
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Things That Make Me Smile

I think what makes me smile the most about this picture is that less than two feet away is his cat tree in front of the other half of this window.  I guess that would be too easy.  His little paws on the baseboard just crack me up.  Have a wonderful Saturday!!


  1. That IS funny with his paws on the baseboard. Wish I could do that!

    1. He has been doing pull ups on window sills and cabinets for a long time. It's just too cute.

  2. LOL that is funny. Maybe he just felt he needed a bit of exercise.

    1. He does pull ups all the time, it's hilarious. Out of all the cats I've had, this one is something else.

  3. That is a cute picture. Looks like he's hanging on for dear life! Oh and I see Rehana is doing the rounds again. I just deleted a few comments!

    1. Binx is one of a kind that is for sure.

  4. Ha! One of my cats used to stand at the window all the time! I put a stool there for her to use and she just moved to another window! Crazy!

    1. He has a 6 foot high cat tree less than two feet to the left but this is what he likes to do. Cats are crazy!

  5. UGH that Binx is a truly magnificent cat! I love his soft black fur! And what a wonderful personality. I don't know what I'd do without my precious Sweetness to make me laugh. She is aptly named because she is the sweetest thing, but mischievous too! Haahaa xoxo

    1. All but one of the many cats we've had over the years went into hiding during bad storms. Sunday night we were having a lot of lightening and loud thunder. I actually had the sliding door open when a loud crack of thunder hit. I looked at Binx and he actually ran to the door to see what in the world made that noise instead of hiding. That sums up his personality. I'm glad you have Sweetness to snuggle and laugh at. Cats are awesome.
