
Monday, July 3, 2023

My Weekly W's

I have a four-day weekend so I'm all off my routine.  I meant to post my IMK post on Saturday and do my regular Weekly W's on Sunday but I got sidetracked.

What's top of my mind:  We had a really bad thunderstorm go through on Friday evening.  I'm thankful that we had no damage and never lost power but everyone wasn't as lucky.  A lot of tree damage, home damage and an old historic covered bridge was destroyed.  I saw on the news this morning that 400 people are still without power today and I know how difficult that is anytime but especially in this heat.

Where I've been:  Work, library, farmers market, Cracker Barrel for breakfast on Saturday with the big guy and the pet store.  

Where I'm going:  I'll be back to work on Wednesday, and I have a couple more books to pick up at the library.  Saturday we're taking a day trip which I'm looking forward to.

What I'm watching:  I watched this season of Guys All American Road Trip.  They visited a lot of places in Tennesse that looked interesting.  I would love to visit the Lodge store in Pigeon Forge even though I really do not need anything I could see myself going overboard there.  They also went to Warden's Table in Petro's Tennesse that looked awesome.  It is an old prison that was used from the 1800's until 2009 and now has been turned into a restaurant, gift shop, tours and a distillery.  It looked really interesting.  They even have one of the former prisoners doing the tours and he joked that he never thought he'd have the cell key in his pocket.  

What I'm reading:  12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Petterson.  It's been on my list for awhile and so far I'm finding it very enlightening.  

What I'm eating:  
BIG salad
Hot turkey and cheese sandwich with oven fries
BBQ chicken, smashed potatoes, salad
Pizza and salad
Beef and cheese taquitos and rice
Cheeseburger eggrolls and zucchini fries

Who needs a good slap:  Our local pet store.  I stopped in on Wednesday to get Binx food and they only had two cans.  I asked when they would have more and was told the truck would be in Thursday.  I went back on Saturday and was told they still haven't unloaded the truck.  How many days does it take to unload a truck?  Binx has about two weeks of food but I don't like getting too low for this very reason.  Hopefully today they have it done.

What's making me smile:  

I hope everyone in the US has a wonderful 4th of July and stays safe and cool.  Have a great week!!


  1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I wonder if the pet store doesn’t have enough staff? I know that one of the grocers I go to has merchandise that sits in the back for long periods of time.I’ve asked them to go get me items that are not on the shelves.

    I’d like a chart for pizza now!

    1. I just went again and still not stocked. I'm ordering from Chewy's. lol A lot of places are still short staff so I'm sure that is it. A pizza chart is a great idea! Enjoy the weekend.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful long weekend!
    I understand your frustration with the pet store. That is the same reason I keep a well stocked (OK overstocked) pantry. It seems difficult for all stores to maintain simple stocking and I do not like being caught shorthanded.

    1. Thank you Anne. I hope you do too. I just stopped there again and still not stocked so I guess I'll be ordering from Chewy's. I keep a stocked pantry too because it's frustrating to go from store to store searching for items. I'm the same as you and do not like being caught shorthanded. Especially on cat food. That could get ugly!

  3. Enjoy the day trip. All your meals sound yum.

  4. I'm sorry about the storm damage, and I hope that power will soon be restored. It is too hot to be without a/c. During covid, I had trouble finding cat food, but I haven't had too much trouble lately. Thanks for the reminder to stock extra. My cats smack my legs when they are hungry, and they wouldn't appreciate only eating dry food :)
    I'll have to see if I can watch the Road trip. We go to the Smokies every year, and that prison restaurant sounds so interesting. I love checking out the Lodge store and the kitchen stores in Pigeon Forge.
    Have a great 4th of July!

    1. I did hear on the news yesterday that most everyone has power again locally. It was so hot, I'm sure they're thrilled. It was a good series with them visiting a lot of cool places in KY and TN. The place is a must see for me. I hit pause and called the big guy in to watch and told him we are going here very soon. lol Happy 4th to you too!

  5. We had a humdinger of a storm here last week too, although only my big BBQ got "relocated". Happy 4th Lori!

    1. That's funny, our grill was blown a good foot or two also. Wishing you a great week!!

  6. How is it possible to get a truck in on Thursday and still not have it unloaded on Saturday? Our truck comes, it gets unloaded and then the driver goes on to his next stop.
    Hope you have a great 4th

    1. I have no idea either but it still wasn't out when I went on Monday and again was told the truck hadn't been unloaded. I'm thinking it's been unloaded into the back but they just haven't gotten it all out onto the shelves. Wishing you a great 4th too.

