
Saturday, January 21, 2023

5 Favorite Cookbooks


Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook-This book was actually my mom's.  She bought it in the early 80's and I used to love flipping through it looking at all of the pictures and the descriptions of each recipe and technique in cooking.  She gave it to me a few years ago and it was like a reunion of two old friends.  Compared to other books out at the time, I think this one was ahead of its time.

The Food Lab-This is a fascinating book.  It teaches you better home cooking through science.  It also has many photos and a very thorough look into cooking techniques. 

The New Making of a Cook-This is actually the only book you would ever need to learn how to cook and bake like a professional.  It's extremely detailed on the how and the why of everything you do in the kitchen.

King Arthur Baking School-This is my newest book and I am loving the lessons on all things baking.  It's filled with part science, part using the best ingredients and techniques to make your baking stand out.

Joy of Cooking-This was one of the first cookbooks that I bought for myself back in the 80's and I still love it. It literally covers everything from the foods we eat to pantry suggestions, entertaining to creating a menu and 100's of delicious recipes in every category. 

I have a HUGE cookbook collection and when I first thought what would my favorite 5 be I thought there was absolutely no way I could come down to just 5.  While I love all of my specialty cookbooks on every ingredient and cuisine imaginable, I realized that what I really love the most is books that teach me how to cook and bake so that I do not have to follow recipes but use them as inspiration.  

Do you have any favorite cookbooks? 


  1. I have loads of cookbooks too but I think my favourite also has to be Good Housekeeping- but I think it's the UK version. I haven't made a "bad" recipe from it yet and it's covered with greasy thumb prints and torn pages. I think that says it all really, doesn't it!

    1. I was so happy when my mom gave me her copy. I always loved it. Yes, well used cookbooks are a thing of beauty!

  2. I hate to say it, but I don't own any cook books. I have a lot of saved websites for recipes in Chrome, though.

    1. I know a lot of people that don't have cookbooks but save recipes from websites. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just a little obsessed by actual cookbooks.

  3. Hi Lori~ I am a cookbook lover as well. I have some really old cookbooks that are fun to read. Some of the recipes are actually very healthy, and some are really strange. I do have my favorites that I use all the time. Martha Stewarts book on baking is one of my very favorites! Barb

    1. Hello Barb!! I have a number of very old ones too and it's funny to see some of the really odd recipes that I honestly can't believe anyone actually ate. lol
      I don't have Martha Stewarts book but I'm sure it is a wonderful one.

  4. I have been getting rid of a lot of my cookbooks since I rarely use them anymore, however my favorites are still here.
    More With Less __a Mennonite cookbook I have had since I was a young mother on a ultra strict food budget
    The French Laundry__Most of it is above my pay grade but I love it anyway
    Frank Stitt's Southern Table__Best Mac and cheese recipe ever
    The Columbia Restaurant's Cookbook__picadillo recipe is going to be made this week
    The Betty Furness Westinghouse Cookbook___Mom's first cookbook My earliest kitchen memories are about her using it .
    The Rumsford Cookbook___Copyright 1924 My grandmothers cookbook with tons of recipes in her handwriting on every blank space in the book

    1. These all sound like really great books. I have my grandmothers Better Homes and Garden New Cookbook and she wrote notes all over it also. It's a true treasure.

  5. I can't remember the last time I used a cook book. I used to have a ton of them. Now if I cook I just sort of wing it or look things up online.

    1. Other than baking, I don't really follow true recipes anymore either but I just can't get rid of my cookbooks.

  6. My mom has a huge collection also. Good that you've been donating them. A lot of people have gone digital and I totally can understand that because the books do take up a good amount of space.

  7. I have the Food Lab too! I read it often just to learn of the science. I have many recipes marked to do in time.

    1. The Food Lab is the book that finally taught me how to make delicious biscuits. Before they always turned out flat.

  8. My current fave cookbook is The year of miracles by ella risbridger. And i adore Feast by nigella lawson.

    1. I just put The Year of Miracles on my list to get yesterday. It sounds like a wonderful book.
