Sunday, December 3, 2023

My Weekly W's x2

Thank you to everyone who sent prayers and healing vibes for the big guy.  He had a stress test Tuesday and while it did show the heart is still working a bit slower than it should, there is no sign of blockage, so no Cath is needed.  I am SO happy about that.  He has an appointment tomorrow with his cardiologist and hopefully the Life Vest can be turned in. Hopefully with the change in medications he will continue to get stronger.

What's top of my mind:  Besides TBG, the holidays are top of my mind right now.  We enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving and now we are barreling towards Christmas.  I decorated the house to make it all cozy and bright for the dark days of Winter.  I did the dining room table a little different this year and I like it.

I found a Chocolate Chip Cannoli Yankee Candle and it smells SO delicious.  You can never have too many candles during the winter.

Where I've been:  We did finally make it to the photo exhibit at Cedarhurst and it was amazing.  We actually ran into the photographer there and had a wonderful chat.  Other than that, I've been either home or at work. 

What I'm watching:  The Christmas movie marathon has started.  So far I've watched The Family Stone, Best. Christmas. Ever, The Holiday and This Christmas. 

What I'm reading:  Nothing.

What I'm listening to:  The Christmas music channel is on in the Jeep.  I don't have a very long commute so I only here one or two songs but it's been nice to listen to.  

What I'm eating:
This week was...
BIG salad with grilled cheese
Brunswick Stew with cornbread
Mexican Chicken and rice with a cheese roll up
Bison burgers with sweet potato 'fries'
Lamb chops, baked potato and salad
Stuffed shells, salad and bread

Thanksgiving we had the typical "traditional" food.  I did make one new side, appetizer.  Dates stuffed with goat cheese and wrapped in bacon that I cooked on the air fryer mode.  OMG these are delicious.  If you don't eat bacon, they could easily be dipped in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and be just as amazing.  Not exactly the prettiest app but definitely good.

Binx enjoyed his share of turkey.  I think he could sense that something wasn't right with TBG so we tried to give him a bit of extra love.  Our animals really are more aware of things going on than we give them credit for. 

Who needs a good slap:  Once again, health insurance companies.  Two hand a half weeks after being fitted with the Life Vest they sent a letter resending their original approval.  The same thing they did with the eye surgery.  I'm sure this is all going to be a battle so I'm already prepared for 5 slaps.

What I'm planning:  We are planning to spend the time between now and New Years relaxing, playing games, watching movies and eating good food.  I think next weekend we'll make some cocoa and go see lights and decorations around town.  I'm also planning Christmas meals.  I want to keep things tasty but a bit simpler.  

What's making me smile; Every single day with TBG!!  It was a scary few weeks and I am even more determined than ever to make every single day the special gift that it is.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy week ahead.  Remember to do something fun every single day!!


  1. Glad to hear there was no blockage. Will keep those prayers going.
    That candle sounds like it would smell good enough to
    Your appetizers sound delicious. I've made something similar but it was water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and then baked in a bbq sauce. Those things are addicting.

    1. Thank you Ann. I do believe in the power of prayer. Yes, the candle does smell good enough to eat. I lit it last night and TBG came in and asked what I was baking. lol Yum on the app you made. That sounds so good.

  2. Glad to hear no blockage and nothing requiring surgery. Hoping the change in medication does the trick. Of course you have been worried about him - that is your teddy bear!
    The candle smells great - I love candles in the winter. Seriously anything in bacon would be good!
    I hope you have a wonderfully relaxed and lovely week with your hubby!

    1. Thank you Cheryl. We were happy to finally have a bit of good news. I just want him feeling better soon. Candles are so comforting in the winter. Light and good smells is welcome on these long nights. Bacon is magic isn't it? lol

  3. Goodness!! I clicked on the wrong blog entry to comment and instead commented for this post on your last one. (blush) --Elise

  4. It happens doesn't it. lol Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Omg, that candle sounds amazing! I once found a Thin Mint Cookie candle at a discount store that was sooo good, but of course, never to be found again.

    I’m happy that TBG is doing better, but that is some serious stress you and he have been dealing with. I hope your holidays are filled with joy and peace. ❤️

    1. Thin Mint Cookie? I bet that smelled amazing. I hate when I find something that I really like and then can't find it again. It's scary that this came out of nowhere and they can't really say what caused it. He's always been such a healthy person it really surprised both of us. Wishing you a peaceful and Merry Christmas too!!

