
Sunday, September 11, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  On top of my mind today is September 11 21 years ago.  We were still living in SW Florida.  I knew one of the airline attendants who took the plane down instead of having the terrorists hit their intended target.  She left behind a husband and 4 small children.  They are always in my prayers.  The events of that day and the many months following are what made me realize I wanted to move to a smaller town outside of Florida which we did four years later.

Where I've been: Friday I made a trip to the Farmers Market.  There are still a lot of fresh veggies and fruits.  The fall produce has replaced the spring and summer variety. Still a lot of tomatoes and peppers and now the squash, apples and pumpkins are everywhere.  We probably have a good 3 or 4 weeks left of the season. 

Saturday the big guy wanted to have lunch out so we went to our local Italian place for a bite.  It was delicious as always.

Where I'm going:  No plans this week so far other than work Mon-Fri and a grocery run next weekend.

What I'm watching:  We watched Hocus Pocus to refresh the big guy's memory of it so we can enjoy the second one when it comes out at the end of the month.  

What I'm reading:  I read two or three chapters of The Boys and I just couldn't get into it.  So, I started reading The Lost and Found Bookstore by Susan Wiggs and I'm loving it.

What I'm listening to:  Right now Binx is running up and down the hallway and into each room chasing something.  How can a little cat make SO much noise?

What I'm eating:
Roasted chicken, whipped potatoes and corn
Left over Moroccan lamb meatballs, zucchini fries and naan
BBQ chicken, tomatoes and summer squash
BLT and oven fries
Cheeseburgers and zucchini chips
We were still pretty full from lunch yesterday so I made us a few Jalapeno poppers and they hit the spot.

Dessert this week was brownies with ice cream, walnuts and caramel sauce.

Who needs a good slap: The powers that be of Illinois that have passed the SAFE T act which will eliminate bail for some very serious crimes starting January 1,2023. While I understand that it may not be fair to people with little money to have to sit in jail while others with money can bail out, I do not think this is the solution to that.  Blatant crimes have escalated in states that have tried this.

What I'm planning: In January I plan to make a big decision on my current employment.  I want to enjoy my holiday season so it's on the back burner until then.

What is making me smile:  We've had cooler temperatures.  We still have some warm days ahead but the feeling of fall in the air in the mornings and evenings is making me smile.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and week ahead.


  1. I wouldn't mind visiting a farmer's market myself one of these days. It would be nice to get some fresh veggies, jams, etc.. I'm also guessing my actions this week might have made you think about your employment situation as well? The only word of warning is that you need to find out when your benefits would end before you do it. Mine ended at midnight at the end of the day I quit, so I'm currently without insurance until I either get the COBRA offer in the mail or sign up at the state exchange later this month.

    That brownie with ice cream looks so good!

    1. I love our Farmers market. They're all local farmers that I've gotten to know over the years.
      I have been thinking about my job situation for a while now. When corporate took over 4 years ago, they've slowly been cutting perks and benefits out. Now the culture is so bad all of my doctors are leaving, and I just don't see how it's going to all end up. I started with the program from day one and it really breaks my heart to see things the way they are.
      Thanks for the tip on the insurance.

  2. Oh wow, that is sad about that flight attendant. Her children would be all grown up now, but sad without their mom there :( Yum on the dessert plus all the food you mentioned here Lori :) Good luck with making the decision about your job. I read your comment above to Dark Robzilla about why you might be wanting to make a change. Once corporate gets involved, things usually start going downhill (sadly). The supermarket chain I'm working temp for got bought out about 8 years ago by a bigger one. The employees who worked for the older one said they really cared for their employees. The new one doesn't as much. Sad, isn't it? Binx does sound like a joy to be around!

    Enjoy the week ahead!


    1. The children were all so young, it just breaks my heart they grew up without her.
      It is very sad how large corporations come in and basically ruin things. Before them we were a very prosperous, community-based hospital with a reputation for very good care. Why they wouldn't want to keep that I will never understand.
      Binx has an amazing personality. He is a joy.
      Enjoy your week ahead also Betty!!

  3. Today is a sad day and if it watch the coverage it always makes me angry all over again! I'm sorry you lost your friend and her children were left without a mother. When our cats were younger and ran around chasing things or each other they sounded like a heard of elephants!

    1. It's a very sad day! It's always amazed me how loud a kitten can be while running.

  4. I saw Hocus Pocus late in life and I liked it a lot. I would like to see the new one.

  5. This is a day that will be forever in our minds. So very sad.
    I wish we had a farmers market around here.

    1. Yes it is. Sorry you have no Farmers Market. I would be lost without it.

  6. We are having BLT’s tonight with corn on the cob. We always have that combo!

    1. That's a great combo. I love my summer BLT's! Enjoy.

  7. Stories such as the flight attendant from Florida make the horrors of 9-11 so real. I worked in NJ at the time and many of my students had parents working in NYC at the time and could not locate them initially. One of the pilots was from our area too. I always like to read " who needs a good slap" and couldn't agree with you more.

    1. It really does Judee. I'm sure you were just beside yourself being in NJ with so many parents working in NYC. That had to be difficult.
      I just don't understand the thinking behind some of these new laws.

  8. You knew a stewardess on the "Let's Roll" flight. Oh mercy, but that day certainly hit you, in a major, major way. How wonderful and brave those people were!!!!


    1. Yes she was an attendant on that flight. Her husband was a police officer and they had 4 small children. I still get chills when I think of it.

  9. A new Hocus Pocus???????? Oh my! I wonder about such, especially since the original is so well known to people........ Interesting though...


    1. The original is amazing. The second Hocus Pocus has the original cast of sisters so I'm really hoping it is good. I don't think the main three actresses would do it if they didn't feel it was amazing but we shall see.

  10. That Illinois thing has me like, whaaaat? It's INSANE! How can a state whose big cities (We love Chicago) are already paralyzed by crime, make it even worse? So by this rule, you can commit murder in the heat of the moment and you will not be brought to justice AT ALL? How great for the victims, and their families!!! So so so dumb and awful. Libs are truly sick and diseased in their minds. Anyone who could even think something like this up, is sick and twisted. We will never return to our beloved Chicago now. We'll never see the Cubs play in person again. It makes me sad but we have some wonderful memories (our first date, and many subsequent dates, took place in Chicago) and those will have to suffice. So many great folks live in Chicago and indeed the entire state, and I feel so sorry for them. I'm not familiar with Hocus Pocus so I will have to look into that, haahaa! Your brownie with ice cream and caramel sauce made me drool! Aren't farmers' markets just the bomb? I love all that fresh stuff. It's cooling down here ever so slightly too, most notably for now in the night and morning hours. The dogwood leaves are reddening! Such a great time of year. xoxo

    1. The new law really blew my mind when I read it and the list of serious crimes that would no longer require bail. It just makes my stomach turn. I don't see how anyone could think this is a good thing. We used to go to Chicago a lot but not anymore. The big guy went in July and said when he came home I don't want to go ever again.
      You MUST watch Hocus Pocus it is such a cute movie. You're granddaughter would probably love it. You'll see where Binx got his name. lol
      It was cooling off here but we're expected to get another heat wave this weekend which is normal for here.
      Oh a dogwood is on my list to buy. They are my mom's favorites.
      Enjoy the weekend my friend!!
