EKG and a consultation with the cardiologist. A couple of medications were added that he'll likely be on for the rest of his life and his blood pressure medication was stopped.  Today he is being fitted for a Life Vest so they can monitor what is going on with his heart and he is scheduled for a stress test November 28th. 

We have no idea what caused this but it most likely was a viral infection.  

I am so thankful for the people in my life that made it possible for us to get answers and a plan in place sooner rather than later.  It's sad that things are the way they are and we really do have to advocate for ourselves and others.

We're looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving this week.  We are hoping for a restful, food filled, laughter filled holiday.

I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful week.


  1. I’m so sorry. That is indeed stressful, but I’m so glad he was able to get his tests accomplished quickly and meds started. And the fact that it could have been caused by a virus is really frightening for all of us.

    My week was bad as well. My mom is back in the hospital. We are in the endless loop of hospitalization and rehab. At this point, I realize she is nearing her end of life. It’s difficult being the sole decision maker as her dementia is increasing and my brother has checked out.

  2. Dear me what news! You will keep us posted I know - if you have time and it helps.

  3. Oh I am so sorry to hear about TBG's health issues. I will keep you both in my prayers.

  4. My friend. I am so sorry. I will pray for you all. Good for you for advocating for yourselves. Unfortunately, we have to do that these days. Hugs.

  5. Oh my word, what a shock for you both!! I'm just so glad you were able to use your contacts and get things moving sooner. Thinking of you and sending huge hugs. A

  6. Oh my word, what a terrible shock that would be to be told that. How said is it though that after telling a person they are in heart failure that they can't get them in for an ECHO until Dec 12. Some things should be addressed immediately. I'm glad you have the connections at work that got him looked at right away.

  7. My goodness, what a stressful time for you both. What incompetence to have a nurse who can't answer questions tell something like that. Thank goodness for your contacts. Let's hope for an infection that can be taken care of in quick time. Hugs and prayers.

  8. Oh Lori, I'm so sorry you and TBG are going through this. It's so stressful. I'll never understand why it takes so long for the doctors to get back to you, especially in this case. So glad you had a connection and got him in right away. My prays for continued health for him and I hope you all can celebrate a nice Thanksgiving together. Xx

  9. I still shake my head over the nurse breaking the news and unable to answer questions. I hope Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season goes well and is at least less stressful than this past week or so.

  10. Hi Lori~ Wow! It's amazing to me how bad some of our healthcare professionals are... also scary. I'm so glad you got him the care he needed! You guys will be in my prayers, and I hope he starts feeling like himself. Have a great Thanksgiving. Gentle hugs, Barb

  11. Oh Lori! I am so, so sorry to hear this. It is truly AMAZING to me how callous and careless and cavalier people in the "health care" field can be. I heard once, and it is true, that it is YOU who will advocate for your loved ones in those settings. You cannot count on the doctors and NPs to do it. Just inexcusable in my opinion. I know this is not on a par with what you are going through, but when Erica had little Elliot back in late September, no doctor from the group she had been seeing throughout her pregnancy, ever showed up at her bedside. And one of them was IN the hospital! Elliot was delivered by a doctor who was stationed in labor and delivery that night, and everything was perfectly fine, but the nurses told her that there have been many times that THEY deliver the babies because no doctor is available! I couldn't believe my ears. BUT the main thing now is to get TBG well and I know that you will leave no stone unturned in confronting the medicos until that has been accomplished. Meanwhile you are both in my prayers and I wish you a truly happy Thanksgiving despite these setbacks! xoxo

  12. What a shock! So sorry to hear it and so lucky that you had some contacts that were able to facilitate things more quickly so you could get some real answers. The health care system has become unfeeling and careless. Praying for a speedy recovery and a wonderful peaceful Thanksgiving .

  13. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about TBG's health problems. I'm praying for good news from the test results and that he'll start feeling better soon. Wishing you both a blessed Thanksgiving. Send love, hugs & prayers to you both.

  14. So sorry to hear about all of that. I hope you're getting some rest over the holiday weekend.

  15. I'm sorry you both are going through this and I pray the medications works well for him and he's back to his healthy self soon.

  16. Well, the GOOD news is no blockage; continuing to pray the right meds can be found and he's feeling better soon! That would be a nice way to start the New Year. And AMEN on the insurance stuff. We'd been assured my foot surgery would be 100% covered. It wasn't. We're switching to new insurance and getting the run around there for prescription coverage. Oy, vey! Is anyone else tired of voice menus and muzak while waiting? Or playing phone tag? Your December plans sound lovely. --Elise

  17. Thank you for your prayers. He has met his deductible for the year but I'm sure there is going to be quite a few phone calls in the near future to get them to pay. It shouldn't be like this. I feel sorry for someone that is sick and alone to have to go through these hoops with insurance. It's criminal.

  18. Wow, this is a lot of stress for sure.
    Very sorry you guys had to go through this.
    I'm reading backwards posts, so I'm happy
    that no cath is needed.
    Healing, Healthy Wishes!
