Sunday, February 25, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  TBG.  He had to have tests for pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer because of a side effect of the Jardiance that the cardiologist put him on.  He also had some sugar in his urine which is another side effect.  He is not diabetic but was told this medication had shown in studies to promote heart health.  He decided to stop taking it Thursday and says the foggy, weird feeling he was having since taking it has stopped.  I think it made his blood sugar go too low but I'm not a doctor.  His repeat echo came back unchanged.  So, two appointments this week with cardiologists and a home sleep study.  It's just so hard to know what the right thing is to do.  

Where I've been:  I took Friday off and ran a few errands that morning.  

Where I'm going:  I'll go with TBG to his two cardiologist appointments.  Other than that, I don't have anything planned yet other than working.

What I'm watching:  Winter and Spring fight it out. March - May in our area is a roller coaster of weather. One day it's 27 the next day is 70.  Wearing layers is especially important this time of year.  This week is supposed to be the same.  

What I'm reading:  I'm going through notebooks and old journals reading a bit as I go. I can tell you from old entries that setting a solid goal, visualizing it and working on it really does get you there.  I'm cutting out things that I want to keep and putting them in a folder and the rest is going.  I have a large picnic basket that is filled with brand new, really nice notebooks, that I'm vowing to use. I inherited my love of nice stationery, notebooks and pens from my mom.  Looking at the pile of books I realize she gave me most of them.

What I'm eating:
I made a loaf of bread to eat through the week.  The low humidity in winter is the best time for baking.  The bread comes out beautiful.

BIG salad with green goddess dressing and a slice of bread.
Veggie pasta and salad 
Fried chicken sandwich with slaw and sweet potato fries
LO Indian Chili with Jalapeno poppers
Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli.
Chicken fajita nacho salad with homemade guacamole.  I've convinced TBG how good avocados are for his heart health.  
Tonight I'm having a steak and TBG is having cod.  
I have 5 gorgeous poblano peppers that I need to char grill today too so I'm cooking the meat on it too.

Who needs a good slap:  I do.  For years I have used a spiral notebook or a hardcover bound notebook for the year.  I stopped using planners because it just didn't seem like they kept me as organized and a lot of things in them I didn't use.  I don't know why but this year I wanted to try a planner again and it's only taken a month or two for me to remember they don't work for me.  It's pretty and it 'should' work but it doesn't so this week I'm going back to my old way.  Two slaps for me for thinking it would work this time and for wasting the money on it.

What's making me smile: An evening ice cream run to Yellen Hellen's.  So good and such a cute place.

I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful week ahead.


  1. What a cute ice cream shop! And such a lovely evening photo. Making health care decisions is so difficult and I really feel for you both. You think you are doing the right thing by following medical advice, but sometimes the cost outweighs the benefit.

    I have never had any luck with yeast/breads except when I had a bread machine. Your bread looks beautiful. Good job on convincing TBG about avocados though I can’t imagine why anyone doesn’t love them🤓

    1. It is a cute place. They have a lot of room for a number of outside tables. It's run by a local family and they also have the BEST chicken salad sandwiches.
      It has been very difficult. You want to listen to the doctors but so many things are experimental.
      You need to try this no knead bread. Just a few ingredients, stir and let sit for 24 hours. Shape and bake.
      I love avocados so I never could understand. He's making a good attempt to eat them so I'm happy.

  2. It is sure amazing the negative results that can be caused by medications that are supposed to help! Dang. I sure hope stopping it, helps in all kinds of ways.
    Your meals sound good. I love that cute little shop. The bread is sure pretty.
    Have a good week.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I was skeptical when they started him on the medicine but we were so caught off guard we really weren't thinking clearly. It's a really cute place with the best chicken salad sandwiches. Wishing you a wonderful week as well.

  3. Cardiologists are the most 'test ordering' specialities.
    The ice cream place looks scrumptious.

  4. I hope you get the right medical guidance and tbg continues to be well. Your bread is beautiful and I'm sure delicious. I took like a notebook- planners are not a good fit for me either.

    1. Thank you SAM! I'm glad I'm not the only one that just can't work well with a planner.

  5. Hope all goes well at your husbands appointments.
    We have the same thing with weather and it gets rather depressing when the temps drop after being so warm.
    Love the name of that ice cream shop.

    1. Thank you Ann. It's a roller coaster of weather isn't it? Yellen Helen is a really cute name.

  6. I hope TBG eventually finds something that works. Side effects from medications are no fun.

    1. Thank you. Medications are scary aren't they?

  7. I so ho[pe everything comes out okay in all this. I had to laugh at your slaps, as I need them so often.

    1. Thank you Kim. Yes, I need a slap or two every now and then to keep myself in line.

  8. I had/have a daytimer that I used or misused for years. This year I cleaned it out of all pages except for addresses (yes I am old school and use a pen to hand address each and every card or letter sent from my house) and my personal yellow pages book.
    That being said, I bought an 8 dollar planner at Aldi and am really liking it, though I use it in retrospect as much as I do for future.planning. I like seeing the month ahead, but on the daily pages I keep tidbits of information I find /need to save during the day. It makes it much easier to find than when I used to write them on bits and pieces of post it's or scrap paper

    1. I'm old school too Anne. For years, I've kept one notebook and write everything in it. Meals, to dos, projects, etc. I do put a calendar of each month in it so I can easily keep up with the days. I think the biggest thing about this planner that I didn't like is the rings. I'm used to a hard cover bound notebook or spiral. It was hard to write in and I didn't like taking the page out and then putting it back in.

  9. Your meals sound delicious. Ugh it sounds like TBG has escaped the clutches of Big Pharma just in time. I hate it that he had to go through all of that. I too love notebooks, stationery, and pens! I love putting pen to paper about as much as anything. Yellen Hellen's sounds like fun. I think you have mentioned it before! xoxo

    1. TBG has had to go through a lot in the last four months. And half of it is due to side effects. It's just all so scary not knowing what to do. Yes, Yellen Helens is the place with the fabulous chicken salad sandwiches. Their ice cream is awesome too.

  10. Hi Lori~ I'm so sorry to hear about all the test and medical issues TBG is having. The one thing I worry about more than anything, is my husbands health. I hope you can get everything sorted out and get him on the mend. I fall in and out of journaling! I need to be better at it. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns and getting things organized. I can't tell you the amount of money I have spent on planner... that don't work. I just use a regular old tablet or notebook as well. Your meals always sound delicious! It is snowing like crazy here! I think we have at least 3 new inches since about 10 this morning, and it's still coming down. I told my daughter we would go get a milkshake today, but it looks like I will be making one instead ;0) Have a great week-end! Hugs, Barb

    1. Thank you Barb. It is so frustrating dealing with the 'healthcare' system. It's nerve wrecking. I don't really journal anymore but do keep lists and like to have all of them in one place. Notebooks work best for me. Planners are a bit too rigid for me and I don't use them as they are intended so a waste. I've blown my fair share of money on trying them too and I finally realize they just don't work. Enjoy the snow. A homemade milkshake is just as good. Enjoy your Sunday!!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about TBG health issues. I hope that all his appointments went well & am praying for him. I've never used a planner. I just file everything in my head & then end up forgetting some Your bread looks absolutely delicious! It makes me want to bake too :) Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hugs all around

    1. Thank you my friend! I have to write things down or my mind goes on over drive. lol That bread is the no knead bread recipe and it is SO easy and delicious. You should make it. I hope your weekend is going well. Hugs to you!!
