Sunday, September 15, 2024

My Weekly W's


What's top of my mind:  This is the beginning of my favorite time of year.  I love Fall and Winter and all of the holidays that they bring.  Last year our holidays were minimal because of TBG's health issues.  This year, we're going to celebrate like we've always done.  TBG is very artistic, and he always does our pumpkin for Halloween.  My task is always a special Halloween treat.  We both found our inspiration for this year, and I'm super excited.  Below are the photos of our inspiration, and I'll post our creations next month when we do them so you can let us know how we did. Yes, even if their an epic failure, I'll show you. 

Where I've been:  We went to fund raiser around noon today at our local Elk's so we enjoyed their famous fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, salad and roll.  When it comes to this meal, they are the best in town.  Other than work all week, I didn't venture out anywhere.  Work was enough.

Where I'm going:  I plan on running to the craft store to pick up a few things.  The farmer's market is on my list, because the season is coming to a close so I want to enjoy fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini while we can.  I'll be working Tuesday thru Friday and I'm preparing myself because it is going to be brutal.

What I'm watching:  We finished Master Chef Generations.  It was fun watching and I was happy with the one that won the final cook. I've had Gilmore Girls on while working in the kitchen.  I can't even tell you how many times I've seen the entire series, and I still enjoy it.

What I'm reading:  This week I plan to start The Bookshop of Hidden Dreams by Karen Hawkins.  I've read the entire series and loved each book so I'm excited to start this one.

What I'm listening to:  A lot of BS from a company that was hired by Corporate to make everything wonderful.  

What I'm eating:
BLT and zucchini 'fries'

My sooth your soul chicken and bean soup with cornbread.  I really do think this soup is magical.  You just feel so good after eating it.
BIG salad X 2
Chicken with peppers and onions and spicy rice with a roll up and green sauce. 

Beef cheeseburger with a special sauce and pickled onions with zucchini 'fries'
Since we had a big lunch, we're having left over soup for dinner. It will hit the spot.
I did bake TBG a sweet potato pie this morning, and it filled the kitchen with scent of fall.  😍

Who needs a good slap:  Anyone that believes one size fits all.  It doesn't.  What works for some will not work for others.  If things are working well, with wonderful outcomes, don't try to 'fix' a problem that doesn't exist by creating more problems than you can imagine.  

What is making me smile:  SO many things.  TBG is feeling back to normal and doing so well.  Binx, continues to grow into such a smart, loveable, crazy cat.  I have people in my life that I love and appreciate more than I can ever say.  And even though the world feels like it is crumbling all around us sometimes, we're doing well.  I have many reasons to smile and for that I am very thankful.

I hope everyone is doing well and is able to see the reasons in your life to smile.
Have a wonderful Sunday and a fabulous week!!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Our house.  It's that time of year when I go through every cabinet, closet, drawer and room to get rid of anything we no longer use.  I'm noticing that a few items that I wasn't ready to part with last time are easier to get rid of now that almost a year has passed, and it still hasn't been used.  Any 'stuff' that isn't used or that one of us just truly loves, has no place here.  I'm a firm believer in the theory that just because you have room doesn't mean you need it.

Where I've been:  I was off Friday and went to Kroger, Farmers Market, Aldi and Kohls.  The joy of living in a small town is that all of this took less than two hours.  I remember one trip to Publix taking over an hour in SW Florida because of traffic and crowds.  I don't miss that at all!  I did pick up my September treat to welcome Fall.  As soon as Labor Day is over the pumpkin candy dish will be filled.

Where I'm going:  No plans which always makes me happy.

What I'm watching:  The days are getting shorter, and the bright green of the trees and grass have changed to a deeper dark green. Fall is coming.

What I'm reading:  A Fine Romance by Susan Branch.  I've had this book for a while and decided it would make a nice summer read.  I'm half-way through and it's been fun hearing about their trip and the places they visited.  

What I'm eating:

I made two jars of my favorite green sauce, and we've enjoyed it on so many different things this week. 

