Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  Electricity. It's that time of year when we are bombarded with reminders on the news and in articles to conserve electricity because of the burden on the power grid.  We got a flyer this week telling us to keep curtains pulled during the day, keep the thermostat set on a higher temperature and turn off lights, etc.  These are all things that we do.  The problem I have is why is our government and many others, promoting electric cars??  If our power grid can't handle the heat in summer with everyone's thermostat set at 76 why are we being led to believe electric cars are the responsible thing to buy??  

Where I've been:  I had Wednesday off so TBG and I took the opportunity to have lunch at Knuckleheads.  It was delicious and such a treat to be able to spend a midweek day together.  After that we went to the mall to walk around and get a bit of exercise since it was so hot out.  Other than that, I was at home or work.

Where I'm going:  I need to make another hair appointment since I cancelled the one I had last week.  My hair desperately needs it but I knew by Thursday that there was no way I was going to feel like going Friday at 6pm.  I know myself well enough I'm not sure why I agreed to that in the first place.  I also want to make a trip to the farmers market and the library this week.

What I'm watching:  Now that the dreaded two broods of cicadas have died, I'm able to sit out on the back patio more watching the birds and neighborhood critters run around enjoying the sunshine.  

What I'm reading:  I finished The Women and loved it.  Tomorrow I'm going to the library to find a couple other books to read.  I'm looking for a few light summer reads.

What I'm eating:
Mediterranean spiced chicken, the first zucchini fries for the summer and sliced tomato
Meatball subs and potato 'fries'
Chicken fajita and rice
TBG has shrimp and grits with a small side salad and I had a big salad
Lamb burgers with side salad
Fried chicken and a salad
Tonight I am making beef empanadas

What made me go hmmm?  This is in our Kroger parking lot.  The containers have been there for a couple of weeks.  There are no labels or numbers or anything on the outside of the 15 containers.  Then Friday I saw eight of these.  Same exact color as the containers. ???  

What is making me smile:  We went to a baby shower yesterday and the theme was bees.  It was so cute with little bees and beehives decorating the tables and walls.  

I thought this was a cute idea that came with the invitation.  Books instead of cards.  We got them Oh Baby, The Things you will see by Dr. Suess.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a good week ahead.  Stay cool if you're in the US.  It's supposed to be a hot week.


  1. How nice to have a day off in the middle of the week.
    Those cupcakes are so cute and I like the idea of the books.

    1. It was awesome having Wednesday off. I think when I take an extra day I will take them instead of a Friday or Monday. It really broke the week up nicely. The cupcakes were so cute and they were delicious. I liked the idea too. She received a lot of really good books for the baby.

  2. I always wonder the same thing about electric cars and the grid in summer and winter!
    So happy the cicadas are gone.
    I think I might be saying "hmmmm" as well on the containers! Let us know if you find out.

    1. It just doesn't make sense to me about the electric grid to promote electric cars. I am SO glad they are gone.

  3. Good question about electric cars!!! Let’s hope our power doesn’t go off this week with the temps at 95 degrees. Ugh! I’m getting my haircut tomorrow just in the nick of time for this weather. I love the bee theme. We did the book thing for my oldest daughter’s shower. She got some good ones. I just started a great summer read . . the latest Elin Hilderbrand called Swan Song. I love her books so much.

    1. We have the same weather as you predicted for the next few weeks. I'm making a hair appointment today because it's past time. The bee theme was so cute. I'll have to look at my reading list, that author sounds familiar.

  4. I have never been to a baby shower
    I travel to Chicago this week I was hoping to hear the cicadas but I sense I have missed them.

    1. They used to be just for the women but now they are for the guys too. You'll probably still here the typical summer cicadas, just not the two broods that immerged earlier. Be glad, they were horrible.

  5. I made a crack about Governor "Buy electric cars but don't recharge them between 4pm and 9pm" Newsom this afternoon for that very reason. Then I saw a Cybertruck and promptly wondered why people spend six figures on a truck that can't tow anything.

    Those Hummers definitely got my attention. Mercenary group?

    1. I don't understand preaching about the electric grid being vulnerable and then at the same time saying buy electric cars. It's crazy. The shipping containers had my attention but then I saw these. I don't know what to think.

  6. As soon as you mentioned electricity my first thought was "why the hell are they pushing electric vehicles when the grid can't cope now"? I think I'll hold off!

  7. Making empanadas? Do you make your own pastry? Sounds delicious.

    1. Yes I do Sherry. When we lived in Florida a friend of mine originally from Puerto Rico introduced me to them and showed me how to make them. It's been a love affair ever since.

  8. I know this electric car thing has me wondering???? We live so far away in these large western states.

    1. Yes, they are not good for someone that has to travel such long distances.

  9. Awwwww, the bee theme for the shower is just darling! So clever. I have a new yellow mug with bees and I love it. Those beige containers are CREEPY and seeing matching military vehicles is extra creepy. Sunday before last when TG and I were on our way to church, at least a dozen of those same types of vehicles were stopped on the side of the road and even in one lane, where one of them had just broadsided a car. Not sure how that happened on interstate, but I saw it with my own eyes. We are not bombarded with any messages about conserving electricity and I keep my thermostat on 68 (62 in winter), but you are correct that there is NO WAY any existing electrical grid can support everyone driving an EV. This is typical of the progressive leftist agenda which makes NO SENSE whatsoever and is designed to hurt actual people while "helping" the "environment" which is a bunch of hooey. I could spit nails. xoxo

    1. Her shower was so cute with the bee theme. I loved it. When I first saw the containers with zero markings at all I thought it was odd and wondered what they were there for then to see the military vehicles that were the same exact cover it really creeped me out. I have no idea what is going on and doubt that anyone would tell me the truth. I would like to keep our house a bit cooler in the summer but TBG is always freezing. We do keep it at 65 in the winter. I just don't get how people do not see the mixed messages that we're all getting. There is no way the grid could handle everyone having electric cars. It is all frustrating.

  10. You make a really good point about electric cars. They don't make sense to me either. A friend in Florida has one that supposed to give her 250 miles but when she uses her air (which is all the time in Florida) she only gets 160 miles! I read The Women and loved it. Yes we are expecting a heat wave starting tomorrow with temps up to 98 degrees!

    1. Oh wow, I didn't know you would get less miles if you used the air but yes, that does make sense. I just don't think they are practical. The Women was another awesome book from her. I also loved it. We're in the middle of a heat wave too. Stay cool!!

  11. That is a really interesting comment about electric cars and the power grid!

    1. It confuses me when I hear so many promoting electric cars but at the same time I hear how the entire power grid is in danger and cannot support heating and cooling of everyone's homes.

  12. Hello! Steve is just as perplexed about the entire electric car fiasco! Actually, he is frustrated and angry. He and his family owned several car dealerships for years and years. Steve retired just last year, and although he is sad, he is thankful he got out just in time. The entire thing is ridiculous! Not to mention the car manufactures are requiring dealers to put a certain number of charging stations at each dealership. All dealerships the same number! We live in a very rural community, and compared to larger cities, have substantially less need. Also, why aren't they concerned about installing gas pumps at the dealerships?!? Ok. I will stop! lol

    1. Hi Billie Jo. The whole thing with electric cars is just completely mind boggling to me. We're told to conserve energy because the grid is in danger but let's all get an electric car and plug them in?? I just don't get it at all. We have the chargers at the hospital that I work at and I have heard people ask why are you paying to charge peoples cars but you don't pay us to fill our tanks. It's just crazy.
