
Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind: My project list.  I have a number of items that I really want crossed off by Thanksgiving, so I need to make this a priority and get busy.  Even though I try to be mindful of time, it slips by so quickly sometimes.

Where I've been:  Other than work and home, I ran to the library to return books and pick a few up.  I really do love our library.  It's an old brick building with gorgeous stained-glass windows.  There are large cozy leather chairs all over for reading.  They have a game table and a puzzle table set up and there are always people working on puzzles.  It's just a really special place. We had dinner Wednesday night at our favorite Italian place.  It was a nice change of pace to have a midweek dinner out.  I also went clothes shopping and bought 5 or 6 new tops for Fall/Winter. Then I went to Walmart for a new crockpot.  Mine died last year and I thought between my Dutch oven and stock pots I wouldn't need to replace it but to make stock the crock pot works best.

Where I'm going: I need to run by the pet store this week for Binx's food.  I will also probably stop at the Farmers Market for a few things.  The season is almost over and I will miss going.

What I'm watching: We watched the two new British Bake-Off episodes and as always, they did not disappoint.   I finished the new season of The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, which was OK, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the first season.

What I'm reading: I'm about halfway through The Apple Orchard by Susan Wiggs and I'm enjoying it as much as the other three that I read.  I'm so glad I stumbled on her books because she is a very good author.

What I'm listening to: I'm listening to the local weather right now and the next 10-day forecast is highs in the 70's and lows in the 40's.  YAY!

What I'm eating:

The pumpkin pie I made last Sunday was delicious and really hit the spot.
Korean Beef with rice and naan.  This is the first time we've eaten this with naan and it was a hit. 
BIG salad
Joe's pizza and salad
Chicken legs, mashed potatoes and green beans
Beef chili with mozzarella cheese sticks and oyster crackers.  It was very spicy but good.

Fried chicken sandwich with zucchini chips.  I usually serve this on buns, but I decided to make Texas toast instead and it was really good this way.

Tonight, I'm roasting a whole chicken with sides to be determined. For our sweet treat this week I'm making banana pudding.  I'm also making another one to take to work tomorrow.  One of my doctors requested it since he's never tried it.  Who has never eaten banana pudding????

Who needs a good slap: I'm in a peaceful state of mind so no slaps this week.

What I'm planning: This week I will be decorating the front porch for Fall/Halloween.  There is a farm stand a mile away and their pumpkins and mums look really good.

What's making me smile: All of my blog buddies.  Even though we've never met in person, I've gotten to know a number of people through our blogs and keeping up with you all is something that makes me smile.

Have a wonderful Sunda and week ahead!!


  1. Your weather is perfect. We've got good temps this week. I need to get a Korean beef fish made. Yum.

    1. My husband spent three years in Korea and loves bulgogi beef. I do as well. I'm thrilled with the cool down.

  2. Great that you are in a peaceful state of mind, Lori! That really is the best place for us to be! I don't think I have had banana pudding. I did see that British Bake Off series on Netflix and it did look interesting. I might have to give it a go. How fun to decorate for Halloween/fall! We saw pumpkins at the store yesterday and it put me in a bit of a festive Halloween mood :) You too have a great week ahead!


    1. There is just so much going on in the world and frankly my worrying about it isn't going to make anything better so I try hard not to. The British Bake Off is a lovely show. The judges are wonderful and it's fun to watch so many amazing bakers.

  3. I wish I had your weather. I woke up this morning to 70 degrees and muggy weather. It is going to be very unpleasant the next few days here.

    I'm glad everything seemed to go well this week for you. Hopefully next week is more of the same.

    1. I wish I could send some cooler air your way. I hope you have a wonderful week as well.

  4. We don’t have Netflix, but I’ve always heard that British Bake Off was fabulous. I learned early this week, after my physical, that I’m in the pre diabetes category, some been busy searching for info online to help me manage my blood sugar. It’s frustrating because most of it is about losing weight, which I can’t afford to do!

    1. Sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Does your hospital or doctor offer diabetes education classes? I know they do at the hospital that I work for. A diabetes educator would be very beneficial for you. I work with a nephrologist and put the binder together for one of his conferences. I was amazed at how complicated diet is for a diabetic. Hoping you can find help to navigate this.

  5. I will definitely be checking out that author Susan Wiggs. Like you I love our library, too. It has three floors and several areas that are lit with soft lamps and comfy chairs for reading. One of these days I have to take advantage of that and sit there for a while!

    1. I have found the four that I've read to be very good and so hard to put down. lol I'm glad you also have a library that you love. I've been loving libraries ever since my gram started taking me once a week every Summer when school was out.
      I'm guilty of not enjoying the comfy chairs as well and really need to set some time aside to do that.

  6. I think there must be a new season of the bake-off. I'm going to need to tune it in.

    1. Yes, it started two weeks ago. They drop a new one every Friday.

  7. Your low temps are the same as ours but we've only been getting to the high 50's /low 60's for a high.
    It's been a long time since I've been in our local library. I do all my reading on my kindle these days.

    1. I tried to get into the Kindle but I just couldn't. I like the feel of a real book in my hand.

  8. love reading suggestions!


  9. Oh that British Baking show is the BEST! We watch it together and love it! Your meals sound delicious, as does your weather! Welcome fall!

    1. It is a great show. We enjoy it also. YES...Fall has finally arrived.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you. I just saw your last post and talk about yummy meals.

  11. It sounds like a peaceful week and with no slaps to boot! I'm enjoying the bake-off and skipped the Bollywood although I am watching the Indian Matchmaker show and love it. I love eating out Italian any night of the week.

    1. It's been pretty peaceful. The bake off is a nice show, light hearted and who doesn't love baking? I'll have to check out the Indian Matchmaker. I haven't seen it. Yes, Italian is good any night.

  12. I'd rather die than have never eaten banana pudding, haaaha! That is one dessert I cannot resist. Those zucchini chips look so good! I have not been to the library in at least three years. That makes me sad. xoxo

    1. He is originally from India so understandably not a thing there. He loved it though. I think banana pudding is one of my favorite desserts. I can't resist it either. I didn't go to the library for a number of years when we first moved here either but I read so much I didn't want to keep buying books.