LO beef chili with green sauce and cheese roll up
LO meat sauce on elbow pasta (with green sauce) and salad
Chicken sausage with garlic roasted potatoes and salad
Lamb meatballs, rice and salad (the green sauce is amazing on lamb)
BBQ chicken, zucchini 'fries' and sliced tomatoes
BIG salad

For breakfast I made waffles and fruit today.  TBG now has six in the freezer to reheat for breakfast over the next couple of weeks.

Who needs a good slap:  I spent about 10 minutes trying to think of someone and came up with nothing.  Not that I couldn't have turned on the news and come up with hundreds in less than two minutes, but I try to keep it local and personal.  😊

What is making me smile:  Binx gets the smile again this week.  He's almost 2 1/2 years old now and has started to slow down a little.  He still plays and runs but he also takes a two or three hour nap every day which is new.  I was wondering if he may be bored and need a friend but then realized cats sleep 13-16 hours a day and he is still nowhere near that.  I think he is so close to the two of us and actually rarely is home alone, he is good.

I hope this last weekend of August is a good one for everyone!!  Happy Sunday.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: 

This is SO true!  I have been bombarded with zucchini and various peppers from so many different friends.  We have been eating zucchini in various ways at least twice a week and I made a loaf of zucchini bread.  The peppers have all been frozen or dehydrated.  There will be a lot of spicy stews and chili's this winter.  This isn't half of what we've been gifted.

Where I've been:  I worked Monday-Wednesday and other than the farmers market on Friday, I have been at home.  Home really is my happy place.

Where I'm going:  No appointments or commitments and I'm perfectly happy about that.  Next Saturday we are taking a day trip about an hour north of here.  I hope the weather is perfect like it's been the last four days but it is summer, so we'll deal with it if it isn't.  The 'bers' are coming though.

What I'm watching:  I found a new series that started on Netflix called Blue Ribbon Baking Championship and we watched the first three episodes this weekend.  We both are really enjoying it.  The contestants are blue ribbon bakers from fair's all across the country and the challenges are fun to watch.

What I'm reading:  This has not been a typical year for me when it comes to reading.  Normally I would have read twenty or more books by now and I think I've read four.  

What I'm listening to:  Cicadas.  The normal summer variety that do not swarm you or land down your shirt or in your hair.  They sit in the trees minding their own business and play the sound of summer.

What I'm eating:

Beef cheeseburgers and 'fries' with sliced tomato
Spaghetti with meat sauce and salad
Chicken sausage, mac and cheese and cucumber and tomato salad
LO meat sauce pasta bake, salad and garlic sticks
TBG had shrimp and rice, I had a delicious steak and baked potato and we both had salad
BIG salad

Who needs a good slap:  Amazon.  I ordered a new Shark carpet cleaner and received a box that was mangled, had a large hole in it, and wrapped in an entire roll of packing tape.  The only thing in the box was the base of the machine and two attachments.  Everything else was missing.  I did get it shipped back and received my refund however the review that I wrote with the pictures that I took on my experience was denied because it wasn't 'relevant.'  I responded that now that I know their reviews on products are censored, I will not bother reading them anymore or purchase from them anymore. My prime expires in January and then I will cancel and be done with them.  

What's making me smile:  My pineapple corer. We eat a lot of fresh pineapple, but I always hated cutting them up with a knife.  It's messy, you lose a lot of the juice and it's hard to get uniform slices or chunks.  This baby cuts out the core, the outer edge of the pineapple and cuts perfect slices.  Plus, we can now use the core in a glass of water for a bit of pineapple sweetness.

I hope everyone is enjoying this last bit of summer. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  It's time for me to crawl out from the rock I've been under.  I was feeling pretty emotionally drained most of July and just needed to turn everything around me off and focus on each day. Now I'm back to feeling pretty close to my normal self and I'm shocked that it is August.  Not that I'm complaining because the 'bers' start next month and my favorite time of year begins. 

Where I've been:  Binx had his two-year checkup and got his nails trimmed and he was such a good boy. He now weighs 10.8 pounds and got a clean bill of health.  He's now three times the size he was when we brought him home.  I've made many trips to the farmers market and continued to dehydrate and can all month. I didn't go this past week because we're in the part of growing season that friends are begging us to take tomatoes and peppers and of course zucchini.  We also decided to walk around the flea market they have at the mall every month and finally found a set of glasses that I loved.  $5 for a set of 8 very heavy glasses was an awesome deal.  

