
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Soup, Stew and Chili

My love of soup, stew and chili is a relatively new thing.  Growing up I honestly do not remember eating much of the three at all except for an occasional vegetable soup or beef stew and then the next 20 years I spent in SW Florida I really saw no need for any of it except for the occasional pot of chili and the glorious Brunswick Stew that I was introduced to there.

Four or five years ago something changed in me because now when the coolness of Fall rolls in I start thinking about big pots of deliciousness.  One of my self challenges this fall is to cook a pot of soul warming comfort once a week and I will be sharing the recipes.  To know what recipes I've already posted on this blog I went through and was a little surprised I've only shared four.

Are you a fan of the three?  What is your favorite?

Stay safe everyone.


  1. Soups, stews,and chili? Count me in. Anything that's like a hug in a bowl I'll take. Thanks for linking the recipes.

  2. I am a huge fan! Thank you for sharing the recipes. The baked potato soup is calling my name!

  3. I remember that baked potato soup. I keep forgetting I have an Instant Pot gathering dust. Perhaps I should make some homemade chicken noodle soup again soon?

    1. The baked potato soup is good. Dust off that IP and make some soup.

  4. I like all three, probably my favorite would be stews over soups and chilis. We just made a crock pot full of chicken soup that used spaghetti noodles in it. Came out delicious and we had enough for 2 dinners plus my husband froze a whole bunch of little containers for lunch for him. Love meals like that! I like the 4 recipes you shared. I'm definitely going to be making that potato soup soon!


    1. Your chicken soup sounds so good. All of the left overs for future meals are my favorite thing. The cabbage soup was one I didn't think I would like and it is actually delicious.

  5. I love soup this time of year. For the longest time I always thought that it was too hard to make. Once I realized how easy it is it opened a whole new world.

    1. I'm a fan now. It is amazing how easy it is to make isn't it?

    2. I've already made a pot of chili and a pot of chicken tortellini soup. I love making this kind of stuff especially in the slow cooker. So good and so easy!

    3. These are so good and so easy. We've had a pot of chicken chili and traditional beef chili so far this Fall. They hit the spot.

  6. Sharing... Delightful idea...


  7. I’m not a fan of stews, probably because I’m not much of a meat eater, but I do love white chicken chili with a big dollop of Greek yogurt on top.

    1. Stew would be my last option also. White chicken chili is one of my favorites.

  8. There are so many soups and stews out there for you to enjoy! I could live on a good stew, good bread, and maybe some cheese - for an eternity.

    1. There really are SO many varieties. And I agree with the good bread and maybe some cheese. YUM!

  9. Oh thanks for the new recipes! I've been on a soup/stew/chili cooking spree lately. They are usually cheaper and healthier meals which I love.
    It is supposed to be cooler this week, so I may try your cabbage soup as I've never made that one before, and it sounds yummy.
    I made Belinda's(frugal workshop) corn chowder recipe last week, and my family really enjoyed it. Martha's (seaside simplicity) chicken pozole was a hit too, esp with my son, when your kid eats 4 bowls for supper, you know he enjoys it. ;)
    Hope you have a great week!

    1. You're welcome. They are usually cheaper and healthier which makes them even better in my book.
      I've tried Martha's chicken pozole and we loved it. It is in our rotation during this time of year. 4 bowls? Yes, I would say it was a hit.
      Wishing you a great week as well.

  10. I seldom, if ever, eat stew or chili but I do LOVE soup!! Your cabbage soup looks delicious.

    1. The cabbage soup is really good. I didn't think I would like it, but it is one of my favorites.

  11. Hi Lori, I just wanted to thank you for that baked potato soup recipe. I made it yesterday (I eyeballed the measurements though - we don't "do" cups here) and it was delicious. A definite keeper! Gotta try the others now!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! It is one of my favorites. I typically do not measure either but try to when I'm thinking about sharing the recipe.

  12. Hey I remember the Brunswick stew! I liked it.

    1. I'm happy you did. It is one of my favorites.
