Sunday, December 25, 2022

My Weekly W's - Christmas 2022

What's top of my mind:  I had a little quiet time before the house woke up to think about Christmas past, present and future.  I'm missing family and friends who are no longer here.  While my heart is filled with Christmas spirit, the day does bring up all kinds of memories and feelings.

Where I've been:  I worked Monday through Thursday. Tuesday we were able to go to the Light show at Cedarhurst since the weather wasn't too bad.  Friday, we spent the day inside to avoid the brutal cold front and Christmas Eve we went out to breakfast.  It was actually very good which isn't always the case.

Where I'm going:  We both have the week off so the options are limitless.  Tomorrow we are doing a bit of grocery shopping.  Wednesday, we have a reservation at Firefly.  Other than that, we're going to take the week day by day.

What I'm watching:  I watched a LOT of Christmas movies this week.  If you have Netflix be sure to check out Love Hard.  It was a really cute movie and we both enjoyed it.

What I'm reading:  Not much.  I hope to have more time to read over the next few months.

What I'm listening to:  Right now, it's very quiet since I'm the only one up.  Binx is even still snuggled in bed.

What I'm eating:  
Chicken stir fry, veggies and rice
Beef sausage with onion and pepper and roasted cauliflower
Chili with jalapeno poppers
Poached eggs with toast
Moroccan lamb meat balls, rice and naan
Lasagna, salad and garlic knots
Today were having bone in turkey breast, ham and tons of sides

Who needs a good slap:  Skipping again for the holidays.  Next week I'll be bringing the slaps back.

What I'm planning:  I'll spend some time this week setting up my new notebook for the year with all of my lists and intentions for the year.

What's making me smile:  We rarely have snow on Christmas here so looking out and seeing the snow brings a smile to my face.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day no matter how you choose to spend it.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. I wish you a happy Christmas and into the new year ! xoxo

  2. When the kids were little I always enjoyed getting up before them on Christmas morning and enjoying a bit of peace before the chaos began. It didn't happen very many mornings.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy your week off.

    1. I love getting up and enjoying the quiet. You're right, it doesn't happen very often. Thank you. I feel very blessed to have this time off.

  3. I hope you had a Merry Christmas- it sounds like you would. We'll be off this week too, but I've got some checking in to do. But not today!

    1. Yes, December was a good month. I'm glad you're off for the most part this week.

  4. It sounds like you had a good Christmas. I hope the coming New Year is a good one for you, too.

    1. Emotions crept in a time or two but for the most part it was good. May 2023 be a better year for all! Have a great week my friend.

  5. We are missing loved ones that are no longer here as well. It’s a bittersweet season, isn’t it?

    1. Yes Bijoux it is! I can be so happy one moment and then a memory or thought pops up and I'm sad.