  7. I love this post because one, TG and I have a long-standing joke about going to the store and not being able to find something, and asking a worker, only to be told that the truck will be in on Tuesday. Also WOW the Warden's Table ... that''s the old Brushy Mountain State Prison and I have been wanting to go there like forEVER! I am determined now to get Andrew and Brittany to go with us there in the fall, as they live in East Tennessee. Baby Guy will be a few months old by then and it will be a good day trip. Also ANY book by the great Jordan Peterson is going to be enlightening! We are big fans of his in this house. Happy Fourth of July Lori, and I can't wait to hear about your Saturday trip! xoxo

    1. Vising the Warden's Table is on our list of musts too. Tennesse is pretty close to us. Such a fascinating history. I love that they were able to employ a lot of people because from what I've heard, most of the town worked at the prison and were left without jobs when it closed and with the distillery, tours, restaurant, etc. it provides a lot of jobs. The food looked pretty good too. lol

  8. I hope you're enjoying the holiday. Tacos are definitely delightful when you spread a thin layer of guacamole inside the shells before loading them up.

    1. Guacamole is a MUST, I love avocados. I'm hoping to grill chicken kabobs today but it's looking like more rain so it may turn into fried chicken instead. I love the air fryer setting on my Ninja. I hope you have a great day!!

  9. I am not a fan of Mr. Peterson based on some things I've heard about him, but I have not read his works. Speaking of reading I hope your library doesn't have stinkers wanting things their way or else.

    1. I hadn't heard of him until I read While Time Remains and she mentioned this book so I picked it up. I'm only on chapter two so too early for me to have an opinion of him. Illinois passed a law that our public schools and libraries cannot ban any books which is something I'm highly against.

  10. Glad you got to have a nice long weekend. Storms sure can be scary.
    I truly enjoy watching all the Guy shows. He is very entertaining.
    Our pet shop did that to me a while back. I stopped to see an item was out - they said truck will be here tomorrow. I waited an extra day and went in - there were 3 skids of products throughout the store - and then they said it would days and days to know what was in it and to put on shelves! Really? Hire some help!!!! Grrrrr
    Your meals sounds just delish. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Cheryl. It was nice having a 4 day weekend. I could easily get used to that. I love Guy too. Isn't it frustrating that they can't seem to get things done? They're loosing money and don't seem to care. In one week I ended up going 3 times and still not done. Wishing you a great week as well.

  11. The recent storms have been crazy. I live in the south and there have been moments these past few weeks that the storms have been intense. I am sorry to read about the destruction from these storms in your town.
    It's fabulous to have a few extra days off. I hope you enjoyed it.


    1. I have a lot of friends still in the South and I've heard things have been rougher than the usual storms this time of year. A four day weekend is always a welcome change. I did enjoy, thank you. Thank you for stopping by.

  12. We have been having lots of thunderstorms too. On July 4 we celebrated at my sister in law's about an hour from here. 5 minutes after we left her house to return home, the sky opened up and in 10 minutes police started closing roads that were flash flooding. we had to turn back .. It was very scary. I want to watch the American Road Trip- thanks for the reminder! Have a good week!

    1. It seems like everyone is having severe weather. I enjoyed this season of American Road Trip and I'm sure you will too. Wishing you a good week also.

  13. We had quite a severe thunderstorm last week that uprooted a few trees around here. I hope your pet store has the cat food for Binx by now.

    1. I think everyone has been getting stronger than normal storms. It's scary. I stopped at the pet store yesterday and they did finally have it out. I bought a case so I don't have to worry about it for three or four months. lol

  14. Happy 4th of July Lori!! We've been having thunderstorms here as well, but thankfully not as severe as you are. I hope they got power back. Being without AC in this heat would be unbearable! (at least for me : ). That's crazy about the pet store!! Hopefully the shelves are stocked by now. Have fun on your day trip Saturday!

    1. Thanks Danielle! Glad your storms have been milder. Our last year in SW Florida hurricane Charlie knocked out our power for 8 days and it was miserable. Shelves were stocked finally. Our day trip was moved to next Saturday because we woke up to more storms this morning. Enjoy your weekend!
