Thursday, January 20, 2022

Things That Make Me Smile

                                                         Jet makes me smile every day!


  1. Today has been a day where cats took over MS Teams meetings. As I have an allergy, I don't have one, but I do enjoy the sweetness of them.

    1. They can be sweethearts and as he's aged he defiantly is.

  2. Replies
    1. He is and it was so cold last night he was quite the snuggle bug.

  3. Oh my word, what a precious baby. I am a relatively new cat lover. All my life I was all dogs all the time. I'd say, I just don't understand cats. Then, in 2019, my husband found a tiny abandoned kitty that had been left behind when its mother had a litter underneath our deck, then took them all except this tiny black one. I tried to take care of it for three days, but it died. I felt so bad (because I had decided to keep it) that I went to the City of Columbia Animal Shelter and rescued a Tuxedo cat. It took me three or four days (maybe a week) to fall madly in love with her, and now I regret all the years I did not know how wonderful cats are. Now, my rescue dog Rizzo does not love her but they give one another a wide berth, haaahaha! As I type, sitting in my recliner, Rizzo's on my left and Sweetness is curled up on my right. Jet is so beautiful! xoxo

    1. I love both dogs and cats but we have always had a cat or two. We adopted Jet and his litter mate Bruce the day they turned 12 weeks old. Bruce was the loveable one and Jet was only close to Bruce. They were inseparable. Bruce developed type one diabetes when they were three years old and we fought for 10 months to get it under control but couldn't. To say Jet was devastated when Bruce died is an understatement. For over a year he came out of the closet to eat, use the litterbox and then return to the closet. He wanted nothing to do with either of us. Then a year or so later we moved and I was so worried how he was going to handle it but he started to thrive on day one. That has been 10 years now and he has turned into such a loveable social soul.

  4. He is a cutey. Our cat is so fat, mostly from mice, she only eats a little dry food every few days.

    1. He used to be pretty heavy but has lost weight as he gets older.

  5. What a cutie!!!! Love his name too!!! Enjoy the cozy weekend. : )

  6. how can you not smile with a cat like that?
