
Sunday, October 30, 2022

My Weekly W's

What's top of my mind:  I can't believe it is the end of October.  I'm reminding myself to live in the moment because it all goes by too quickly and I don't want to miss a thing.

Where I've been: Monday thru Thursday I worked, and it was brutal.  I'm so glad I had scheduled a three-day weekend because I really needed it.  Friday, we went to Garden of the Gods and spent the day walking and eating a delicious lunch.  It was gorgeous even though the trees do not have as much color as usual because of severe drought in the area.  Saturday, we went shopping in our favorite town about 45 minutes west of us and went to Drakes for lunch so I could cure my club craving.  Both days were wonderful spending time together enjoying the Fall weather.

Where I'm going: I have a hair appointment this week and other than work no solid plans yet.

What I'm watching: This week I watched Bettle Juice again and Cruella for the first time which was pretty good.  I also found a new Netflix series Easy Bake Battle and watched a few episodes that I really enjoyed. It is home cooks competing in different challenges.

What I'm reading: I gave up on The Ten Thousand Doors of January.  It kept skipping around and I just found it frustrating.  I started From Scratch by Tembi Locke and am loving it.  It's brought me to happy and sad tears a few times.  I can't wait to watch the Netflix series.

What I'm listening to: We listened to a lot of 80's music on our road trips this weekend.  Nothing like a blast from the past.

What I'm eating: 

Big Salad

Pancakes and Bacon
Fried chicken sandwich and sweet potato 'fries'
Chili, jalapeno poppers (one for each was enough because the peppers were HUGE) and all the typical chili toppings

Coho salmon, big salad
Crackers, cheeses, pickles, dip (we were still pretty full after our lunch)

Who needs a good slap: Fresh Market Thyme which used to be my favorite grocery store has changed to ALL self-checkout and I didn't realize it until we had completed our shopping.  I am all for the self-checkout for those that want to use it but to have that as the only option is not cool to me.  I had a ton of fresh fruit and veggies which all has to be looked up individually.  A worker came up and I asked her when they went to ALL self-checkout, and she said a couple of weeks ago.  I told her that this could not be customer friendly and that I would not be coming back.  Her reply was a very snippy, condescending SORRRRREEE. I looked at her and said no you're not and you can put everything that doesn't have a barcode up because I'm not doing this.  Now I know why the store was not as crowded as it usually is on a Saturday morning. We won't be going back, and I give that wench 5 slaps.

What I'm planning: I made a huge dent in my Fall cleaning last weekend and will be continuing with that. Exciting, I know.

What's making me smile: The weather has been wonderful and that always makes me smile.

I hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Sunday.  Happy Halloween to all that celebrate!!


  1. Your garden walk sounds well deserved and needed. I'm craving for a hard week.

    1. It was exactly what we needed! It's such a gorgeous area. Craving for a hard week?

  2. All self check out!!!! Ugh...

    Last time (very infrequently) went to dry cleaning store, it was all automated! A guy was there, to show you how to do it. I did it easily but...! I prefer people to interact with. The other branch, which I will go to, if I need dry cleaning again..... Had fun chatting with the gal there. -smile- It made it a more interesting transaction.

    Machines will take over the world!!!!!! As the tin foil hat people say. -grin- And they are more correct than we think, I fear.

    October flees........


    "Hark! The wind is rising,
    And the air is full of leaves.
    We've had our summer evenings.
    Now, for October Eves."

  3. Machines and computers have already taken over so many jobs that used to be filled with people. It's sad to me.
    Love the quote on October Eves. Lovely.

  4. I'm glad you had that three day weekend to destress. I keep tabs on my former employer and every time I see what's reported on Reddit I'm thankful I left when I did.

    I use self checkout myself, but it's only good when you're buying 12 items or less. I'm sorry to see that grocer decided to go that route.

    1. It's just mind boggling what "educated professionals" in the corporate level want to do.
      I use them when I have only a few items also, but I had a cart full of veggies and fruit that I didn't want to look up and weigh.

  5. Hello! What beautiful photos! I am so glad you had some time in that lovely nature. And I agree. It is going so quickly. We have two birthdays in November ~ Madison and Flynn and Thanksgiving, so it seems to fly! And then, December! I am making an effort this year to simplify our Christmas and to be completed, for the most part, by the first of December. We'll see how that goes! Have a good week, my friend.

    1. Hello! The photo's do not do the sight justice. You have a busy November! I started minimizing Christmas a few years ago and it is nice to have the month of December to just enjoy the season. Time goes by so quickly I have to remind myself to focus. Have a great week Billie Jo.

  6. Looks like you caught the fall colors at their peak! Beautiful! Yes, all stores have more and more self check outs but this is the first I've heard of all shelf check outs! I don't think I would like that much either!

    1. Usually it is a bit more vibrant but with draught I'm happy with what we saw. I had never seen ALL self check outs either and wasn't happy.

  7. The lack - the gall - of customer service indeed is a 5 slap in the manners rating scale.

    1. She was such a smart ass, hence the 5 slaps.

  8. So beautiful with the leaves! I think the music from the 1980s was pretty darn good! I listen to an "oldies" station a lot too! We changed the store we shopped at regularly (Wal-Mart) for the very same reason you were frustrated with that store by you. They went to all self check. I don't mind self check for a few items but not a cart full! Now we go to Winco (local store). You have to pack your own groceries but better than doing it all!


    1. Yes, I love the oldies! I can't believe stores are going ALL self check out. It is too frustrating when you have a large shop. Especially looking up and weighing fruits and veggies.

  9. Nothing irritates me more than struggling with self-checkout while employees watch (I believe their sole purpose is to make sure you don’t steal anything). If they are going to pay people to watch, why not have one of them actually cashier?

    1. My thoughts exactly! She was being paid to basically watch me get frustrated.

  10. Your fall scenes are breathtaking. We usually listen to music from the 70's and 60's and I too dislike having to self check out but it seems to be more and more common at all the stores. I haven't been to one that is exclusively self checkout.

    1. This was my first time at one with self check out only and we won't go back.

  11. How rude of that worker. Self check outs are ok if you only have a couple items but if you're buying a lot it's a real pain.

  12. I despise self-check out and I refuse to use it. They tried to do that here at our Albertsons and found out really fast people will not do it. I bet the store goes back when they see sales plummet.

    1. They tried it at our local Kroger and found out it wouldn't fly but I guess this store thinks it will be different.

  13. While in some places like Costco the self checkout is handy but I hate doing self checkout when I am doing groceries. Just like you I have so many fruits and vegetables and it's tiresome having to look everything up. Plus think of all the employees that lost their jobs because of this change.
