Good Morning and Happy Sunday!
What's top of my mind: The garden and the local produce. It's getting that time of year that I'm pulling something out of the garden daily. The tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers and herbs are all doing very well. The squirrels didn't eat all of the arugula like I originally thought. We've been eating it for a week or two and I actually had enough to make arugula pesto yesterday. I love that in winter soups, pasta dishes and on pizza so I'm happy. I'll probably get more this fall also. I also dehydrated all of the dill yesterday. Next on the list is oregano. The basil is going crazy and I'll be making pesto out of it soon. But first I must make a tomato, basil, motz. pizza. My favorite. The blueberries and cherry tomatoes are from a friend and so good.

Where I've been: This week I didn't go anywhere except for a quick trip to the store for milk and bananas and a stop at the farmers market for a couple of large jars of honey. I try to keep local honey in stock at all times. I use it in place of sugar in a lot of things.
Where I'm going: Tomorrow Binx has his first visit to the vet. He had all of his shots and was microchipped when we picked him up but he didn't weigh enough for the rabies shot plus I just want to get him established. I'm sure he'll do fine. Wednesday I have a much-needed hair appointment for a trim. Saturday is the big guys birthday. Per his request, he did not want a party but wanted to go to Drakes for lunch so that is the plan. I will be making him a cake and have all the decorations needed. Other than that, it's a full work week.
This was yesterday. Binx has grown SO much in the last 5 weeks. He's such a joy.
What I'm watching: I watched Bridemaids again while I was working in the kitchen one night. It always makes me laugh.
What I'm reading: I'm about halfway through Khabaar and am enjoying it. I need to reserve another book or two this week so I have something when I finish. I can't be without a good book, especially in the summer.
What I'm listening to: I'm focusing on my inner voice and the people in my circle. The outside world may be spinning out of control but I can only control what I do.
What I'm eating:
Baby back ribs, chicken kabobs, mac salad, stuffed mushrooms and texas toast
Left over wings and steak from Saturday, mac salad and corn on the cob
Left over ribs, chicken kabobs, salad and roasted red potatoes
Beef chili-I don't usually make this in the summer but the big guy requested it. He had a craving.
BIG salad
Moroccan lamb meatballs with curry rice, naan ( I will post this recipe this week. It was amazing.)
Tonight, I'm grilling a spatch cocked chicken. Sides to be determined.
Who needs a good slap: All of the keyboard warriors. I don't go on FB very often but it never fails when I do there are so many posts complaining about this company or that person. I just scroll on but can't help but wonder why they are putting this all on FB. I just don't get it.
What is making me smile: Yesterday we had rain off and, on all day, so I was forced to stay in and do things around the house. I ticked a lot of things off my to do list which always makes me smile. Today, it's sunny but cooler so the outside windows are all getting done. I'm going to fertilize all of the trees and bushes. Then I'm going to relax in my chair outside and read.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!