
Sunday, July 30, 2023

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  How thankful I am to live in a community with so much local food. I love knowing where my food comes from and supporting local families.  Last night when I made a Big Salad for dinner I realized every single thing in the salad was grown by me or from a local farmer.  Another example is this milk.  I don't drink milk often and when I do I prefer chocolate.  This farm has the BEST milk I have ever tasted.

Where I've been:  I have spent the last three days at home with the big guy and Binx and I have enjoyed every single minute of it.

Where I'm going:  No solid plans yet other than work.  

What I'm watching:  The storms.  Yesterday we had three pretty bad storms.  One at 5am that woke me with the thunder.  One at 7am that brought a bit of hail and more wind and rain.  Then another rolled in around 7pm that had really strong winds.  We needed the rain though and things are a nice shade of green again.  

What I'm reading:  I finished Between You and Me by Susan Wiggs. "Deep within the peaceful heart of Amish country, a life-or-death emergency shatters a quiet world to its core.  A riveting story that challenges our deepest-held beliefs.  How far would you go to keep a secret?"  I really enjoy her books.

What I'm eating:  My goal was to eat up the few extras that have been put in the freezer over the past month and I succeeded besides the four cheeseburger egg rolls, but we can eat those one day for lunches.
LO pasta sauce, pasta, salad and garlic bread
LO Moroccan lamb meatballs, rosemary roasted potatoes and Naan

BIG salad
Bison burger and zucchini fries
BBQ chicken, tomato and basil salad

Who needs a good slap:  I'm drawing a blank again this week. I guess that's not a bad thing.

What's making me smile:  I spent a good part of yesterday going through and cleaning every single kitchen cabinet, drawer and pantry along with the linen closet.  Having them all clean and organized makes me smile. 

Wishing everyone a good week!  


  1. Thanks for the smile. Just the idea of you staying home with hubby and kitty for 3 days made me smile. All the local goods are wonderful and your meals sound so tasty. Have a great one.

    1. It made me smile too Cheryl. I just love being home. I think that's one reason why winter is my favorite season. No one questions you hibernating so much. lol

  2. A good weekend at home is a great way to pass the time. I'm glad you had a great week and I hope the next one is just as good.

  3. I love a good clean out. We had a chef salad tonight with tomatoes and cucumbers from our own garden.

    1. Me too Bijoux! Salads and fresh veggies are so satisfying this time of year. And it feels so good to eat what you've grown.

  4. We're spoilt for choice for food in the summer too. The winter not so much, but then I could probably live on tartiflette every day anyway!

    1. I love the fresh food in the summer but a good tartiflette is not something I could pass up either.

  5. I've been trying to work on getting leftovers back in the I like to have things in there that I can pull out for a quick meal instead of having to cook.

  6. I wish I could find a local dairy. We rarely have milk on hand but on occasion I do like a glass of milk and the kid in me would love chocolate milk.
    I love the after effects of a good clean out, but I hate doing the actual cleaning! I tend to take the protracted route like I am currently doing by cleaning just one cabinet a day. I have a lot of cabinets so this is going to take a while.

  7. That's wonderful about the food all being locally grown.
    I also love a variety of food you cook.. very wordly of you.

    1. We really do have a huge variety of food that is locally raised and produced and I'm very thankful. Thank you. I do love variety.

  8. Lori I thoroughly cleaned and organized what is probably my biggest set of storage cupboards and WOW that was a long day, but what a treat to hav eit done. I love opening those doors now, hahaa! To look for a pan, or a bowl, or a storage container. Everything is just right there at my fingertips. That chocolate milk made me drool, hahaha! Isn't it wonderful just to be at home, for days on end, with those you love? That's heaven on earth for me. xoxo

    1. It was a lot of work for me too and I really couldn't believe how much I accomplished in one day when I was all finished. I confess to opening the doors a few times and admiring how good everything looked. I don't drink milk often but man is it really good. Yes, being home is heaven on earth for me also. Have a great week my friend.

  9. Hi Lori! I really need to do the freezer clean out. I need to stop buying food to jam in there, and start eating what keeps getting shoved in the back! Last night Flynn was hungry for something sweet, and we dug around and found a Pepperidge Farm Cake!

    1. Hi Billie Jo! Things do get shoved around don't they? Good that you found the cake and took care of her sweet craving.

  10. I too love the idea of locally grown - We have lots of farms and farmer's markets and I try to buy all my produce in the summer from them. I only grow herbs, but I enjoy them too. The storms here in Philadelphia area have been intense and frequent as well. It wouldn't hurt me to clean my closets and pantry- thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hi Judee. We are blessed to have so many local products in our area. I didn't grow as much as I usually do this year so I've been hitting up our farmers market too. I LOVE herbs. That is one thing I always grow. Wish you were closer, I have way too much Thai basil that I'm dehydrating now. lol The cleaning is a necessary evil as much as I try to put it off.

  11. Of course I wouldn't like hail, but other than that, I do love a good thunderstorm.

    1. Good thunderstorms are nice, especially when you're home. The hail was very small so harmless.

  12. I love that everything came from you and/or local. That's a meal for sure that I'd be swinging my feet at the table eating.

    Thank you for the kind words about Miss Wiggy. She's having a real good day today, so that's nice. Sorry to read that you've been there many times. This is my first start to finish dog.

    Heartbreaking so even as I type that, I'm thankful for all the great times we had with her and that she picked us.

  13. Eating fresh/local is the best thing about summer to me. I'm glad to hear Miss Wiggy is having a good day. Enjoy them and cherish the memories. It is hard to loose a fur friend. They are family.

  14. I must have missed this one.
    I seldom buy beef any more but get bison burgers. Love them so.

    1. Bison and lamb burgers are our favorites. And healthier.
