Sunday, November 27, 2022

My Weekly W's

I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that it is already the last Sunday of November.  When they say time goes faster as you get older, they are correct.  No matter how much I try to focus on the 'moment'...time seems to fly.

What's top of my mind: We're in that magical time of year between Thanksgiving and the New Year that I love.  I pulled out all of the decorations yesterday to turn the house all cozy.  The lights and candles are so comforting to me during this time of year.  I'm also watching the deer.  According to folklore, the darker their fur gets, the colder the winter will be. Honestly, in 17 years here, I have never seen them so dark.  I'm hoping the folklore is incorrect.

Where I've been: Monday I was off work and the big guy and I went out to lunch.  It was a nice day together.  Friday, we went to the Christmas craft show at the mall. We really do have some seriously talented people in the area.  I found a couple of cute gifts. The alpaca farmers wife was there selling all of her knitted items.  Gorgeous! The big guy was in need of a new pair of winter boots and tennis shoes.  So while we were at the mall, we decided to check in the shoe store.  We hit the jackpot with their black Friday sale.  For less than $200.00 he got boots, tennis shoes, I got a pair of boots and we both got a pair of slippers.  We easily saved over $250.00 so I'm happy.  Before coming home, we went and had a nice BBQ lunch.  The brisket was delicious.

Where I'm going:  This will be a full work week and then Saturday we'll do a grocery shop.  The local Christmas parade is Saturday and depending on the weather, we will go to it.  

What I'm watching: I watched Wedding Season on Netflix and a good number of Christmas movies this week.

What I'm reading: Cookbooks.  

What I'm listening to: The rain.  It is pouring hard!  Thankful I don't have to go out today.

What I'm eating: 
Pasta, salad and garlic bread
Chicken fajita, rice, cheese roll up
BIG salad
Thanksgiving - Turkey, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, Brussel sprouts and dinner rolls. Pumpkin and sweet potato pie for dessert.  
Cornbread stuffing waffle, mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy.  SO good.

Today I'm making a big pot of Brunswick Stew to knock out the rest of the turkey.  There was SO much turkey left over but nothing was wasted.

Yes, that is what was left over from the 17-pound turkey.

Who needs a good slap:  With everything going on in the US right now, it's too hard to pick just one.

What I'm planningHome - Cedarhurst Center for the Arts has an amazing Christmas tour that we will be going to in the next week or two.  They also will be having a Christmas Market that I'm excited about.

What's making me smile: I've always given my cats a bit of roasted chicken or turkey breast when I make it.  Seeing Binx go crazy over turkey for the first time was priceless. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!


  1. Binx sure is a lucky kitten. Grandpup are up green beans that fell that pup turned his nose up at. He's had spartan taste of human food. I'm just a bit down this year for Christmas, missing my kids childhoods with two so far away. I'm hoping the spirit grabs me. We're about to head to church and Advent starts so maybe that will help me.

  2. Chicken and turkey are the only human food Binx has had. Well, except for the cheese that he scarfed up when it hit the floor a few weeks ago. I'm sure it is going to be hard for you not seeing two of your children at Christmas. I know you're good at looking for the small joys so hopefully that will help.

  3. I’ve never heard that piece of folklore. I honestly don’t know if I’d notice our deer having darker fur. We have a herd of about 6 that hang out in our backyard.

    1. We have a lot of deer in our area, and I noticed a few weeks ago how dark they were. Someone originally from here told me that meant a very cold winter. I'd never heard of that either. This evening when they come out, I'll try to get a picture.

  4. I gave my little girls tuna on Thanksgiving night. That bowl was licked clean by the following morning. I never thought about giving them turkey, though.

    We're definitely in for a cold winter. I live within five miles of the coast, and I'm waking up to mid 40s weather every morning. I can only imagine what it's like elsewhere.

    1. sweet you gave them tuna for Thanksgiving. Jet used to love tuna when the big guy made tuna salad. I'm afraid we are all in for a cold winter.

  5. I went through our decorations a couple of years ago and we have just the right amount now also. I'm a little worried how Binx will treat the Christmas tree. We shall see.
    I've been watching a lot of GAC Holiday movies also. I really enjoy that channel.
    Have fun decorating!

  6. You did really well on your shopping spree. I visited a single friend last week and helped her put up her tree and decorations. It was fun. I love watching Christmas shows especially Hallmark. I'll look into Wedding season. We gave my grand cat some turkey for the first time, and she loved it too. Have a great week.

    1. I was happy with our purchases. That was so nice of you to help your friend. I'm sure it made her happy decorating with you. Have you seen any of the GAC movies? They are really good and all 2022 movies. I'm sure your grand cat appreciated the turkey. I know Binx did. Wishing you a great week also!!

  7. Your leftovers look much better than mine.
    I hope this holiday is as good as you hope it will be.

  8. I've never heard about the color of deer but I sure hope it isn't true. Unfortunately my furnace has already been kicking on way more than it should.

    1. I hadn't heard it before either until I asked someone why they seemed so dark. I was very impressed with what our last bill was since we hadn't used heat or air. This next month will include heat.

  9. I had never heard of the deer thing before.. now I gotta start checking my deer.
    All you food sounds so good. Nice that you and your Mr got to enjoy a lunch date and some shopping.

    1. I had never heard this about the deer either. Thank you. We did enjoy a couple of rare weekday lunch dates.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Lori! I didn't eat at home this year so sadly I have no leftovers to pick at. I missed having a turkey sandwich on Friday! Your turkey looks delicious! Happy start to the holiday season! :)

    1. I would have been sad not to have leftovers. Happy holiday season to you as well Danielle. It's the best time of the year.

  11. Hello! I agree with you about these wonderful days through New Year being my favorite. Enjoy your decorating!

    1. I love everything about this time of year. I hope you have a great week Billie Jo.

  12. I love when the Christmas lights are all over my house! They make me feel warm and cozy too! Such a great deal you got on all those shoes! My kitties love turkey, too!

    1. I love Christmas lights too. It makes it getting dark sooner cozy. We did get a great deal. I think every cat I've had loved roasted chicken and turkey.

  13. Maybe were just lucky but our cats did not mess with our trees. Like to snuggle way in under them, and *hide*....

    🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄

  14. I had one kitten that climbed it but once older just liked to snuggle under. I'm going to put it up with the lights for a couple of days and see before I add any breakable decorations. Fingers crossed.

  15. Well I think I need to send you a few pie recipes I discovered over the holiday weekend....

  16. I think the best part of the turkey is what is left many possibilities! Christmas lights get me through the season, I also love seeing them twinkling in other peoples windows...very cozy.

    1. I agree Barb. The possibilities are endless. Yes, Christmas lights get me through the long cold season as well. Have a great day!!

  17. Cornbread stuffing waffle? Details please!

    1. I took left over cornbread stuffing and put it in the waffle iron. Crispy on the outside while warm and fluffy inside. Perfection. I added a bit of maple syrup and hot sauce to the turkey gravy for the top. OMG.

  18. Awwww Binx likes turkey! Haaahaha I bet that was super cute. xoxo

    1. Binx loved the turkey! He scarfed it down like he hadn't eaten in days.