Where I'm going:  No plans or appointments as of right now for the next week.  I do have a four-day weekend so I'm looking forward to that.

What I'm watching and what I'm reading:  I haven't really done either lately.

What I'm eating:  We're limiting how much bacon we eat but we did finally have our first BLT of the season this week and it was AMAZING. 

BIG salad x 2
Chicken sausage with green peppers and onions and sliced tomatoes
Lamb meatballs with zucchini 'fries' and sliced tomatoes
Fried chicken sandwich with zucchini 'fries'
Tonight, I'm grilling chicken and veggie kabobs

Who needs a good slap:  There are too many to list right now but I will give a special shoutout to the waitress that brought a practically raw egg instead of an over easy egg to TBG last week. It could not have hit the heat for more than 30 seconds.  When he showed it to her, she said she didn't eat eggs so she doesn't know how they are supposed to look and walked off.  Yes, walked off without even a simple I'm sorry.  5 slaps for never checking on us, making that stupid comment and not even saying I'm sorry.

What is making me smile:  Thank you to those of you that emailed me to check on me.  I appreciate that so much.  We may never have met but I do consider you all friends.

Stay cool and have a wonderful week!!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Throughout my life I was always involved in sports and was very dedicated to all around physical fitness.  Somewhere in my late 40's I slowly started to slack off.  I still walked and did a lot of physical work in the yard in the summer but that just wasn't enough. I'm just not as physically fit as I want to be.  I realized this in May when TBG had his surgery.  The first week while his arm was still in a sling, I had to help him get up and down and quickly realized I was using muscles I hadn't used in a number of years. Then while doing the shopping alone, I realized it wasn't as easy for me to load that 40pk of water into the cart either.  I've since added upper and lower body strength weights and exercises and have started stretching again while continuing the walking I've always done.  I can tell already that I'm a bit stronger and can lift more than I could back in May.  I'm not quite sure why I ever stopped but I'm happy I decided to get back into it.

Where I've been: Friday we went to breakfast and then stopped by the farmer's market. Peach season has started, and they are sweet and delicious.  

Where I'm going:  I have to work M-F which seems to be getting harder and harder.  Other than that, no plans yet.  

What I'm watching:  I really didn't watch much this week.

What I'm reading:  The Love Goddess' Cooking School by Melissa Senate. "Tender, charming, and seasoned with pinch of old-world magic."  This is the first book of hers that I have read, and I really enjoyed her writing style and the way her characters in the story come alive.  I give it a solid 9.

What I'm eating:
TBG saw this somewhere on TV or FB and wanted me to make it. 

I had my doubts that it would work well but I indulged him. It is a beef cheeseburger on two end slices of tomato instead of a bun.  He said it tasted pretty good but was a bit hard to keep it from falling apart.  (Go figure)  I had mine on a bun and zucchini chips for us both.
Beef chili with amazing cornbread
Chicken sandwich and 'fries'
Nathans hot dog with the works, potato salad and deviled eggs.  
TBG-chicken, me a steak with potato salad, eggs and tomato slices
Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic, butter bread sticks.
BIG salad

Who needs a good slap:  I got a text message yesterday saying they were with the state of Illinois, and they have photos of my vehicle going through a toll booth and to click to pay the 75.00 now.  There are so many scams going on now it's crazy, and I firmly believe anyone that takes advantage of people like this deserve 5 hard slaps.  No mater what situation you're in, ripping off people is wrong.  Figure out an honest way to make some money.

What's making me smile:  It was a nice, relaxing 4-day weekend.  I am glad that I checked the interstate report before we left Saturday because 3 exits from ours there was a bad accident with a semi hauling hazardous chemicals. Both North and South bound lanes were closed, and they were asking people to avoid travel because the back roads were filling up.   The fact that neither of us was really disappointed to stay home always makes me smile.  Home is where the heart is, right?

Stay safe and stay cool.  

