Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Everyone knows that Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons, that doesn't mean I don't love a lot that Spring and Summer have to offer. The sunflowers are all starting to bloom here, and they are gorgeous. Sunflowers have always been a favorite of mine. 

Where I've been:  I went to the library to find something light to read this week.  I need to get a photo or two, it really is cute and cozy.  I also stopped at the Farmer's Market for a few things.  This is probably the last week for local blueberries.  I have been freezing them for a couple of weeks and I hope I have enough put up for a while.  

Where I'm going:  There are no appointments, commitments or anywhere I need to be so other than work my time is open.  I love weeks like this.  I'm thinking maybe a day trip on Saturday would do us both some good.

What I'm watching:  Friday afternoon we watched The Holdovers and we both really enjoyed it.  I love Paul Giamatti and he was wonderful in this role.  We caught up on Master Chef generations and Chio House.  It isn't one of my favorites, but TBG enjoys it.

What I'm reading:  I started Hissy Fit by Mary Kay Andrews.  I figured some good southern lit was a good choice for a summer read.  I've read a lot of her books in the past and enjoyed them.

What I'm listening to: Last year I found this toy for Binx.  It has a laser that swirls around, and he loves chasing after it.  For 10.4 pounds that little cat makes a LOT of noise but I love seeing him playing.

What I'm eating:
Fried chicken sandwich with a salad.
Beef sausage with green peppers and onions and cucumber, tomato and red onion 'salad'.
Spicy chicken and rice with a cheese roll up
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and sliced tomatoes
BIG salad
LO meatloaf, cheese and mashed potato 'pancakes' and a salad
Tonight, I'm making lambchops.  I'm not sure about the sides yet.  I'm craving coleslaw so that will be on the menu soon.

What made me smile:  We went to a fund raiser yesterday for the dance school that TBG shares a building with.  I love being around the younger generation because I always learn something.  I had never heard of a brookie.  It's a cookie base with a brownie cooked on top.  

You just put a heaping tablespoon of cookie batter in a muffin tin, add a heaping tablespoon of brownie batter and bake.  They really are pretty tasty.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.  Stay cool if you're in this heat wave.  I have curly hair and I saw a meme that said check on your curly haired friends, they're walking around like alpacas, and I really felt that.  


  1. That brookie looks delicious! I'd have one but I may need to keep my weight down for another reason. I'll tell all in the coming days.

    I also hope TBG is doing better after all he's been through. Have a great week!

    1. I've been thinking of you. You're going through a lot right now and I know how stressful it all is. TBG is doing well and I'm so relieved. He's back to looking and acting like himself and I couldn't be happier. Thank you for asking.

  2. My sunflowers are so pretty now. They just make you smile, don't they?
    Sounds like a good week. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Yes the sunflowers just make you smile. Other than heat and humidity, it was a good week.

  3. Your writing style is very enjoyable to read! It flows smoothly and captures the essence of your experiences and thoughts effortlessly

  4. I've always loved sunflowers too.
    That brookie looks delicious.

    1. Have you heard of a brookie? I hadn't. Sunflowers just make you smile.

  5. Two of my granddaughters have very curly hair and I’m always shocked when I see them on humid days🤣. Sunflowers are so pretty. The seeds are always eaten here before they can even sprout.

    1. The struggle is very real Bijoux. It's probably squirrels digging up the seeds. They are my nemesis every year. This year I stopped feeding the birds around March to keep them from coming in our yard and it seems to have worked.

  6. Hello! You and I would be best of friends! We could visit inside on our weeks without appointments, drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes and waiting for snow!

    1. Did you say pumpkin spice lattes and snow??? Count me in! ♥

  7. I love the idea of beef sausage in a salad! I love all the seasons, although winter, where I live, overstays its welcome.

    1. I get that. Our winters aren't that long.

  8. Your sunflowers are beautiful Lori! It's been terribly hot here too. We are finally getting a bit of relief this week which has been nice! That brookie looks yummy! I'll have to try that! Have a great week, my friend! : )

    1. Thank you Danielle. I hadn't heard of a brookie before and it was pretty tasty.

  9. TG and I had lunch at East Bay Deli on Sunday after church. When we'd finished our big salads -- he also had a burger -- we were craving a sweet so we went back through the line and checked out the giant cookies. I pointed to the brookies and TG said WHAT is a brookie, hahaha! He opted for a big chocolate chip cookie though. I hope you do get a day trip, but stay cool! We are broiling down here and the Lord knows we need some rain. xoxo

    1. This was the first I've heard of brookies. It is hot and humid here too. We had rain one day last week but we really could use some. I always loved the heat and being outside even in SW Florida but I just can't take it anymore. I prefer to be cool. Have a great week.

  10. Brookies have been around for a bit. What I do want to try are those standing up circular croissants that have a filling.. I think they are called supreme croissants.

    1. I missed them somehow. I have heard of and seen the circular croissants. I would love to try one of those.

  11. Brookies are totally new to me -but they sound fabulous! We sawThe Holdovers in the movies a while ago and really liked it. I think that sunflowers are absolutely beautiful and so grand!! My CSA farm used to grow them and I would get some every week. (I don't belong anymore).

    1. They were new to me as well. Yes, The Holdovers was a good movie. Sunflowers are just such happy flowers, they make me smile. I hope you're enjoying being home for the summer.
