
Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  My mind is all over the place. Work was bit stressful this week.  Since we lost a lot of our permanent doctors, I think the group is going through an adjustment phase and it isn't good.  I'm worried about the World as a whole. So much violence, prices through the roof among so many other things. The big guy is sick for the second time in just over a month.  It's nothing serious and he was checked out by his doctor, but it just seems like he keeps catching things and he never did before. Hopefully this week will be a bit calmer.

Where I've been: Work, home and one trip to the store for fruit, veggies and dairy.  Don't be jealous of my adventurous life.  

Where I'm going:  This depends on the weather.  If it is as cold as they say it's going to be I'll probably again just go back and forth to work.  I always take advantage of this time of year to be home.

What I'm watching:  We caught up on Kids Baking Championship.  It just blows my mind how talented these kids are.  

What I'm reading:  I bought Midnight Chicken and Other Recipes Worth Living For along with The Year of about love and grief and growing things.  By Ella Risbridger.  They are part memoir, part cookbooks and both beautifully illustrated.  I can't wait to start reading them this week.  I've also been reading up on dehydrating as I plan to do a LOT of that this summer.

What I'm listening to: As little as possible.  I find myself enjoying the quiet more and more as I get older.

What I'm eating:

BBQ chicken, mashed potato patties, salad

Veggie Pasta, salad

Steak, baked sweet potato, salad

Beef and bean Chili, cheese and crackers

Moroccan Lamb meatballs, rice, Naan

Spicy chicken Kielbasa, Baked potato and garlic knots

This morning for brunch I made chicken and waffles.  SO good.  The siracha maple syrup brings it all together.

Dinner tonight will be left over lamb meatballs with a butter, garlic, parm pasta and salad.

What I'm planning:  I'm still doing my spring cleaning.  I've taken two large boxes to the thrift store and one computer tower and monitor to Staples.  If you need to get rid of things like that, they have a long list of what they will take free of charge to recycle.  My goal is to be completely done by the end of February which is totally doable. 

Who needs a good slap:  Everyone involved in the murder of Tyre Nichols.  Jim Jordan made the comment that "There's no law that can stop that level of evil."  I totally agree.

What's making me smile:  Ticking things off of my to do list and reviewing my intentions list for the year every day helps keep me sane.  And that is worth a smile.  I can't control the outside world, but I can control what I do and how I react to it all.

Stay warm and safe and have a wonderful Sunday!!


  1. Winter does tend to limit activities! I can’t even get myself out for a walk in all the slush and ice. So I see what you are about.

    best… mae at

    1. I find if it is sunny I can handle the cold a bit better than when cloudy and gray. Those are the days I just want to stay inside.

  2. Our library system usually has two months per year where they accept computers/accessories and cell phones that they recycle into usable products for those in need. It’s amazing to see how much gets dropped off!

    1. That is awesome. I don't think ours does but was glad to find Staples to accept.

  3. Sorry the big guy keeps getting sick. I've added extra zinc and Vit D to help boost my immunity as I've gotten older. The cold weather scared us off to Florida when we retired. I do enjoy the milder winter here and we tend to get out more to do things . Have a great week.

    1. One of our daughters in law got covid last week, and this week, our son (her husband) has the flu. Yes, so much going around. We too have taken zinc and vitamin D, since our doctor advised it, quite a while ago.

      I just came across your sweet email. Thank you! And I do know of that gentle site, you spoke of. Hard to just hibernate this year. But I do what I can.

      Love and gentle hugs...

    2. Hello! I hope you're doing well and that your son and dil are better soon. It's funny after I emailed you I realized you were the one to tell me about the site. lol Take care of yourself and I hope you're able to find some down time soon.

  4. The chicken and waffles with the siracha syrup sounds like something right up my alley!

  5. This cold weather doesn't make me want to do anything. I'm sorry to hear The Big Guy is getting sick. I've had to shake off a couple of colds the past few weeks, but luckily I've been able to bounce back from them after a day or two. Hopefully he's already feeling better.

    1. Yes the cold weather makes me want to stay inside. He said he is feeling better this morning so fingers crossed he doesn't catch anything else this year.

  6. Sorry things have been stressful at work and the big guy has been sick. I hope both will be better soon.
    I have an adventurous life too. Home, work and back again.

    1. Thanks Ann. The big guy said he feels better today. I enjoy being home this time of year when it's cold and dark.

  7. Haahaaha I won't be jealous of your adventurous life as I am about the same! I don't work so I venture out for groceries and church, and the odd appointment. I'd rather be at home enjoying the quiet, or taking a walk. I'm so sorry the big guy was under the weather again. I hope he's better now. Chicken and waffles is one of my favorite thing and SRIRACHA IN THE MAPLE SYRUP? Mercy. I'll have to try that. xoxo

    1. I used to be on the go so much I don't know what happened but I'm actually OK with it. I enjoy being home too. He is feeling better today so fingers crossed he doesn't pick anything else up. Yes you must try siracha, maple syrup and a bit of black pepper with the chicken and waffles it gives the right amount of sweet and savory to it.

  8. All your meals look so yum.
    I agree with all your slaps.

    1. Thank you. Yes, slaps probably aren't enough for them.

  9. Hi Lori~ What a true statement about not being able to control what's going on in the outside world. We can control our own little world! I also agree with your slap - what a tragedy. I am always just appalled at what is happening in this country. Your dinners look delicious...again! Stay warm. Barb

    1. Thank you Barb. I try really hard not to let all of the negativity out there ruin my day. There is still a lot of good when you focus on it. It is a tragedy.

  10. Oh yes i love Ella Risbridger! I really enjoyed her latest even more than Midnight CHicken. Isn't it wonderful how many cookbooks are illustrated with lovely drawings these days?

    1. Yes, I have both and am starting to read them now. I love illustrated cookbooks and both of these are beautiful.

  11. I'm sorry the big guy is sick again. I hope he gets well soon. Has he tried eating blueberries? DS eats blueberries every day and rarely gets sick.

    I've never had chicken & waffles. I'm gonna have to try some soon. Everything looks delicious again. I couldn't bring myself to watch the Tyre Nichols video. I was sick to my stomach just reading about it. Have a wonderful week!

    1. He does eat a lot of blueberries. He rarely gets sick as well that's why this was so unusual to get sick twice in a month. He is feeling better now though. I did not watch the video either. Like you said, reading about it was bad enough. Wishing you a good week ahead also!!

  12. Your meals all sound so good. I have never had chicken and waffles together, it just always sounded like a strange combo to me! LOL!

    1. Hi Cheryl. Thank you. I never thought I would like it either but it is delicious.

  13. I've tried chicken and waffles before an like it so I don't know why I've never had it since! Stay warm!

    1. I find the maple syrup with a bit of hot sauce gives it that perfect sweet savory taste. It's cold today but tomorrow is supposed to be 50 degrees.

  14. Didn't I do this one already ? Time flies.

    1. Time does fly but my weeks are also pretty much looking the same right now.
