Sunday, June 9, 2024

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  My garden or should I say the lack of a normal garden.  Because of everything going on with TBG over the last several months, I didn't plant much of anything besides herbs and it feels strange after so many years not to have a true garden to take care of, but I am prepared to plant a fall garden when the time comes so there is that to look forward to.  I pulled up all of the garlic that I planted last fall, and it looks really good.  

I have three huge pots of basil because I like to use fresh in the summer and dry it and make pesto for the winter.  That is a must.

Luckily I have a wonderful farmers market nearby to get me through this year.  The two farmers that I buy from grow everything on their farms and do not use pesticides.  Because of all of the government red tape and fees they can't say it's organic, but it is. That first heirloom tomato that we ate yesterday was delicious.  Minus the garlic, this is what I picked up this week.

Where I've been:  Saturday we drove to a town an hour north and had a wonderful lunch.  There was a light rain all the way there, but it turned into a beautiful day.  

Where I'm going:  No plans or appointments this week other than a much-needed haircut on Friday.  I'll make another stop at the farmers market too.  

What I'm reading:  The Women by Kristin Hannah.  I have read all of her books over the years, and they have all been wonderful but the last five or six that she has written have been amazing.  She has a knack for really pulling you into the moment and being able to really see the characters and feel so much.  I'm almost finished with this latest and again, not disappointed at all.

What I'm eating:
Spatch cocked chicken on the grill, coleslaw and baked on the grill potatoes

LO chicken, veggies and mac bowls.  SO good.
Beef bulgogi with rice.
Stir fry chicken, veggies and cucumber, tomato salad
Bison, green pepper, onion and portobella mushroom pizza.
I was still full after a big lunch and TBG ate my left-over fried chicken with a salad.

Who needs a good slap:  Our local news station.  I've noticed over the last two or three years that the long-term people have all left.  Last week they announced they would no longer provide weekend news coverage.  Seriously? I give three slaps because apparently something is going on there that they can't keep enough employees to do even do the news.

What is making me smile:

I made my first batch of fresh salsa of the season. It's so fresh and so delicious it just screams summer.

                                      Culinary Adventures with Lori: Salsa and some good news


  1. That grilled chicken and the salsa looks yummy, and I bet they're wonderful together. I'm about ready to pick up some "street" tortillas after seeing this.

    1. Lucky you. I'd love to live where you can get 'street tortillas'. Have one for me.

  2. Wow on the homemade salsa! My husband has been battling chipmunks in our garden and it looks like we won’t be able to have cucumbers this year😡 It will just be tomatoes and green beans, which is a disappointment. We’ve just had poor luck with any type of zucchini, squash or eggplant the last few years between the slugs and critters. And it’s completely fenced in!

    I’m glad you have a nice market!

    1. I've been making this salsa for probably 30 years. It was from a friend in Florida and we literally ate our weight in it every summer. Our yard is completely fenced in too but we've had our share of loss from all the little critters. It's so frustrating.

  3. Mmmm you always make my mouth water!
    No weekend news - crazy. That must be a bad place to work.

    1. It is crazy! I can't even comprehend how that can happen. It has to be a toxic work environment for it to get this bad.

  4. You're what I'm eating, always makes me hungry. That chicken looks so good.

    1. It was good Ann. I wish I could invite you over for dinner.

  5. Fresh salsa is delicious. We haven't been grilling but should.

    1. We grill a lot. It's just so easy to fire it up and throw on veggies and meat and it tastes SO good.

  6. It's so wet here I don't even know if anything will grow after this. Thank God for farmers' markets!

    1. You're having a crazy start to summer. I'm glad you also have a farmers market. That makes a huge difference.

  7. I am a fan of Kristin Hannah too and recently read "The Women". I understand about the garden-although I've cut mine down to herbs in recent years, I haven't even grown them this year since we just returned from extensive traveling. I miss all my beautiful pots of herbs on my deck but I just returned yesterday! I'll be hitting our farmer's market this Saturday as it's been my replacement in the past few years for my previous real garden.

  8. The Women was another fabulous book from her. I loved it. I miss having a big garden but it is a lot of work and I'm thankful that we have an excellent farmers market very close by. I'm concentrating on a late summer/fall garden and do still have all of my herbs. I'm glad to hear you made it home safely.

  9. oooooh I bet that salsa is good! I love fresh salsa. Your produce haul looks great. And yes you will garden again! The reason no local news is because all anyone does is stare at their phone, hahaha! I fear we have become a nation of zombie-like imbeciles. Imagine ... a day has come when we think it would actually be intelligent to turn on the TV and watch it! Hahahha xoxo

  10. It is a really good salsa. I'm actually eating a bit right now for my lunch. I liked our local news on the weekends to find out what festivals and events are going on, what the weather is, etc. But, I guess I will have to pick up my phone to find out now.
