
Saturday, September 24, 2022

So long Summer 2022

Thursday officially brought us Fall and Mother Nature seems to have been paying attention because we went from a high of 97 degrees on Wednesday afternoon to a high of 71 degrees Thursday afternoon.  We may have a few more warm days, but another Summer is in the books.

Even though Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, Summer has a lot to offer. I mean who doesn't love walking outside to get veggies or herbs for dinner? The side flower bed that I've been working on for two years is finally really filling out and it looked gorgeous all summer.  The rosemary bush that I planted in Spring 2021 made it through the winter and is thriving.  The garden and herbs did very well this year also.  Much better than the heart break of 2020.

We ate our summer favorites with relish.  BLT's, fresh salsa, summer salads, corn on the cob, coleslaw, potato salad, macaroni salad and so much more.

To add some summer flavor to winter meals I've made arugula pesto and basil pesto to add to soups and stews and pasta dishes. I have corn, green beans, jalapeno, poblano and bell peppers, tomatoes and blueberries in the freezer. I've dehydrated onions, celery, rosemary, Thai oregano, oregano and Mexican oregano, Thai basil, basil, dill, mint, a variety of peppers and more. And I canned pepper jelly, bread and butter pickles and dill pickles. It all takes time but is so worth it when I can use these down the road.

I sat outside in the sun a LOT reading many, many wonderful books. I started doing that when I was probably in 5th grade, and I've done it my entire life. We grilled many, many times and enjoyed meals out on the patio.  We made a few trips to Yellen Helen's for the best chicken salad sandwiches and ice cream.  We also went to our favorite place Firefly Grill and enjoyed their local bounty many times on their amazing patio. And I can't forget watching the fireworks on July 4th and the fun of seeing fireflies for the first time every season and celebrating the big guys Birthday in July and promotion in TKD.

All and all it was a great Summer. 

There are a lot of reasons to be sad to see another summer end but I'm looking forward to what the Fall and Winter has to offer.

Enjoy your Saturday!!


  1. Summers here along the gulf coast are brutal. I too look forward to seeing it end (not until October+mid November)

    What a blessed season you had. Definitely!!

    1. We lived in SW Florida for over 20 years and I remember all too well the heat and humidity. I don't miss it.
      We did have a good season and I am thankful.

  2. My favorite season is summer and I’m always sad to see it go. We’ve been in the 50’s the last few days, which is a bummer. I enjoyed reading about your favorite summer things.

    1. I understand being sad to see your favorite season go. I feel the same way when March comes. I think it is because I lived for over 20 years without the traditional 4 seasons, and I missed them.

  3. I had a great summer, too! I think maybe it was because, in part, it was the first "normal" summer we've had in many years, due to the pandemic.

    1. I'm glad you had a great summer Jeff. Yes, the past two years were rough on everyone. A bit of 'normal' is welcome.

  4. It's nice to look back on all the things you enjoyed. Mine was busy/ not busy. Mostly bi was helping others from my MIL hosting out of state guests at lake, to supporting my daughter with her house hunt, buy, move, and youngest getting ready to study abroad. The highlight was my son visiting, no offense to my daughter's.

    1. It's nice that you were able to have all of your children together this summer, especially after not seeing your son for a couple of years. It's good that you've been able to be there for your family. I'm sure they appreciate the support.

  5. I enjoyed accompanying you down memory lane from this past summer. The food, the garden, the outdoor reading all sounds so good. Summer is probably my favorite season followed closely by spring and then fall. Since retiring we go to Florida to escape the harsh Pennsylvania winters.

    1. Thank you Judee. I can understand escaping harsh winters. Here in Southern Illinois, our winters aren't typically as long or harsh as yours.
      Enjoy your Saturday!!

  6. Oh, Lori, I enjoyed reading this! I felt like it should be an op-ed in a newspaper or the like. Very well written! I almost felt like I was there, enjoying your summer with you and the Big Guy (and Binx of course too). Summer is miserable here in Phoenix so a lot of people are anxious to wave goodbye to it, though that won't happen for another month, lol, but the evenings are cool enough for people to start eating outside again and the like. We have endured another hot summer and now will "reap" the benefits of "gentle" temps until in the blink of an eye it will be May (and hot weather) once again :)


    1. Wow thank you Betty! I don't miss those long miserable summers. I'm glad the evenings are at least a bit cooler which helps. Highs in the 70s all week with lows in the 40s are predicted for the next 10 days and I couldn't love it more.

  7. Summer is alive and well where I'm at. It's 86 degrees as I write this and we're having an excessive heat warning again starting Monday. At least it should cool down at night this time around.

    1. I was just watching the weather and saw that you will be having a heat wave again. I hope you can stay cool.

  8. I am enjoying my Saturday and it is so nice.

    1. You deserve a break. You've worked so hard for so many months. Enjoy it!!

  9. Summer was always my favorite season but the older I get the less I like the high heat and humidity. I love all the things you mentioned about summer though.

    1. I also was much more tolerant of heat and humidity when I was younger.

  10. What a wonderful post. I love everything about summer except the heat, haaaha! And sometimes I even like that. But you're right: even though fall and winter are my favorites, I do get nostalgic for summer at this time of year. xoxo

    1. I'm not as much of a fan of the heat as I used to be but I can tolerate it. Yes, it's always a bit sad to say good bye to yet another season.
