Sunday, March 3, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  I'm not ready for hibernation season to be over with but according to our weather and now the calendar turning to March I'm afraid it is.  I've been getting rid of more things around the house and sprucing areas up to get ready for a deep Spring cleaning.  I want to have it all done by the end of March so I can start cleaning up outside and get ready for planting in April. I did finally find a breadbox that I loved and holds a lot.  I've tried the cloth bags for homemade bread but they really do not keep it fresh at all, so I switched to plastic bags.  However, the cloth bags in the bread box work great.  Plus, it makes the counter look better.  

Where I've been:  I went to TBG's interventional cardiologist appointment with him.  We went to breakfast Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel which is where I found the breadbox.  Our CB is sometimes hit or miss on their breakfast and luckily this week it was a big hit.  We both really enjoyed it.  Other than that, I was at work or home.

Where I'm going:  This week there are no appointments or commitments which is always good to me.  The week is open for wherever we decide to go.

What I'm watching:  Our forsythia trees are all starting to bloom.  It seems like everytime I look at them there are more bright yellow leaves.  This morning, I also filled the birdfeeder for the last time this Winter.  It attracts too many squirrels to our yard and I try to keep them out during this time of year, so they are not around to devour my garden.  I'm not of fan of squirrels and their destructive nature. 

What I'm reading:  The French Don't Diet Plan by Dr. Will Clower.  I put two books in the free little library across the street and found this.  I'm only 1/3 of the way but am enjoying it.  It also has a number of easy recipes in the back that I may try.

What I'm listening to:  Right now I have Practical Magic on TV for a bit of background noise but I find myself really tuning everything out while I'm at home lately, so I'm really not listening to much but the noises in my brain.

What I'm eating:
BIG salad with chicken
Lamb cheeseburgers with 'fries'.  I made a bit of the sauce that I made for the lamb chops and put that on the burgers as they cooked.  It was delicious.
Jalapeno chicken sausage, mac and cheese with red peppers and broccoli
I took the left over 1/2 pound of lamb and made lamb and potato hand pies with a salad.  They were really good and made three extra's for the freezer.
Fried chicken sandwich with coleslaw
LO stuffed shells from the freezer with a salad and garlic bread sticks.  When I make a batch of stuffed shells, lasagna or manicotti I put them together in separate pans freezing one or two before cooking.  It keeps the pasta from getting too mushy when you reheat.  
Our last beef bundle included two, one-pound packages of beef tips so that is slowly cooking in the crock pot as we speak.

Who deserves a fist pump:  Southern Illinois is doing a lot to increase family farms, add meat processing plants and other things to secure local food sources.  I support our local FFA (Future Farmers of America) and have to say it is a thriving chapter filled with young people and their new ideas.  Illinois also has a very good Cottage Law which lets people make and sell from their own farms, homes. It's wonderful to see so much interest in good, local food and farming.

What's making me smile:  We have an accountant, but I still have to get everything sorted and turned in for taxes which I do not enjoy at all.  It is done now and having it done is a relief.  Now to find out how much we owe this year.  We turned in the receipts for our new water heater and HVAC system so hopefully that tax credit will help us out a bit.  We'll see.

Thank you to everyone that sent good wishes, prayers and positive thoughts to TBG.  Good news is he does not have prostrate, or bladder cancer and the urologist said the two symptoms he had were side effects from the Jardiance.  His appointment with the IC was not that great.  His ECHO was exactly the same as three months ago, so he is still at a 25% EF.  anything below 35% is not good.  The doctor said he recommended implanting a defibrillator.  After much discussion, TBG and the doctor agreed that they would do a MUGA scan in three months.  It is much more accurate than an ECHO and gives them a better look at everything that is going on with his heart.  Why they didn't do this instead of a repeat ECHO I do not understand. They officially took him off of Jardiance and added a blood pressure pill.  So we wait again.  I do have to say TBG reports he feels really good.  No shortness of breath, no fatigue and doesn't feel that foggy feeling he was having before.  Just him at least feeling better makes me happy.

Have a wonderful week!!


  1. So happy to hear no cancer or other problems for TBG. Hopefully other issues can be taken care of. It is wonderful that he is feeling better.
    Spring will soon be upon us. I do love this time of year.
    have a great one.

    1. Thank you Cheryl! It's been hard navigating the 'healthcare' system.

  2. Good to hear TBG's test results can back clean. Hope the other tests will also have similar results and bye bye to foggy brain.
    Kudos to the FFA doing good things.

