
Sunday, July 16, 2023

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Time.  Today is the big guy's Birthday and I realized we have celebrated the last 38 years together.  Looking back, that seems to have been a lifetime ago, which I guess in a way it is.  I'm always feeling like time flies by and in a way it does but when you really look back over all the years you realize how much life you've had.  For that, I am thankful.  And today we'll celebrate him!

Where I've been:  Yesterday we took a road trip and did a bit of shopping and had a wonderful lunch to start the birthday celebration.  It was nice to get out and see Summer in all her glory.  All of the farms and fields look so lush.  We've had a bit of rain the last couple of weeks, and everything is so green.

Where I'm going:  So far the only plans are, Tuesday taking Binx to his yearly wellness check.  I have to work all week.  Saturday I'm going to do a grocery stock up.  We will see what else pops up this week.

What I'm watching:  I watched the first episodes of BBQ Brawl with Bobby Flay and BBQ USA.  BBQ USA is my favorite.  This episode was at the American Royal competition in Kansas City. I'm looking forward to watching where else they go.

What I'm reading:  I finished Ikigai and while it was mostly familiar advice and information, I did enjoy reading it.  I also started Ruth Reichl's My Kitchen Year.  

What I'm eating:  
BIG salad with cheese, cilantro roll ups
LO chili from the freezer with Frito's, cheese and sour cream.  YUM!
Chicken, mashed potatoes and salad
LO sloppy joes with zucchini fries
Lamb burgers with sweet potato fries
BIG salad

Tonight, the big guy has requested chicken wings, baked potato and salad.  I'm hoping the weather cooperates so I can grill. I'm not a wing fan so I'll grill a steak for myself. 

Who needs a good slap:  There is a local woman who calls herself an 'independent journalist' and she has a FB page where she writes about everything going on in the area.  Unfortunately she is biased and always adds more fuel to every fire she comes across.  People like her are dangerous. I give her 4 good slaps.

What is making me smile:  Friday I received a random text from a friend just wanting to let me know they were thinking of me.  That brought a smile.  Celebrating the big guy brings a smile and Binx makes me smile every day.

Stay safe and cool this week.  For most of us, Summer is here.  Enjoy your Sunday!!


  1. Happy birthday to the big guy!!!!!! Hope he has a wonderful day. ENJOY each of those days you get together! Time sure does fly by in a hurry.
    Your meals sound yummy! Have a great week.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. He did enjoy the weekend. I do appreciate every day because it does fly by and nothing is promised. Wishing you a great week as well.

  2. anne in the kitchenJuly 16, 2023 at 9:30 AM

    Happy birthday to your Big Guy.
    Your meals sound so good. I think I have read everything Ruth Reichl has written. I love how she writes interweaving stories with her food adventures.
    I even bought The Gourmet Cookbook just because she edited it.

    1. Thank you Anne. He did have a good weekend. This is the first book of hers that I've read even though I've read about her quite a bit. I am enjoying the way she writes.

  3. I think that’s the only Ruth Reichl book I’ve read. Our Big Salad Sunday meal tonight was a Chinese Chicken Salad. Happy Birthday to the Big Guy! Isn’t it shocking to think about how many birthdays you’ve spent together?

    1. I think it's the only one I've read too. I've read about her in others books though. I love Big Salads and a Chinese Chicken Salad sounds delicious. It is shocking when I look back at how many years I have behind me.

  4. It's amazing when we realize the time that has gone by! Hope you enjoyed celebrating the "big guys" birthday! The cake looks good! I've been reading the same book for a month and haven't been able to get through it. I am hooked on " Suits" on Netflix!! Watching it way too much.. it's 8 seasons.

    1. Thank you Judee. Yes, when I look back I feel like that was a lifetime ago. I have heard about Suits and I want to watch but I'm afraid I'll get hooked and not get anything done.

  5. Some so-called journalists are so biased they are basically just shit-stirrers aren't they! And happy birthday big guy. Enjoy those chicken wings!

    1. I don't care for shit-stirrers at all. That is the last thing anyone needs. He did enjoy the wings.

  6. Your list of what you're eating always makes me hungry.
    I remember a time when any news you heard on TV was just the facts. No opinions of the reporter or the station just the facts on what was going on. Now I can't even believe half of what is reported.

    1. Thanks Ann. Yes, I grew up listening to news as just the facts. You never heard what party the reporter supported or their opinions, just the true facts. It is sad. I don't watch or read much news because of that anymore either.

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday to the Big Guy! Have a great day celebrating him. I read this quote once and it stuck with me: Time stays; we go. Yes we do so let's live while we're living. As for the "journalist" ... anyone who does nothing but sow discord is not worth even thinking about. Loser move. xoxo

    1. Thank you Jenny! I think he had a nice weekend of celebrations and being spoiled a bit. Yes that quote sums it up doesn't it? One reason I try very hard to remember to celebrate each and every day.

  8. Hope your Big guy had a wonderful birthday! Love the Binx picture; he is adorable. Cats sure keep life interesting. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thank you. I think he had a good weekend. Binx is a joy. He's one of a kind for sure. Wishing you a great week also!!

  9. happy birthday to your hubby - well, I assume it's your hubby :) And congrats on 38 years. I really enjoyed Ruth Reichl's book, in fact I love all her books.

    1. Thank you. Yes, the big guy is my hubby. I am really enjoying her book and will definitely read others.

  10. Happy Birthday to your man!!! The cake looks delicious! And I would love to have lunch with you. That salad looks delicious!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. It is a really good cake recipe. It's now our go to for special occasions. I would love to have lunch with you too. Wish we were closer. Have a good week.

  11. Happy birthday to your big guy! The cake looks wonderful! Random texts from friends are the best. We don't realize how much we need them until we get one : ) Have a lovely week my friend!

    1. Thank you. Yes random texts are nice to get. I hope your week is going well. It's almost the weekend!!

  12. I hope The Big Guy had a great birthday!!!

    I once knew an 'independent journalist' a long time ago. She was nothing but trouble, and not in a good way. I don't remember her name, but I wouldn't doubt she's either got sued by someone or is part of QAnon right now.

    1. Thank you, I think he did have a good weekend. This woman is crazy. I can't believe she hasn't been sued yet too.

  13. Tell the big guy may the next twelve months be marvelous ones!
    Oh he is a Cancer! Just remember Cancer men are giant black holes of endless emotional needs. Just give them something to eat and something to drink and put your arms around them and say honey everything will be OK.

    1. I will tell him. It's a good thing I enjoy cooking, baking and hugs.

  14. Happy Belated Birthday to the big guy. I'm sure he had a great day :) You guys bake the most beautiful cakes! I'm now craving chocolate

    1. Thank you. I think he enjoyed the weekend. I'm so glad I stumbled on this chocolate cake is THE best.