Friday, July 5, 2024

In My Kitchen

I am joining Sherry at sherrys pickings for her monthly series In My Kitchen where people from all across the globe share what is going on in their kitchens.  

June is always the start to a busy time in my kitchen putting fruits and veggies up for the winter. I didn't grow much in the garden this year so I'm thankful for a nice local Farmer's Market to find all of our seasonal favorites.  The canning, freezing and dehydrating begins.

The best thing about Summer is all of the fresh produce.  I'm fortunate to live in an area where we have a pretty long growing season.

This company was at a fundraiser we attended and I chose this bag of double dipped chocolate covered peanuts.  They were so fresh and delicious I wish I had bought more than one.  Isn't that always the case?

While shopping I found this 'localish' white corn meal.  I used it in my recipe for cornbread and am very happy to have found it.  I will be buying this brand from now on.  

I typically make all of our sauces, including BBQ sauce, but I do like to have a jar on hand this time of year when I need to save time.  This is from the processing plant/store front where we buy a lot of our meat.  It has a smooth flavor that isn't too sweet and is delicious on grilled chicken.

I am a huge cheese fan so I was excited to try this when I saw it.  It's a cheddar and gruyere blend and it's very tasty.  

June was a bit warmer here than normal so I didn't want to do much baking but needed a sweet treat.  Banana pudding to the rescue.  You can find my recipe here.  It's such an easy and refreshing desert that is perfect for any season.  Culinary Adventures with Lori: 2019 Christmas thoughts

I have a rather large collection of cookbooks and I keep promising myself that I won't buy anymore but I am weak.  I love Recipe Tin Eats website and kept hearing about her cookbook Dinner so it kind of jumped in my arms when I saw it at the bookstore.  I've already cooked a few things out of it and have dozens of page markers with others to try.  It really is a great book.

Well, that is my look back at what went on in my kitchen in June.  Sherry, thank you for hosting.  It's always so much fun to see what is going on in everyone's kitchens.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July!


Wishing all who celebrate, a happy and safe holiday.  Stay cool!  Card is from my super talented, sweet friend Ann at Ann's Snap Edit Scrap (  

Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  It's the last day of June 2024.  The first six months of this year have been a bit of a rollercoaster with highs and lows all around.  TBG going through the health issues he has caused a lot of stress for both of us. It seems like when something like this happens you switch into day-by-day mode. Now that everything has been addressed, hopefully he'll continue to feel better and I'm hoping the last six months of this year are much better.  

Where I've been:  It seemed like a really LONG week for some reason.  I went to the Farmer's Market on Friday and for 20.00 bought a LOT of veggies and fruit.  Hobby Lobby is right next to the market, so I went in just to walk around a bit.  They have all of their Fall decorations out and are already putting out Christmas.  The 4th of July stuff was down to one aisle.  I didn't find anything there that I couldn't live without.  

Where I'm going:  This is only a three-day work week so I'm thinking about a day trip on Saturday.  We'll see what we feel like and what the weather is like to decide where.

What I'm watching:  I started to watch the Netflix movie Toscana while I was making dinner one night but it has subtitles, so I'll have to watch that when I have time to sit and focus.  Other than that, I can't think of anything I watched.

What I'm reading:  I finished Hissy Fit and enjoyed it.  

What I'm eating:  
LO sloppy joes with 'fries'
BIG salad x 2
Chicken sausage, veggies and rice
Bison Cheeseburger with zucchini 'fries'
Fried chicken, red potatoes and tomato cucumber salad

I have always loved a good egg and cheese croissant.  I used to love bacon on them, but TBG has cut down on bacon so we're saving that cheat for a summer BLT.  I haven't made croissants myself but do want to try one day.  I saw that our Amish bakery makes them and they are all butter and the BEST!!  I bought a four pack and we enjoyed them two days this week for brunch.  

Who needs a good slap:  Myself. I had an appointment for a much-needed haircut two weeks ago but I cancelled because of the time.  I've tried calling for the last couple of weeks and kept getting voicemail.  Then I remembered he takes three weeks off every June for vacation.  He's probably already booked up because of all the clients that remembered this so who knows when I will get this mop taken care of.  I give myself two slaps.  