    1. Thank you Hena! I'm happy the state is making it easier and not harder for local farms to grow and thrive. Every state isn't like that. Our FFA chapter is filled with young people with amazing ideas for the future and it makes me so happy.

  3. Thrilled to hear TBG's test results. Hoping the next round of tests will be equally good.
    Hats off to Southern Illinois!

    1. Thank you Anne. I'm glad he's feeling better at least.

  4. Good news on TBG. I took support FFA, that with 4-H is part of my youth. I love the expansion of the cottage food, small farmer, industry. It's a lot of work, but I love the local focus.

    1. We really do have a local focus here on small businesses and local farms/foods. Not a huge fan of our governor but he is making it possible for family farms to thrive and a provided a huge incentive on the new meat processing plant.

  5. Around here, there are a couple different Cracker Barrels you can go to and it depends on which one you choose. The one does pretty good and the other never has very good food.
    Glad to hear TBG is feeling better. What a pain to have to wait another 3 months though for additional tests.

    1. We only have 1 within an hour drive and it's crazy how you just never know how it's going to taste. Maybe it's who is cooking? He is feeling better which is good. You know insurance. Can't have more than one of the heart tests without waiting 91 days.

  6. I enjoy the store at Cracker Barrell more than the food! I love that bread box! I'm glad those tests came out negative. Those are scary side effects!

    1. Our CB is hit or miss. I think it depends on the cook. Thank you, yes medication is filled with crazy side effects.

  7. Hello, my friend. So happy to hear your man's tests came out negative for cancer. Amen. And I am also thinking that I am not quite ready for our season to be over. I need a few more weeks of cozy!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. I'm never ready for hibernation to be over with but time moves on and I have no choice.

  8. I'm so very happy to hear that TBG tested negative for cancer & that he's feeling better. I'm praying that his health will continue to improve. Thank you so much for posting the bread box. I've been looking for one forever (saw one at a furniture store online). I was beginning to think that Americans don't use bread boxes. That is such a common thing for us to use. I'm going to check CB for one. Wishing you all a wonderful week. Hugs & a special one to my favorite kitty :)

    1. Thank you!! I've been looking for awhile too but most were either too small or not very good quality. This one was exactly what I was looking for. Wishing you a wonderful week also. Binx loves hugs so I'll be sure and give him one.

  9. I'm glad to hear there's good news no TBG. Hopefully he continues to feel better. I wish I had the counter space for a bread box. I'd have to get rid of my coffee caddy, which is never going to happen.

    1. Yes, no cancer was a relief. Now to get his heart back up to base line. I'm just glad he feels better.

  10. When I lived in MI the forsythias bloomed in early April; I still associate the color yellow to April.

    1. I read that everything is blooming here about 20 days ahead of normal time.

  11. What a relief that TBG does not have cancer! Love the bread box and I do understand that it looks better than having bags of bread on the counter ( I don't eat bread) but my husband does and it looks sloppy just sitting out. The squirrels do play havoc with the bird feeders and I don't like them hanging out near my deck!! Have a great week.

    1. Thank you Judee! The bread box now conceals all of that and I love it. I don't like squirrels at ALL. They have destroyed so many veggies and herbs over the years. I've found if I don't fill the bird feeders during growing season they pretty much stay out of our yard. I hope you have a wonderful week also.

  12. You feel about squirrels how I feel about deer. They completely destroyed our forsythia, hydrangeas, and so many other trees and bushes.😡

    I turned in all my mom’s tax papers to her CPA right before our trip and picked up the finished file a few days ago. So glad it’s done! Now we have to do ours (we do it ourselves).

    I’m glad that the majority of TBG news was good!

    1. Our fence keeps the deer out, thankfully. The squirrels will wait until a tomato or pepper is just perfect and then take one bite out of it and drop it. SO frustrating. One year they totally destroyed my sunflowers too.
      I'm always glad when taxes are done and I don't have to think about it for another year. We used to do ours but with my husbands business, it's easier and safer to have the accountant do it.
      Thank you. TBG is feeling well and that's the most important thing. Have a great weekend and welcome back Bijoux!!

  13. Oh Lori, that's GREAT news about your beloved! Praise the Lord. That bread box is darling!!! xoxo

    1. He still has a low EF that we have to worry about but at least he's feeling better.
