Friday, June 7, 2024

I knew it would eventually happen...

I was standing outside yesterday talking to a co worker in the parking lot for a while.  I felt like something flew on me but then thought it was probably just my hair.  She checked my back and there was nothing so we continued to talk but I just couldn't get over the idea that something was on me. 

 I had on a collared sleeveless blouse and a light summer quarter length sweater.  I sat my purse down and took off my sweater and asked her to check my blouse.  She went to pinch the top of the blouse to shake it and grabbed what I was worried about to begin with.  YES, it was a cicada!! 

 I know this is a very minimal issue in the grand scheme of things but still, it totally grossed me out that that creature had been in my blouse for probably 30 minutes. Seriously, I can't be the only one freaked out by these little monsters. I will be so glad when they are gone.

Happy Friday!!


  1. Oh wow! They're harmless, right? I know nothing of these things.

    1. They do not bite or sting but they are big, ugly and disgusting.

  2. They are so disgusting! We had to keep sweeping our deck last time it happened here because the shells and dead locusts were all over the place. I’ll never forget our first round of it in 1999 and our oldest daughter was afraid to walk home from the bus stop!

    1. Bijoux I will be SO happy when this is over. I noticed here that the birds swoop them up as fast as they die so I haven't really had to clean many up. But the piles of dead ones under some trees really stinks. They are disgusting.

  3. Oh dear! I love cicadas. I don't understand why because i despise bugs! Make it make sense! But I love them. I do not necessarily want one in my clothes though, hahahaa!

    1. I love the 'normal' variety that we get in July that stay in the trees and sing the song of summer but this variety have invaded us and spend all day flying into people and hanging out in our clothes. :)

  4. I think I got the creepy crawlies just reading about it.

    1. Ann, I had the creepy crawlies for the rest of the day.

  5. I would have been freaked out too!!!! A funny story, my ex-husband was in the Marine Corps on Embassy duty and was posted to Alexandria, Egypt. He had just come off duty and was still dressed in his dress blues, but went into the kitchen to make coffee, when a cockroach shot up the leg of his trousers!!! He said you'd never seen a Marine undress down to his underpants so quickly!

    1. That is a funny story. It's amazing how fast we can move when some nasty creature is crawling on us.

  6. Oh my goodness! I think I would have passed out!!!!! Bless your heart!!!!