  6. Hello! SO happy to read there is no blockage! You and I are so similar. We too are planning on snuggling in and enjoying these fleeting weeks together. My daughter send me a short video clip of a guy she follows on Tik Tok and I absolutely loved it. He talked about staying home this Christmas season and he ended with this..." 'Tis the season for protecting my peace, and staying in my jolly little lane!" I love it!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. Yes, hopefully his heart continues to strengthen. It's been very stressful. I love that quote. It does fit me perfectly. Enjoy hibernation!!

  7. I'm glad to hear things are looking up for TBG. I hope he continues to receive better health news in the coming days.

    I'm readying my hand for some slaps. I just want my insurance company to tell me whether or not I need to pay full price for my next batch of testing supplies. Two weeks later and no one at the pharmacy can give me an answer.

    1. We just left his cardiologist appointment. He is to continue with the same meds and they are scheduling a sleep study to make sure he doesn't have sleep apnea. It is one thing that can cause the heart to weaken. Then ECHO again in February and depending on how that goes, we'll see what the next step is.
      Insurance is ridiculous!!

  8. Good to hear TBG is on the mend.. a little rest and his meds will have his heart thumping good and strong in no time. Enjoy your holidays and enjoy your time with each other.

    1. Thank you! I hope you and your family enjoy the holiday season as well!!

  9. I'm so glad to hear good news for your husband. It must have been a very stressful time for you. Onwards and upwards (and I'm sure your wonderful home cooking will build him back up in no time)!

    1. Thank you! Yes, this is the first time he's ever had something serious wrong with his health and it was a bit stressful for us both. I'm hoping with the meds and a little extra walking his heart will be in better shape soon.

  10. Lori, what a relief to find out there is no blockage! Hopefully, TBG is on the way to recovery and you both enjoy the holidays. There is nothing like Christmas music and feel good Christmas movies to help sooth the soul a little. Dealing with insurance companies is very stressful which is such a shame when you are already under stress.

    1. Thank you Judee. The clear stress test was something positive that we really needed at this point. He saw his cardiologist yesterday and the plan is to continue with the meds and do a repeat ECHO in February. Hopefully by then we'll be able to see a big difference. Insurance is the worst! People should not have to go through this. I feel sorry for anyone that is alone and sick and has to deal with them.

  11. Hi Lori~ Great news about your big guy! And yes, I believe animals really do have that extra sense about when things aren't right with us... I love that about them! Your table decor is really pretty! I'm all decked out, but lacking a little Christmas cheer, hopefully it will show up in the next week or so ;0) Give the insurance company and extra slap for me. We have had so many problems with them lately! Have a great week! Barb

    1. Hi Barb. I love that about animals too but I felt bad for Binx because he looks so concerned. Christmas can be a hard time of year for various reasons. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Insurance companies are the worst aren't they? Wishing you a peaceful week!!

  12. Oh absolutely keep it simple and cozy and delicious, and enjoy every second with TBG and your little Binx! Those bacon-wrapped dates are so great and I have been reminded of them now for the SECOND time so I think I will be making a batch of those, either for our Christmas Eve buffet or for New Years celebrating! You don't know how relieved I am to learn that TBG is feeling much better. I hate it when folks are sick! Just hate to hear it. I have been so blessed with good health this year but I do get cold/flu usually once each winter so I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, hahaha! If I can only get through Christmas, I can endure it but please God do not let me get sick during Christmas! Ain't nobody got time for that!!! The stress that insurance companies bring is unforgivable. I am sorry you have to fight those battles but I know you're equal to it. They'd better gird their loins when you call, hahaa! Give it to 'em. xoxo

    1. We will keep it simple. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the date appetizer. We'll be having them either Christmas Eve or NY also. TBG is doing better and I pray it continues. He has a repeat Echo scheduled for February and that's when we'll find out how much better he is really doing. I've known him for 40 years and other than sport accidents or a cold/flu, he has never been sick so this was new for both of us. I just kept being thankful that we knew what it was and had a plan to correct it. He still wouldn't even have an echo yet if we would have stuck with the PCP's plan. Outrageous. Yes, I'll fight the good fight with the insurance if I must. It won't be pleasant for anyone. lol

  13. all the best to both you and your husband for the festive season. Hope he is feeling better now!

  14. Have a wonderful and INCREASINGLY HEALTHY holiday season!

    Wrapping small appetizers in bacon is such a great tradition! In the 1940s or 50s there was “rumaki” — bacon-wrapped chicken livers. Before that, bacon-wrapped oysters. Now dates. Everything is better with bacon!
    best, mae at

    1. Thank you Mae!! Same to you. Bacon does indeed make everything better.

  15. Very happy to read no cath needed.
    That candle sounds DELISH!

  16. Think my comment from yesterday got eaten by Blogger. Yum on the candle.

    1. Blogger can be a pain. The candle smells like there are cookies baking.
