
Friday, April 2, 2021

B-Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book

This was my Grandmothers 1953 edition so it is very special to me.  It's in good shape for as old as it is and as much as I'm sure she used it.  Tucked inside I found a few recipes she clipped from the newspaper over the years.  I haven't cooked anything out of it but I love all of the information it provides and I enjoy seeing how much what we eat and how we cook has changed over the years.

I love this picture of a kitchen from the 1950's.  

I like a cookbook that lists all of the recipes before each category. It's makes finding something very easy.


  1. I knew this would be today's cookbook! A much later edition was the very first cookbook I ever owned. I've since found vintage editions as well for my collection. The graphic are so great. I love that you have your grandmother's copy, such a treasure! That kitchen is gorgeous. I would love to have one like that now. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a great weekend Lori. :)

    1. I would love to have that kitchen too. I remember the house we lived in until I was about 8 was very similar. How funny that you guessed what I would pick for B. I guess it is a very popular cookbook. I'm thrilled to have her copy. Some of her notes are funny. By one recipe she wrote "do not like". Hope you enjoy your weekend as well!

  2. I (am 84) had one of those too. -smile-

    Still have the Fanny Farmer cook book, which I got, when we were married, in 1958. The spine is broken and it is rather falling apart. But we still use it. And it is complete with spills and notes on certain recipes. -smile-

    I suppose it will be a Collector's Piece, soon. -grin-


    1. I have the Fanny Farmer cook book too. How awesome that you have had it since you were first married. I love the notes in old cookbooks. My grandmother wrote quite a few. Have a great weekend.

  3. I see blogger ate my comment again.
    I wrote I love church women's cookbooks I used to collect them for the (same) recipes.

    1. I have one from the Junior League in McAllen Texas that my mom sent me. She used to live there in the winters. It is amazing. The best I've seen.