What is making me smile:  My BFF called yesterday, and we had a nice long talk to catch each other up on everything.  We met when I was 18 and she was 20. and we had just moved to Florida and have been best friends ever since.  Relationships like that are irreplaceable.  Sometimes she reminds me who I am, and I love her for that.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys the day!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Everyone knows that Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, that doesn't mean I don't love a lot that Spring and Summer have to offer. The sunflowers are all starting to bloom here, and they are gorgeous. Sunflowers have always been a favorite of mine. 

Where I've been:  I went to the library to find something light to read this week.  I need to get a photo or two, it really is cute and cozy.  I also stopped at the Farmer's Market for a few things.  This is probably the last week for local blueberries.  I have been freezing them for a couple of weeks and I hope I have enough put up for a while.  

Where I'm going:  There are no appointments, commitments or anywhere I need to be so other than work my time is open.  I love weeks like this.  I'm thinking maybe a day trip on Saturday would do us both some good.

What I'm watching:  Friday afternoon we watched The Holdovers and we both really enjoyed it.  I love Paul Giamatti and he was wonderful in this role.  We caught up on Master Chef generations and Chio House.  It isn't one of my favorites, but TBG enjoys it.

What I'm reading:  I started Hissy Fit by Mary Kay Andrews.  I figured some good southern lit was a good choice for a summer read.  I've read a lot of her books in the past and enjoyed them.

What I'm listening to: Last year I found this toy for Binx.  It has a laser that swirls around, and he loves chasing after it.  For 10.4 pounds that little cat makes a LOT of noise but I love seeing him playing.

What I'm eating:
Fried chicken sandwich with a salad.
Beef sausage with green peppers and onions and cucumber, tomato and red onion 'salad'.
Spicy chicken and rice with a cheese roll up
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and sliced tomatoes
BIG salad
LO meatloaf, cheese and mashed potato 'pancakes' and a salad
Tonight, I'm making lambchops.  I'm not sure about the sides yet.  I'm craving coleslaw so that will be on the menu soon.

What made me smile:  We went to a fund raiser yesterday for the dance school that TBG shares a building with.  I love being around the younger generation because I always learn something.  I had never heard of a brookie.  It's a cookie base with a brownie cooked on top.  

You just put a heaping tablespoon of cookie batter in a muffin tin, add a heaping tablespoon of brownie batter and bake.  They really are pretty tasty.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.  Stay cool if you're in this heat wave.  I have curly hair and I saw a meme that said check on your curly haired friends, they're walking around like alpacas, and I really felt that.  

Friday, June 21, 2024

52 Recipes in 52 weeks #12 Zucchini Tots

One of my projects for 2024 is to try one new recipe each week for the year.  These will be chosen from all of the flagged pages in cookbooks that I have or from the file of 'need to try' recipes.  I will try new desserts, main dishes, side dishes and breads.

This recipe is my maternal Grandmother's.  They always had a HUGE garden and grew so many things including zucchini.  I'm sure she always had an abundance to use.

2 medium zucchinis, grated
1/2 tsp. salt, to pull out the moisture
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 large egg
2 tsp. granulated garlic
1 tsp. black pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Grate zucchini and place in a bowl with the salt.  Let sit for 20 minutes to pull the water out.
Place the zucchini on a clean dish cloth and wring out the liquid.
Combine all ingredients and mix well.
Grease a mini muffin tin. (These could also be formed into circles and baked on a cooking sheet)
Bake 20-25 minutes until crispy.

I think I may have made these years ago, or maybe I'm remembering them from my Gram, I'm not sure.  They are delicious and go really well with a big salad and make a nice side for most dinners. I can see me making these quite a bit in the summer when my counter is filled with zucchini to use.  We give them a solid 9.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Electricity. It's that time of year when we are bombarded with reminders on the news and in articles to conserve electricity because of the burden on the power grid.  We got a flyer this week telling us to keep curtains pulled during the day, keep the thermostat set on a higher temperature and turn off lights, etc.  These are all things that we do.  The problem I have is why is our government and many others, promoting electric cars??  If our power grid can't handle the heat in summer with everyone's thermostat set at 76 why are we being led to believe electric cars are the responsible thing to buy??  

Where I've been:  I had Wednesday off so TBG and I took the opportunity to have lunch at Knuckleheads.  It was delicious and such a treat to be able to spend a midweek day together.  After that we went to the mall to walk around and get a bit of exercise since it was so hot out.  Other than that, I was at home or work.

Where I'm going:  I need to make another hair appointment since I cancelled the one I had last week.  My hair desperately needs it but I knew by Thursday that there was no way I was going to feel like going Friday at 6pm.  I know myself well enough I'm not sure why I agreed to that in the first place.  I also want to make a trip to the farmers market and the library this week.

What I'm watching:  Now that the dreaded two broods of cicadas have died, I'm able to sit out on the back patio more watching the birds and neighborhood critters run around enjoying the sunshine.  

What I'm reading:  I finished The Women and loved it.  Tomorrow I'm going to the library to find a couple other books to read.  I'm looking for a few light summer reads.

What I'm eating:
Mediterranean spiced chicken, the first zucchini fries for the summer and sliced tomato
Meatball subs and potato 'fries'
Chicken fajita and rice
TBG has shrimp and grits with a small side salad and I had a big salad
Lamb burgers with side salad
Fried chicken and a salad
Tonight I am making beef empanadas

What made me go hmmm?  This is in our Kroger parking lot.  The containers have been there for a couple of weeks.  There are no labels or numbers or anything on the outside of the 15 containers.  Then Friday I saw eight of these.  Same exact color as the containers. ???  

What is making me smile:  We went to a baby shower yesterday and the theme was bees.  It was so cute with little bees and beehives decorating the tables and walls.  

I thought this was a cute idea that came with the invitation.  Books instead of cards.  We got them Oh Baby, The Things you will see by Dr. Suess.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a good week ahead.  Stay cool if you're in the US.  It's supposed to be a hot week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

52 Recipes in 52 Weeks #11 Stove Top Macaroni and Cheese

One of my projects for 2024 is to try one new recipe each week for the year.  These will be chosen from all of the flagged pages in cookbooks that I have or from the file of 'need to try' recipes.  I will try new desserts, main dishes, side dishes and breads.

This is another recipe from Recipe Tin Eats.  We don't eat macaroni and cheese very often but sometimes I really do have a craving for it. I made this in March when the weather was still that in between phase of Winter and Spring so it really did hit the spot. I have a number of recipes for mac and cheese that I use from time to time but wanted to try the cooking method of this one. The pasta is cooked right in the sauce so there is no chance of it getting that thick gloopy sauce or overcooked pasta that no one likes. 

3 1/2 tbsp. butter
3 tbsp. flour
2 cups whole milk
2 1/2 cups of water
2 1/2 cups of elbow macaroni noodles
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar, colby or gruyere cheese
salt and pepper

1 tsp. garlic granules or powder
1/2 tsp. onion granules or powder
1/2 tsp. mustard powder

Melt butter in a medium pot over medium heat. Add flour and cook for 1 minute.
Add about 3/4 cup of milk and mix into butter mixture.  It will become a slurry pretty quickly.
Add remaining milk and mix to combine the slurry.  Then add the water and seasonings.
Add macaroni and mix.  Stir occasionally as it comes to heat.  When you see wisps of steam as you stir, lower the heat to medium low.
Stir regularly as it cooks for 9-10 minutes or until the sauce thickens and the macaroni is just cooked-tender but still firm.  It should still be saucy at this stage and thinner than you want.
Take it off the stove and stir in the cheese quickly.  Adjust salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.

TBG isn't a huge fan of mac and cheese but did enjoy this as much as I did.  I liked the consistency of it and the flavor was spot on.

We had leftovers so I put them in a dish and sprinkled with a panko breadcrumbs and parmesan mix. and put the Ninja on reheat mode 325 for 20 minutes.  To me, it was good reheated but not as good as fresh off the stove top.

I give this a solid 8 out of 10.  I love the one pot method of cooking the pasta in the sauce.